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~~Beetle's HATE Page~~


On Mouseover Commmands - I have no problem with these except when people abuse the use of them. People make these webpages, and they want you to go check them out, but seriously, how the hell are you supposed to browse their page when every time you move your mouse, the screen changes?!

Embedded Sound Files - Especially when people place these in your guestbook. My computer sucks. It's slow on loading. And when you're browsing someone's page and they have embedded sound files in them, it literally takes two or three times as long to load the page. It sucks.

I don't mind computer typos. I know most of the time when people are chatting online they aren't really paying attention to every error they make. But when people are really emphasizing something, and they use a lot of exclamation marks, why don't they remember to HOLD THE SHIFT KEY DOWN THE WHOLE TIME?!!
Sentences that end like this one is going to, drive me crazy!!!!!!!111111

When people put 39024890 java script alerts in a row. Ok, I know its a neat little enchantment to your site, but there is such a thing as "Too much of a good thing."

When people are always going on about how such and such a band sucks, and they have no talent whatsoever, etc. None of the people whom I've noticced dissing bands are on tour or have CD's with their band's name on it in the music stores. People should appreciate other people for getting as far as they have. You don't have to like everyone's music, but give them some credit. I mean, I don't see all you peope getting signed by some record company. If you can actually get up and challenge these bands, fine, but until then, follow the advice of Thumper's mother: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Fake people. I hate it when people are constantly trying to be someone that they aren't. I know everyone has to cover up once in a while, but some people really take it too far.

It bugs me when people use "HERE" for the description of a link. I mean, how hard is it to be slightly creative? I mean, what kind of web page would this be?
To see a picture of me, go HERE. To go to my links page, go HERE. Want to email me? Click HERE. If you want to read about my friends, click HERE.
Geez people. Is there a rule that says "HERE" has to be the link description? I think not. Use images or buttons for the link. Use anything! Just not that damn four letter word!

Highlighting. I hate it when you need to highlight a large section of a web page that probably scrolls down a screen or two. First you hightlight more than you want. So you scroll back up, and get less than you want. So you go back down, and guess what... you get more than you want again...

Outdated links... I don't think I need to say anymore about that particular subject.

When people say "I don't want to talk about it", because they are too stubborn to admit that they were wrong, as soon as they find out you were right...

Little kids with beepers. I don't get the point. I see little kids that are like 7 or 8 with beepers. Do half these kids even know how to use a phone?

People who hate people who talk in ebonics. I don't see what the big deal is. A lot of people make a big deal about freedom of speech and stuff, so isn't the manner in which you speak included in this? If it isn't, it should be...

People who don't let other people have their own opinions.

Phone companies. Phones should be free. There shouldn't be phone companies. Why the hell should you have to PAY to talk to someone?

When people ask for your advice, and then after you give it to them, you found out they also asked 10 other people's opinions.

There's a lot more that I need to add here, but that's all for now. I'll had more of my thoughts as I think of them.

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