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Val's Holiday Homepage

Welcome to my holiday homepage. To be perfectly honest, this page came about during the creation of my third and fourth holiday site. I got to thinking that I was rapidly running out of room in my email signature (this is where I had been listing my sites personally). As I had yet to create all the ones that I wanted to, and there will be plenty more, I came to the conclusion that I needed a central site to access them all. Hence, the reason for this page. I will keep it up-to-date with what's new in me and my family's life, along with all my site links. Note: there is another section now that is not Holiday related.

Shortly I will be sectionalizing my non-holiday sites - general, sentimental and humor. I hope to be soon in the process of building many new single page sites that I have not had the time to do before now.


For those of you who do not know me personally, let me catch you up to speed. I have a wonderful husband of over 20 years and we have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. We recently retired from the Navy in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii and now live in Michigan. I am a E911 Operator & Dispatcher for a county in Michigan.

I have also move all of my pages to another account so there may be some pages will not work correctly, but I am getting to them. This is in part to Angelfire closing down a couple of my accounts and I am in the process of trying to get the awards, graphics, links and music updated.


The following is a listing of the sites that I have already created, those that are a work in progress and those that have yet to be constructed. If there is anything that you think I have missed, please feel free to email me to say so. I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed doing them!



The following are sites that are not Holiday related. Each is just a little bit of everything else that I have put together because I so felt inclined to do so at the time. I hope that you enjoy these too.

  • Val's Scenic Hawaii - having to rebuild from scratch



Song playing, "From A Distance" by Bette Midler


Updated on November 29, 2004