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Ka Terri

Midi Playing: Sailor Moon

Ka Terri a Tameress goddess that fills

the description of Maiden. Ka Terri

is a virgin goddess, daughter of

Anubis and Bastet, portrayed with

the head, coloration and tail of

a cheetah. She is

often known to wear a short blue

hunting dress with long baggy sleeves.

Ka Terri is the goddess of speed,

grace, beauty, mischief, little

girls, and let's not forget that

annoying habit of gossip. Ka Terri

is a fast-speaking godling with

a love for play, flowers,

celebrations, music and good

innocent fun.

Ka Terri has her favourite by way

of playmates. there's her brother,

Temys, and a rabbit. The rabbit,

being swift, provides Ka Terri

with much amusement. Other sacred

companions are the goose as well

as other birds.

Ka Terri is more like a messenger

to the deities, for she really is

too restless to do anything else.

Cheetahs were kept as pets by the

wealthy noblefolk in ancient Egypt

and trained to hunt gazelles.

In a book by Clare Bell entitled

Tomorrow's Sphinx, the

cheetahs were nicknamed " hunting

leapords." Nowadays, cheetahs

are an endangered animal, due to

hunting for its marvelous coat.

Prayer of the Cheetah

D.J. Conway

Swift wind-runner, beautiful,


Aid me in success. Take me along

On your Otherworld journeys to

places of light.

Help me over the barriers. Give

me clear sight.

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