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Born to rise from the dead so that others may follow, Jesus Christ was born for our sakes, to show us the way.

In Christ's birth, death was conquered. God's faith in Christ Jesus, and Jesus Christ's faith in agreement with God, as one; and witnessed by the Holy Ghost in agreement; overcame death with life.

By that great faith we are each able to follow the path of Jesus Christ through life, past death, and on to everlasting life. By that great faith we are able to know, understand, witness, and experience the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.

From that great faith that God almighty gave, we can see the manifestations of the presence of God. We can see the substance of things unseen, and we can be that which endures to the end with God. As part of the family of God, we can achieve that which previously seemed impossible, for all good is possible through Jesus Christ.

We can be among those who would rise from the dead. We can have faith and help others rise in Christ's glory.

Jesus Christ was born to overcome, for you.

Jesus Christ was born with a purpose. You were born with a purpose, and you can share in Christ's purpose, and you are invited to share in Christ's purpose, and enter into Christ's glory.

You were born with a Holy purpose beyond earthly words. You were born to rejoice with Christ, glorifying God. You were born to overcome sin and death with life through Jesus Christ.

You were born to rise from the dead and partake in the kingdom of God. And for God's greater glory, and greatest glory, and perfect glory, you were born to rise from the dead and partake in the kingdom of God, with all of your friends, family, those you have hardly met, and even with those you have not met. For to perfectly glorify you so Christ is perfectly glorified, you must not lose anyone: that nothing and no one be lost, according to your ability in Christ of completeness and wholeness beyond measure in earthly terms.

Through your following of Christ's way, you can enjoy the miracle of Christmas beyond worldly explanations, and you can share these gifts of life, love, and Godliness, with your family in Christ.

When your ways become and/or are Christ's perfect ways, you are miraculously transformed into a new creature, changing from relative tactics, to absolute strategy. You miraculously change from perishable to imperishable, and you change from limited taker and consumer to a limitless solution provider.

Christmas is about Jesus Christ: about giving, sharing, caring, and about united togetherness in celebrating the family of God through Jesus Christ.

Christmas is a time of realizing and remembering what faith is all about. It is a time of recognizing what just one small seed of faith can do to permanently change for the better the course of human history and the future of mankind.

Christmas is for you.

Sermon by Bob Benchoff, December 25, 2001.

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