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The McDonald's Way

This is a poem written by a friend of mine, Drew Drummond (Breetoka), He is obviously a disgruntled employee of that nice, sweet, nonsueing the little guy, massive corporation. Don't sue me please!!!

The McDonald's Way

The day begins and all hell breaks lose,

It's not a job it's a step closer to the noose.

You work your ass off for minimum wage,

all the time looking like a clown on a stage.

And you keep coming back day after day,

it's not a job, it's the McDonald's way.

We look like clones, we all dress the same, Try telling us apart, it's fun and a challenging game.

So come join the team, you know you want to,

And slave for your freedom like the rest of us do.

It can be fum from time to time,

If I had a penny for each good day, I'd almost have a dime.

Fellow workers are nice, said with a clenched fist,

Some are real nice, but it's a really short list.

The friends you make here are friends for life,

you'll have a common bond - Your work life strife.

Grab an application and fill it out in full,

And bring a large shovel to dig your way out of the hole.

Smile and greet each customer day after day,

And remember... it's not a job, it's the McDonald's way.

CountryPhil's Fun House
Breetoka's Home Page
If you like the sound of this, they have a job for You!!