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~~Beetle's Friends~~

My Friends

Kat - There's so much to say about Kat, that I really don't know where to start. She's really a great person. She can almost always make me laugh, even when I don't want to. I met her this summer, and it was awesome! It was a long car ride, and I only got to visit for a few hours, but it was really worth it! So Kat - I'll always be there for you. Remember that, ok?

Greg - He's the best. He's always there for me, no matter what. Whenever I have a problem, I know I can count on him. I really don't know where I would be without him. But, he's the most hardheaded, stubborn person I know, but I love him for that. I love that he can say how he feels, and not give in. This isn't really good when we have an argument though, because we are both so stubborn, it goes on one will give up.

Simon - Orangina, toothpaste and orange juice lover. He's a great friend to me. Always listens to whatever problems I have. And helps me with them. He doesn't really feel that he's very lucky, with anything, but I think he is. He's got a lot of great friends on here, opportunity to travel, and a great sense of humor. Good luck in everything Simon.

Sarah - She's definatly the best! Great friend, good advice giver, all around cool. Good luck with Alex!!

Charles - He's just a great guy. He's always giving me advice when I need it. I haven't known him half as long as everyone else, but I feel like I have. He's fun to talk to and is often really funny. He's Crystal's boyfriend, and I wish both of them the best of luck. Love ya!

Kristin - Gee girl. We haven't talked much lately. I just want you to know that I really appreciate everything you helped me with back when I first met you. I mean with Greg and Ally and everything. She's a great musician, and just a great person. We gotta start talking more, ok?

Mandy - Introduced to me by Kristin, a great friend. I think we share a lot of the same feelings and emotions sometimes. Lots of fun to talk to and all that other good stuff.

Cara - She's my favorite little vegetable. Fresh out of the garden. Known to the world as Beaner, she's always ready for action. She can ALWAYS make me smile or laugh, and has got to be the funniest thing that has ever happened to me. Did I say thing?? I meant person. I don't know how she comes up with all the things she comes up with, but she is by far, the most creative and original person I know.

Matt I consider Matt to be a really good friend. He writes great poetry and reads a lot of the same books that I enjoy. He's a lot of fun to talk to!!

Sara - This one's the Jelly Bean. She's a flavor unknown to the world. Either that or she doesn't know what she is. She's gonna keep the sky from falling, so I guess she's pretty trustworthy. No sleep for her, she's up all not watching the sky.. What??? You say she isn't?? She's sleeping?? Oh well, I guess even SuperHero's like her need their rest sometime. Thanks!

Kate I don't know Kate all that well but I think that we are getting closer. She's a lot of fun to talk to but can be a real nut sometimes!!

Shelly - Dr. Seuss fan, she's a doctor herself. The counseler on call. The psychiatrist in charge. Always helping others, and a lot of the times, me. Just an inspiration and a great friend. I always enjoy chatting with her.

Dave - Cheater in HTML, Java and JavaScript. There he is again, reading a book, following a tutorial. No tucking allowed. Fan of ZAPS. Fun to talk to, but sometimes, I'm scared he's going mental on me. That's a compliment Dave! He's a funny guy - an all around stand up comedy show. It's fun to play with this kid's mind. Try it sometime. I gaurantee it'll be the entertainment of your day!

Dina - Dancer in action. Flexible and fancy free. Kiss your parrot on the eye. Just do it! Fun and easy to talk to. She's a great friend. Heading right to the top. Good luck, Dina.

Nicole - A sensitive, caring person. Always ready to give or recieve advice. Easy and fun to talk to. Always ready for fun. A great listener and an all around great person. She's one of the best.

Benny - Haven't talked to you in a million years! Where have you been guy?? The first guy I talked to through my comp - using my mic. The master of it all. We'll have to start talking again - frankly, I kinda miss ya!

Matt - There is so much to say about him I don't know where to start...or in fact, what to write. Presently working secretly on his homepage, soon to be released, or not? Claimed to become the biggest and the best, the master of all homepages. Everyone - watch out!!! The Spiffster is on a roll!

The_Innocent - Hardly so innocent. Will never let me see the light again if I reveal her name. Little sis of Kat, can be as annoying as hell, but other than that she really isn't that bad!

Crystal - Girlfriend of Charles, and friend to most everyone else. I don't know her all that well, but I hope to get to know her better in the near futute. Is pretty fun to talk to and is also a good listener. Good luck to the two of you.

Erick - Just a pretty darn cool guy. Great fun to talk to him, he's always got something for me to laugh about. He's great at JavaScript - at least stealing the source from other pages, and then, he gives it to me. Thanks!

Jon - A New friend of mine. Fellow McDonalds employee, except I quit. Oh well. Don't really know him that well, so I don't really know what to write here. Once I know him better, I'm sure I'll have lots more to say.

Ken - The biggest "They Might Be Giants" fan I know. A lot of fun to chat with, he has a good sense of humor. A Disgruntled Mailman, bass player. A great friend, and very understanding. Good luck in the future.

Alicia - Sorry to say I don't know this flower that well. She's good friends with Dina, in real life, and seems like she's always ready to help people when they need it!

Nick - Ok, ok, I'll send your pictures back.. and ugh.. by the way, I gave one of them to Kat.. ;) Have fun in college!!!

Wolfgang and The_Dove - Good luck you two!!! You guys are a really great couple :)

Bootsector - Ahhh.. I don't know you that well, yet, but hopefully, soon, I'll know you better, and I'll have something to write here, ok?

Morgan - A really, good friend.. don't really know what to say about him, though :).. just SEND ME THOSE TAPES!!!!!

Playette - Hey "Chantel" Wuz up? ;) Umm... get your mom to let you come to my house sometime, aight?

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