Partida de Locosa
Dark Sun Proyect
by Turmoil23
2000 Party "the party that was..., for a while"
Name | Brebor Nordek | Sr. Josele | Bichi Fuertes | Megadeth | Mithas Alanor | Calpak | Ander Kell | M'Kaat Dishpan | ||||
Category Race | Gladiator Mul | Mage Elf | Thief Elf | Fire Druid Thri-Kreen | Warrior Halfgigant | Water Cleric | Thief Elf | Gladiator Halfgigant | Mage Halfelf | Air Cleric | Bard | Psionic Nikaal |
Initial Exp | 4500 | 2500 | 2500 | 4000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2500 | 4500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 4400 |
1/10/03/00 | 8100 | 4025 | 5435 | 6000 | 3825 | 3025 | 7000 | 8000 | 2810 | 2790 | 3390 | 5840 |
2/18/03/00 | 16025 | 5931 | 11821 | 11625 | - | - | 15090 | 15575 | - | - | - | 12565 |
3/02/04/00 | 21675 | 8293 | 20758 | 14625 | - | - | 24915 | 20925 | 4010 | 4340 | 6365 | 15935 |
4/07/05/00 | 30183 | 17033 | - | - | 30498 | 29753 | 5080 | 5110 | 9080 | 17643 | ||
Level | 5 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Next Lvl | 36000 | 10000 | 40000 | 20000 | 4000 | 6000 | 40000 | 36000 | 10000 | 6000 | 10000 | 32000 |
Brebor Nordek (Matias Bueno)
Level: 6 AC: 7 (2) PG: 38 Alignment: NG
Historia: Engendrado en la ciudad de Tyr. Pelea en la Arena. Posee un molesto compañero Calpak el semigigante que lo sigue a todos lados. Nordek lo mantiene a su lado solo por el hecho de que este personaje es muy fuerte, pero se molesta mucho cuando su torpeza florece, por eso suelen terminar sus combates discutiendo entre ellos.
Mul Category: Gladiator Age: 17 Weight: 141 Kg. Height: 1.77 m. Beauty: (tatoo on the back and head of an aztec symbol) Hair: bold Eyes: Negros WP (5+1): Tridente, Espada Corta, Lucha 2 armas y ambidiestro NWP (5+3): Acrobacia (2), Malabarismo (2), Resistencia (2), Optimizar Armadura. Languaje (2): Common, dwarf Wild Talent: 2% Equipment: Tridente de Hueso (45mc, V5, -1 to hit 1d6/3d4-1, 6%) x1, Espada Corta de Obsidiana (50mc, V2, -2 to hit, 1d6-1/1d8-1, 2%) x2, Braxac skin Money: Magic Equipment: Owen`s Sword (+1, fireball/week), magic fruit. Others: |
Bichi Fuertes (Chue-k)
Level: 5 AC: 3 PG: 18 Alignment: Neutral Good
Historia: Druida del Fuego protege un pequeño pozo de brea hirviente al sur del poblado de Altaruk. Esta gente le ha pedido que busque ayuda de la Alianza del Velo en Tyr contra el ataque de los gigantes, luego de meditarlo y teniendo en cuenta que el poblado no abusa de los recursos naturales que los rodean, ha decidido encaminarse en busca de ayuda. Muchos piensan que su causa es en vano y que Athas está condenada pero él sin poder admitirlo continua la lucha contra las fuerzas profanadoras.
Thri-Kreen Category: Fire Druid Age: 6 Weight: 228 Kg. Height: 2.10 m. Beauty: Hair: - Eyas: WP (3): Gythka (5mc,P6,TG,TPG,V9,2d4/1d10), Chatkcha (1mc,TP,TC,V4,1d6+2/1d4+1), chose one more. NWP (5+2): Ocultación somática (2) Languaje (2): Thri-Kreen, Common Wild Talent: 2% Equipment: Gythka (5mc), Chatkcha (10mc), Fire Holy Symbol (25mc) Money: 320 mc, 2 mp. Magic Equipment: Snake II Staff (+1, coil 1d4 t.) Others:Carnivoro "elfos" / N3 Salta 6mº15m- /
N5 Saliva venenosa / N5 Chatkcha / N7 eludir pry. 9+ / N12 Prot. 1 Lugar
/ #At 1r. (Mordisco 1d4+1, garrasx4 1d4) |
Calpak (Gusano)
Level: 6 AC: 10 (3) PG: 90 Alignment: Neutral Good
Historia: Mezcla de humano y gigante realizada en la ciudad de Draj con muy poco éxito, Fue dado en parte de pago por una mula, por su torpeza, a una importante casa de gladiadores de Tyr para incorporarse en su legion de inmediato. Allí conoció a Brebor Nordek con quien compartió varias batallas en la Arena. Toma las discuciones con Nordek como un juego para entretener a la gente.
Halfgigant Category: Gladiator Age: 30 Weight: 836 Kg. Height: 3.52 m. Beauty: Tatoo Hair: Black Eyes: Brown WP (5): Hacha de Batalla, Espada Larga, Ambidiestro NWP (4+2): Protección contra el calor, Optimización de armadura, Supervivencia (2), Uso de la cuerda, choose one more Languaje (1): Common Wild Talent: 2% Equipment: Tridente, Arpón de Hueso (3 mc), Redes x2, Money: Others: Proficiency in every weapon Experience as Paladin Level 9 Followers |
Mithas Alanor (Chizo)
Level: 6 AC: 6 () PG: 24 Alignment: Neutral Evil
Habilidades de Ladrón
Historia: El rey elfo de la tribu en el oasis "Fuente de Plata", cuya agua es amarronada y tiene un sabor horrible, le ordenó dirigirse a Tyr en busca conocimiento y para que como dicen las leyes de la Fuente, todo aquel nacido en el pequeño reino deberá alejarse hasta haber completado su entrenamiento.
Elf Magic Equipment: Medallion of Defense (Shiel +1), fruits x4 Others: |
Ander Kell (Pablo)
Level: 3/3/4 AC: 10 PG: 18 Alignment: Neutral Good
Historia: Miembro de la Alianza del Velo hace ya un tiempo, ahora emprende la misión de rescatar a Brebor Nordek y Calpak de las masmorras de Tyr.
Half-elf Category: Mage/Air Cleric/Bard Age: Weight: Height: Beauty: Hair: Eyes: WP (2): Sling, Spear. NWP (4): Ocultación somática, Burocracia, Instrumento musical, Leer/Escribir, Cantar, Spellcraft. Languaje (): Equipment: Sling, Spear, Lute, Tinta, 10 Hojas de Papel. Money: 200 mc Others: |
Sr. Josele (Enano Loco)
Level: 3/6 AC: 6 PG: 14 Alignment: Neutral Evil
Habilidades de Ladrón
Historia: El Sr. Josele es aliado a la rebeldía de Tyr, la alianza del Velo. Le han asignado la misión de acompañar a M'Kaat Dishpan en la liberación de Brebor Nordek y Calpak
Elf Category: Preserver / Thief Age: 24 Weight: 87 Kg. Height: 2.14 m. Beauty: tatoo sort of dragon and cp and bushes and stuff all over Hair: Eyes: WP (2): Arco Corto, Espada Corta NWP (6+6): leer/escribir, hallar agua, ocultación simática, herbalismo (2), ID conjuro, talla de gema (2), uso de cuerda, tasación/evaluación, disfraz, reunir información. Languaje (2): Elf, Common Wild Talent: 2% Equipment: Arco Corto (30mc), Espada Corta de Hueso (30mc, V1, -1 to hit, 1d6-1/1d8-1, 6%), Herramientas de Ladrón (150mc), Tinta (8mc), Caja Scrolls (8 trozos), Quiver (8 trozos). Papel x scroll (2mc x 8 = 16mc) Money: Lots. Magic Equipment: Cirulon ring (Heal 1d6, Mortal wound healing) Others: |
Megadeth (Daniel King)
Level: 2/3 AC: 9 () PG: 21 Alignment: Neutral Good
Historia: Megadeth, aliado semigigante a la alianza del Velo, posee poderes relacionados con las aguas que alguna vez abundaron en Athas. Forma parte del grupo asignado a la liberación de Brebor Nordek y Calpak
Halfgigant Category: Warrior / Water Cleric Age: 34 Weight: 850 Kg. Height: 3.53 m. Beauty: Hair: Eyes: WP (4): NWP (4): Languaje (3): Common Wild Talent: 1% Equipment: Money: 300 mc Others: |
M'Kaat Dishpan (Juls)
Level: 5 AC: 8 (5) PG: 32 PFP: 57 Alignment: LN/NG
Historia: Su entrenamiento está casi completo por parte de Orosto the Old, su maestro mul, debe continuar su camino y seguir mejorando. Se le ha asignado la liberación de Brebor Nordek, el hijo de un fallecido amigo enano de Orosto, y a su compañero, el semigigante Calpak, quienes están como gladiadores en Tyr. Cuenta con el apoyo de la Alianza del Velo para esta misión.
Nikaal Category: Psionic Age: human Weight: human Height: human Beauty: Purple Scales Hair: Eyes: Red Lyzard like WP (2): Espada Corta, Tkaesali NWP (4+2): Aprovechar el subconsciente, Cocinar, Rejuvenecimiento, Foco meditativo, Leer / Escribir Languaje (2): Nikaal, Común, Elfo Equipment: Armadura Money: 250 mc, 2 mp, 4 mo. Others: |
Magic Items
Owen´s Sword Owen the Powerful wielded a special broad sword +1 that flames upon command. When commanded to flame a target, the sword unleashes a fireball of the size dictated by the user (up to 6 dice). The sword has 12 dice of fireballs at its disposal each week, and the user has the ability to specify the size of this fiery blast (from 1 to 6 dice) Broad Sword +1, fireball (12 dice/week - up to 6 dice per shot) Charges: ???, Re-Charge: ??? |
Snake II Staff Usable only by priests, the magical staff is a staff +1 and inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage per hit. Upon command, the staff turns into a snake and coils around the creature struck. The command may be spoken when the victim is hit. The vistim is allowed to make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the serpent`s coil. Any human-size or smaller victim is held helpless for 1d4 turns (unless the snake is ordered by the owner to release the victim before that time). Larger creatures canot be ensnared in the snake`s coils. The snake`s characteristis are as follows: Snake: AC:5, HD:3, HP:20, MV:6, #AT:1 (special), Dng Nil (special), ML:12, XP:6 When freed, the snake crawñs back to its owner and becomes a staff once again, The snake is completly healed when it returns to staff form. I killed in snake form, it cannot return to staff form ant it loses all magical properties. This item does not have or use charges. At the DM`s option, the staff can be given charges. The user can spend charges to add bonuses to the snake`s attack roll (+1 bonus per charge spent), up to five charges can be used in a single attack (for a +5 bonus). A charge can also be used to cure the snake while in combat. The user casts a curing spell of any type and expends one charge to transfer the cure to the snake. The amount of curing is determined normally, no range limits applies. Staff +1, becomes snake (coils target when hit for 1d4 turns) Charges can be spent to add bonuses (up to +5) and to heal the snake (1 charge) Charges: 24, Re-Charge: ??? |
Cirulon Ring This is a clear, crystal ring that contains flecks of the same color as the mage that presented it. The ring mut be worn on the right hand. It cures light wounds (less than 6 points of damage) completely, once per day and heals a mortal wound sufficiently to prevent death (bringing the character up to 1 hit point) only once. The ring is activated by touch. Ring, heals light wounds (6 points of damage) once per day and mortal wounds (up to 1 hit point) just once. |
Medallion of Defense The item has two command words, to grow, and to shrink. Upon command, it turns into a normal-sized shield +1. The second command returns it to medallion form Medallion, turns to shield +1 and back. |
of Proficiency Rumors tell of magical gaunlets that impart proficiency with any weapons when worn. Gauntlets of proficiency would certainly be valuable, particularly to someone with large arsenal of magical weapons. Having both guantlets on grants the person the ambidextrous proficiency and the fighting with two weapons proficiency. Gauntlet, Proficiency with any weapons, grants ambidextrous an fighting with two weapons proficiency proficiencies. |
Orosto the Old
Elder mul Gladiator/Psionic one of the heads the the Veiled Alliance faction in Tyr.
Female halfelf bard, actually dating the gladiator mul Brebor Nordek.
Resting Souls
Sr. Josele`s hand is now resting here. (after intruducing it into a portal)