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The first time I met him
I almost had to cry
I could tell that he loved me
Just by the look in his eye

The time we had together
Was so short it just flew by
Now he's gone and I never
Even got to say goodbye

He said that he'd be back soon
But I just don't understand
How could he just go away like that
Leaving me with an empty hand

Now I just sit here waiting
Hoping he'll soon return
No news or call from him at all
Will my heart forever yearn?

He will surely be back soon
I know that he will
He never would forget me
I hope he loves me still

He said that he'd be back by now
But I just can't contemplate
Why hasn't he returned yet?
Is this really my fate?
Eva Leenman © 1997

I try to be strong
but my emotions are twisted and wrong
a winding road with too many dead ends
I went the wrong way and I lost a good friend
I want to go back but I can't find the way
another wrong turn and I'm bound astray
in an ocean of tears too wide and to vast
a small sailboat; ripped sails and splintered mast
I need to go back but it's too dark to see
a hand to hold, a light to guide me
I reach out only to stumble and fall
I'm covered with incertainty, wrapped in its shawl

Eva Leenman © 1997

I know you're here
I feel you here
I just cannot see you
I sense your words
I know your touch
I just cannot hear you
I remember your love
I fear your hate
I just cannot trust it
I know you love me
I know that it's true
I just cannot prove it
Eva Leenman © 1997

The mistake I made was meant to be ~
It proved that we were strong.
You loved me even after I left,
after I was gone.
The letters you sent were all for the best ~
They proved you loved me still.
Even when we were no more,
and had to climb no hills.
The truth that I faced was worse than I thought ~
But you were there to catch my fall.
You loved me even after it ended,
and you're still waiting for my call...
Eva Leenman © 1997

Across the moat he does stand
Expressionless eyes and spear in hand
His armour clanking with each move
Oil leaking from each groove
A step is taken and both retreat
The heart is heard with every beat
The spear is waved high in the air
To test their strength and if they dare
A rope is pulled, the old bridge creaks
The bridge is rising, the armour speaks
A daring leap, the grasp of a spike
A red line forms where the spear did strike
A dead raising scream is heard as he falls
The empty pit where the evil crawls
A minute of silence that felt like much more
The unmistakable sound of cloth being tore
A droplet of water hits the surface and hides
A monumental sound where he shall reside
The clanking of chains, the grinding of teeth
The sword on the ground, never gone from its sheath
Eva Leenman © 1997

Near the end of the world
Where the people are scarce
and the noise is little
I will sit,
and put my head between my knees
and cry.
Cause things are going wrong,
making me sad,
causing me tears.
And someday.
Someday when the world is better,
I will lift my head,
and dry my tears,
Eva Leenman © 1997

the taste of sweetness
I purse my lips and
breath it all in
the sweetest of wine
the blood that breeds life
never can get enough
it's cool on my lips
flowing through my body
swirling and spinning
oh the cool, sweet tate
of water on my lips

i hold back
it's nothing new
scared to move ahead
Scared to move behind
to reality, I'm blind

i was falling
down down down down
i kept going
the darkness came
i couldn't see
come rescue me
i was gone now
down down too far
you should have helped
before all this
had to happen
you should have helped
when you heard me
call out to you
you should have helped
now it's too late
now you can't even
reach me anymore
i keep falling

Pretty Rich Girl