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Intensity and desire burned within them as the coach called a time out with only twenty seconds left in the game. "Hustle in Lions! Let's go!" said Coach Monroe as the boys gatherd in for some last minute advice. "I only got one question and one question only. Do you want this?" It had been a long game and a close one to. Coach Monroe knew they were tired, but they needed this game to make it to the playoffs.

Tension was in the air.....who would triumph? The Bears or the Lexington Lions?

There was a long pause until the captin, Jimmy Miller, stepped up. "Let's get together Lions!" he said with intensity. "Okay Tom, fake to me hit it?" The boys had been working on this play all season, but never got to use it until now. This was the moment of truth. This was it. "Do your stuff Brian. Show them why we call u B-Rok. We want it on three. One...Two...Three! WE WANT IT!"

Brian Thomas Littrell aks B-Rok was a senior who played basketball ever since he could remember. This was his chance to prove that hard work really pays off. He wanted this and everyone knew it.

"Let's go boys!" said the referee as he walked on the court.

"We can do this Lions. Play Hard...Suck It Up!" Jimmy yelled as his teammates hustled to their positions. Jimmy was well respected by the team for his leadership, intensity, and poise on the court. Brian anxiously waited as Tom worked the ball away from the Bears. Tom came up the court with Jimmy by his side and played the ball according to the plan. Brian ran up the court hungry with desire as Tom faked to Jimmy. Luckily, the Bears did not see it coming as Brian absorbed the ball from Tom. Flying like a bat out of hell, Brian strethed for the net. Sprinting and dribbling up the court, working his way arund the defenseman, he prepared to make the shot. Silence came over the crowd as he relased the ball with four second left. The crowd counted down with intensity. "Four...Three...Two..." The ball hit the backboard and swirled around the rim, not once, not twice, but three times. KABOOM, he shoots, he scores!"

Chapter One
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