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Tom's Infinite Simpson Archive: Reverand Timothy Lovejoy

The Life and times of Rev. T. Lovejoy:

  • On the Gabbin' about God radio show every Sunday night
  • On the Holy Rollers Bowling Team
  • Member of the Citizen Committee on Moral Hygiene
  • Has Bart over for dinner with Jessica.
    "Never have I ever heard such gratuitus use of the word but..."
  • Plays cards with his wife, Ms. Hoover, and Dr. Hibbert
  • Loves playing with his train set's
  • Runs the alconon meeting
  • Jogs with president Bush
  • Declares a day or reconing in Springfield in response to the angel and the mystic inscription on it
  • Church Services:
    7g07, 7f13, 7f20, 8f12, 1f05, 1f14, 2f04, 3f02

    Wisdom and Morality of Timothy Lovejoy:

    "I urge every halfway decent member of our community to gather up all merchandise that bears the likeness of Krusty, that clown prince of corruption, and join me in a public burning..."

    "Good people, I'm so happy your all here tonight, but please, just a few words of caution. Now we are going to set this pile of evil ablaze, but because these are children's toys, the fire will spread quickly. So please stand back and try not to inhale the toxic fumes..."

    "... and the Lord said, Whack ye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies and thy town will be a beacon unto others." "So you see Lisa, even God himself endorses whacking day."

    "Now instead of my boring old sermon, I'm going to take a page from the book of Bart, and do something I've always wanted to do.....take five Mrs. Phesh."

    "Once something has been approved by the Government, It's no longer immoral."

    "Hmmm Marge just about everything is a sin, have you ever sat down and read this thing? Technicly we're not allowed to go to the bathroom."

    "Ned, have you thought about one of the other major religions, there all pretty much the same."

    Tim walking his dog on Flander's lawn:
    "c'mon boy, this is the spot right here, good boy. Do your dirty sinful business."

    "I remember another gentle visitor from the heavens, he came in peace and then died, only to come back to life, and his name was E.T., the extra terestrial. I loved that little guy."

    "Thanks to you, I've rediscovered a form of shame that's gone unused for seven hundred years."

    The Rev. is preaching about the new Movementarians "This so called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Let us say the Lord's prayer 40 times, but first let's pass the collection plate." the collection plate returns nearly empty. "Oh Lord, uh, try the emergency plate Ned"

    Marquee Anouncements:

  • God, the original love connection
  • 2:00 Peterson Wedding, 8:00 Hayride to Heaven
  • Every Sunday is super Sunday
  • Today's Topic: When Homer met Satan
  • Today: what a friend we have in God, Also: the Be sharps
  • Today's Topic: be like unto the boy
  • Loosest Bingo cards in town
  • Private Wedding, Please worship elsewhere
  • Evil women in history: from Jezebel to Janet Reno
  • No shoes, no shorts, no salvation
  • God welcomes his victims
  • No synagogue parking
  • Next Sunday: the miracle of shame
  • The listen lady is in
  • Today's Sermon: Conquest of the county of the apes
  • Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!

    Timothy's Topics

  • Gambling, the 8th deadly sin
  • Today's Christian doesn't think he needs God "...he's got his HiFi, his boob tube, and his instant pizza pie..."
  • What Ned did
  • The Lamentations of Jeremiah {the long version}
  • Love
  • The 9 tennants of Constancy
  • Conquest of the county of the apes


    Homer: "What is a wedding? well Webster's dictionary defines a wedding as the process of removing weeds from one's garden."

  • Apu and Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon
  • Martha and Stanley Peterson
  • Bouvier-Burns Wedding
  • Bouvier-Terwilleger Wedding
  • Bouvier-McClure Wedding
  • Lisa Simpson-Hugh Parkfield (called off)
  • Homer and Marge get Remarried:
    "Dearly beloved, I will now read the special vows which Homer has prepared for this occasion. Do you Marge take Homer in richness and poorness, poorness is underlined, in impotence and im-potence, in quiet solitude or blasting across the alkali flats in a jet powered monkey navigated...and it goes on like this..."


    Frank Grimes:
    "Frank Grimes, or Grimy as he liked to be called, taught us that a man can triumph over adversity. And even though Frank's agonizing struggle through life was tragicly cut short, I'm sure he's looking down from heaven right now....."

    Asa Phelps:
    "Asa Phelps spent his entire life in Springfield except for four years of service in WWII and one high school day trip. He worked at the United Strut and Bracing Works as a moulders boy until he was replaced by moldermatic and died."

  • Bleeding Gums Murphy
  • Great Uncle Boris
  • Krusty the Clown
  • Marge's Great Aunt Gladys
  • Beatrice Simmons

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