Brandon Lee Newsletter Information Page
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Brandon Lee Tribute



Information Page

Off the press

Hi everyone, and welcome to this information page for the Brandon Lee Tribute Internet Newsletter, here is where you can find out all about the newsletter

I started this newsletter on March 1, 1999 and it has been a great sucess, over a period of 11 months, so far it has attracted 71's a great way to get together with other Brandon Lee fans to pay tribute to him and also a great way of seeing loads of Brandon Lee /crow pictures. To keep these newsletters interesting, I always try and come up with new ideas and add new sections in on a regular basis, and if you have any ideas for the newsletter then please let me know, I take all suggestions into consideration.

When you have a look at the editions below, you may notice that they may seem a little bit plain to start with, because at that time, I was still learning how to put them online,but as you continue to look through them, you'll see that the content does improve. so please take a few minutes to read this information page on about the newsletter and if you have any more questions please feel free to email me at


Previous Newsletters

1st Edition,March 1,1999

Special Edition -March 31, 1999

Special Edition- April 17, 1999

June 1999 Edition

July 1999 Edition

August 1999 Edition

September 1999 Edition

October 1999 Edition

November 1999 Edition

December 1999 Edition

Special Edition February 1,2000

March 1 2000 Edition


Does it cost anything?

No not at all, this is totally free


Have Your Say!

Each month a fun topic for discussion is in this section of the newsletter, the way this works is I email everyone who is involved in the newsletter about the topic and responses are emailed to me and I add the responses in to the newsletter, topics are always Brandon Lee/Crow related and are quite fun to join in with, and I also enjoy reading the responses as well, all submissions to the newsletter are to be sent to me via email


Dedications to Brandon

This is where you can submit poems, lyrics to songs that remind you of Brandon,or you can submit your own written poem (must be Brandon Lee related) this is a space where you can express your thoughts and feelings about Brandon.



This section has only been in the newsletter for a few months now, and it has been a great sucess, all short stories will need to be Brandon Lee/Crow related and fiction, so if you have a flare for writing, this is the section for you!


Artists Palette

If you are the creative type, you can submit your artwork to the newsletter, either drawings, collages,or any other type of artwork that is in reference to Brandon Lee or The Crow.


Favourite Links

This is a section that I have just recently added to the newsletter for people to submit their favourite Brandon Lee/Crow web site links to share with others in the group


Happy Birthday

This section is for people involved in the newsletter, and if someone has a birthday in any month of the newsletter, a birthday greeting is added in this section for them.

Special Events

This is also for people involved in the newsletter, where they can share special events in their lives with the rest of the group


More Information?

Please feel free to e-mail me at with any questions regarding the newsletter










Send a virtual greeting card at
