Follow these rules or you will be punished!

The Basics

1. You start with 1,000 HP.
2. You start with $4,000.
3. You have 75 points to distribute between power level and intelligence when joining, and however much you put into power level, and ONLY power level, you multiply that by 100 to get your real power level. Example: if you put 30 points in your power level, then it is actually 3,000.
4. You must be a member of this RPG to fight or ref.
5. In order to fight, you must have an opponent and a ref.
6. If you win a battle, train, or do anything that results in you needing to get updated, then you must email me with whatever you want. But, if it is a fight, you need to give me the members name that you fought, the refs name, and your name, so I can verify that you actually won the battle, or even fought it.
7. The person with the most intelligence goes first in a battle.
8. When you are in training with Frieza, you may not fight at ALL.
9. You may only train with Frieza once every month.
10. If you fly to another planet, you can only fight if someone else is on that planet, and you can only fight the person that is there.
11. There have been questions about why there is no "Speed" or "Stamina" stat. Well, power level is not only strength people. Like in the show, when your power level increases, so does your speed and stamina. Intelligence is basically there to decide who goes first in battles.
12. You MUST have AIM to participate in this RPG, all fighting is done through AIM.

How to fight

The fight starts off by the two opponents giving their stats (power level, intell, and HP), items, and moves to the ref. After both opponents have done this, the person with the most intelligence will have the first turn. During your turn, you can choose to: Attack, use an item, or give up. If one opponent chooses to attack, the ref does the countdown (see: How to Ref), and the opponent getting attacked can choose to: dodge or counter. Now, you only have 1 counter each game. You try to type Counter (in brackets) as much as possible, but not to go over 10. The ref will then decide whether you counter it or not, comparing stats and how many times you typed it. If the counter fails, then the attacker gets an automatic critical hit. BEWARE: during the countdown if we see anyone using the control + v trick (which is VERy easy to notice) you automatically LOSE the match. You do the same with dodge as well. Type it as much as you can, but don't go over 10, which results in a critical hit. Opponents take turns attacking, using items, or whatever until one opponent gives up or dies.
Technicalities on fighting:
1. Power levels determine what kinds of hits are done. Ex: if someone with PL 30,000 is fighting a PL 5,000 fighter, the stronger opponent will get a critical hit everytime, and the weaker fighter will mostly miss or knick the opponent.
2. After every battle, you must wait 30 minutes to fight again unless you have a rejuvenation pod.
3. When you lose a battle you only gain 15 points, whereas the winner gains 100HP, $1000, and 50 points.

Where do we fight?

I'm sure all of you are wondering how does this RPG work. Well, as you know, you MUST have AIM (aol instant messanger). To fight, you simply invite your opponent and ref to a chat, and battle there.

How to ref

The very first thing you do when reffing is take down the two opponents stats, items, and moves on a piece of paper. When you are finished, you assign the person with the most intelligence to go first. When someone chooses to attack, you count down from 5 to 1 fairly slowly. When you reach one, you look at how many times the defending opponent typed dodge or counter, and look at their stats to determine the type of hit and damage. If there is an argument over something that you posted like an attacker thought their attack should've done more damage, YOUR WORD IS THE LAST WORD. However, you must make fair calls.
Technicalities on Reffing:
1. Not anyone can ref, I have to test you if you want to become one. If you do, email me.
2. When you ref, you get $500.

Turning Super Saiyan

In order to turn super saiyan, you have to reach a certain power level. Below is a chart that shows the power level you need to get to until you get that level of SSJ:
Super Saiyan 1: 150,000---300,000 = master
Super Saiyan 2: 1,000,000---2,500,000 = master
Super Saiyan 3: 6,000,000---13,000,000 = master
Super Saiyan 4: 27,000,000---55,000,000 = master

When you reach a new SSJ level, you automatically learn the move: "SSJ X" (X = level of SSJ). When you use the move in battle, it adds the PL needed to your power level (Ex: SSJ1 adds 150,000, SSJ2 adds 1,000,000, etc...). Now, to the right of the PL needed is the master PL. That means when you reach the power level of master, you don't have to "Use" SSJ, you "Are" SSJ (It's the same thing as when Goku and Gohan came out of the training room of spirit and time, they learned to stay in ssj mode and not have to power up anymore). When you "master" an SSJ level, the PL needed to master it is permanently added to your PL, which is why I have the PL's after the first go up so high. EX: when you master SSJ1 at PL 300,000 your PL goes to 600,000. When you master SSJ2 your PL goes to 5,000,000, leaving you only 1 million away from the next level.


You die after you lose 10 battles, but dieing isn't SO bad, because when you die, you get to train with King Kai for 1 week, and you get 100 points from that. When you are dead and training with King Kai, you may not fight for that one whole week. Once the week is over, you are automatically alive again and may fight freely until you lose ten more battles.

Learning/Using Moves

This is the way I am going to have the moves work. Each character will only learn 5 moves. Power up, and four other attacks. Once a character has learned all 5 oh his/her moves, then the next time he or she reaches the power level to learn a new move, he just upgrades that move. For example, if I have all of my moves, and I choose to upgrade my Galick-Ho, then I will have Galick-Ho Lvl 2. You can choose which move to upgrade each time. Note: you may NOT upgrade Power up, it is a mere move to use your other attacks.
Technicalities on Moves:
1. Every time you learn a new move, you will get a power level set to when you learn your next move. This will be on your member page.
2. You do not get to choose your moves when you learn one. I will choose them, but I will not just give you any old move, I will give you a move that your character knows in the show.
3. When you join you get 2 moves. Power up + one other. Power up is a power up move that you MUST use before performing an energy attack. You only need to power up once for EACh energy attack, but you MAY do it as much as you want to keep boosting your attack if you are much weaker, like Kakarot did with his Spirit Bomb against Frieza. Be careful though, because you are going to be getting hit all the while while you are powering up. And another thing about powering up, you can't save them, like power up 3 times and say im only using 1 for this attack. However many power-ups you use, they ALL go into your energy attack, and then you must power up at least once again to do another.


The only way to fuse with another character is to buy fusion earings. Any two people can fuse, but both people have to fuse for them to do it. When you fuse, it lasts for 30 minutes. You may only fuse with a person once a month, because when you fuse, your power levels and intelligence combine into one to make you super strong.
NOTE: Both people have to have fusion earings to fuse with each other.