Frieza Interviews Bulma
Frieza: Hello all. I have been broke for about.......10 years now and I need some money. So I thought " Hum,...I can interview people and make SOME MONEY!!!" So here is my first interview. Today I bring out.....
(Bulma walks out and people cheer)
Bulma: Hello Frieza nice to be here.
Frieza: Ok look here woman. I didn't finish saying my line. Do that again and I will rip your heart out!
Bulma: {bad word}! What went up your butt? Oh well you have questions and I have answers so shot away.
Frieza: **Muttering to himself** Oh I wish I could shoot you.
Bulma: What did you say?
Frieza: NOTHING! Any way first question. Are you the smartest person in the world?
Bulma: Yes, I am. I can answer ANY question!
Frieza: Any question you say.
Bulma: Yes any question.
Frieza: Well, I have one for you. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Bulma: Um....I...uh.. don't **mutters to herself**
Frieza (smiling): What was that?
Bulma: I DON'T KNOW HAPPY!!! **starts crying**
Frieza: Mwhahahaah. Wait at minute DON'T CRY!!! I don't want you tears on me!
Man 1: Booooo you suck Frieza!
Frieza: Ok now you die {bad word}. (Blast the man away)
Bulma: (still crying)
Frieza: If you are still going to cry then go away you wuss. I don't need this I WAS LORD OF THE UNIVERSE!!!
Bulma: (stops crying) Well, at least my son KILLED YOU!!!
Frieza: Ok {bad word} you ARE DEAD!!! (Starts chasing her)
(Some men come out and hold Frieza back)
Frieza: You better hold me back I'll kill her.
Bulma: You {bad word} loser. You DIED!!! My son lives on ahahah
Frieza: Ok YOUR DEAD!!! (Stars pulling harder away from the men)
Producer: GO TO A COMMERCIAL !!! **They do and the Producer talks to Frieza**
You can't be going around and killing your guest! I only gave you this show cause you took my family away from me.
Frieza: Fine. Where is she?
Producer: Gone! She left! I guess that ends your show.
Frieza: SON OF A {bad word}