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Tamara Hope / Filmography / News / Contact / Galleries / Links / Site

Welcome to OPALESCENT: A Tamara Hope Fan Site, formally known as The Many Faces of Tamara Hope. It's the best place online to find information about Tamara Hope.

April 12th 2006

Filmography updated.

November 10th 2004

No Updates

October 29th 2004

Pictures updated. Check 'em out.

October 2nd, 2004

I just picked up the October issue of Interview magazine today and was pleasently surprised to find out that Tamara's in it! She's number 12 in a story about 14 To Be, fourteen "up-and-comers" that were "plucked straight from the vine". Read the short interview, and I hope to have the picture scanned by tomorrow.

Here it is!

September 23, 2004

I just saw a commercial for Shall We Dance, and Tamara is in it! You see her face for just a second.

Tonight Susan Sarandon, Richard Gere, and Jennifer Lopez are on Primetime Live on ABC. Maybe they'll show a clip of her there.

This Saturday there's a sneak preview of Shall We Dance. If it's nearby, go see the movie! The movie will be officially released on October 15th for the rest of us.

August 08, 2004

August 07, 2004: The Miramax site for Shall We Dance has the plot up. Check it out here. The Nickel Children is still in post production, but should be finished by Jan '05.

June 24, 2004

The release date for "Shall We Dance" was pushed back to October 15.

The galleries are back up. Two new photos are in the professional pictures album. Enjoy!

March 28th, 2004

The galleries are still a mess, and I'm sorry. I'm working on decluttering the website and making it better. If you have any suggestions, sign the guestbook. Thanks for your help. In Tamara news, the buzz for "Shall We Dance" is begining, so keep your eye out for Tamara news.

March 20th, 2004

Tamara's movie, THE NICKEL CHILDREN, now has an official website. Check it out -- there's pictures! The movie seems to be about teenage prostitution.

February 28th, 2004

Tamara has four movies coming out this year:
  • The Nickel Children (which she seems to have the main part in, as "Cat") will be released June 10 in America.
  • Shall We Dance will be released August 6 and stars Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon, and Stanley Tucci. Tamara plays "Jenna".
  • Saint Ralph will be released in Canada sometime this year and she plays "Claire Collins".
  • In A Different Loyalty, release date to be announced, she plays "Lucy Caulfield", daughter of Sharon Stone (Sally) and Rupert Everett (Leo)



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