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Chapter Four

"All I'm askin of you sir, is one tryout. One audition and I guarantee you'll be begging for more!"

There wa a long pause as the Boys Music Executive, Lou Pearlman, was on the phone with Columbia Records. "I understand that, but…Okay." he said as he became more frustrated. He'd been making calls to record companies for days now.

"Thank you for your time."he said then placed the phone down on his desk.

Meanwhile, back at Kevin's apartment, Brian was unpacking his things. "This is all you brought cuz?" asked Kevin with concern.

"Well my parents are gonna mail me other stuff as soon as I'm settled." He replied.

The boys were interupted by a telephone call. Kevin was expecting a call from Lou for days now. "Hello?" Kevin asked.

Brian watched Kevin and he could tell that he was receiving unwanted news on the other end of the line. "Okay, then I guess you'll let me know then? There was a long pause. "Yeah. I'll let them know. Thanks. Talk to you soon Lou. Good-bye."he said then hung up the phone in distress and shook his head.

"Bad news?" Brian asked hesitantly, knowing that Kevin was upset.

"For days our music executive has been calling record labels, but no luck." Kevin took a seat on the sofa.

Brian walked over and sat next to his cousin and put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"We'll get our chance Kev. I know it." He didn’t know what else to say. What could he say?

There was a long silence between the two as if hey both were contemplating what the future would hold. Silence was broken as Kevin turned to Brian and said, "Guess what my football coach use to tell me?"

Brian looked at his cousin with surprise. That was the last thing he expected to come out of his mouth. "Ah, I don’t know. What?"

"He said that if you look up and there is no one to receive the ball, take it up the field yourself." Saying that, Kevin jumped up and quickly dialed a phone number.

"Jeff? Hey whats up?" said Kevin. "I need you to do me…well me and my friends a favor." There was a pause then Kevin told Jeff what he needed. "Yeah, we could sing on a street corner. We don’t care man. We just need to get out there you know?"

Brian stood up and walked over towards Kevin to see what was up.

"Next Tuesday at six o'clock. Okay thanks man!" Kevin exclaimed then hung up the phone with joy.

"Well?" Brian asked with much anticipation.

Kevin smiled and said, "We're in! We have a gig at MGM studios on Tuesday at six. We have so much work to do. We gotta call the guys, Lou, and…"

"Hold up Kev. Um, we don’t have any songs to sing yet?" Brian interrupted.

"Well, we can sing some songs from other groups like Boyz II Men or something. And we also have the song that you wrote."

Brian looked at his cousin in horror. "No way!" he cried.

Kevin was puzzled. "Why not?"

"I just don’t want to sing it on Tuesday. Okay?"

Kevin didn’t want to argue so he agreed. "Now we gotta rehearse. We have three days to work together!." Kevin cried.

"We can do it!" Brian encouraged as Kevin reached for the phone to calls the other boys.

The boys told Lou Pearlman about this and he arranged a couple of different labels to come to the gig. While that was beign arranged, the Boys rehearsed day and night. Finally, the day came and they were ready. Brian being one of the key lead singers, got the boys together in a before show huddle. "Okay guys. Other than Kev. I've only known you guys for a couple of days and I might not know you that well, but what I do know is that you are all great singers!"

They all looked at each other and smiled.

"BACKSTREET'S HERE guys!"encouraged Howie.

"I don’t know if you guys are religious, but why don’t we say a little prayer?" asked Brian.

The boys agreed and prayed for luck and a good performance then they put there hands together and yelled, "GOOOOOOOOOO…BACKSTREET!"

"And now, here is a local band in Orlando right now. Let's give it up for the Backstreet Boys!!

Chapter Five
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