How Much Do You Really Want To Know?
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How Much Do You Really Want To Know?

 My name is Eva and I'm sixteen years old.  I live in West Haven, Vermont (I hate it here) with my parents, two brothers and sister

Pets?  I have a dog named Tummy. We also have another dog, Joey , who is really my brothers. .

Music?I like Simon and Garfunkel, Just Paul Simon, Phish, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Smashing Pumpkins, They Might Be Giants, The Beatles, 311, Blessid Union of Souls, Garbage, No Doubt, The Wallflowers, and a whole lot more that I can't think of right now.

In my "free time" I like to play sports with friends, read, draw, listen to music, do whatever on my computer, etc.  I don't have a "real" job, but I do some work for my dad. He runs a community care home for mentally ill adults.

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