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All Souls Church, in conformity with the historic Apostles and Nicene Creeds,
and as an agent of God’s mission in Cameron Highlands:

SEEKS TO magnify God’s name through worship.

Therefore: We come together to sing praises, hear and proclaim God’s word, offer our prayers, receive Christ’s forgiveness and celebrate the gifts of baptism and Holy Communion. SEEKS TO educate God’s people through discipleship. Therefore: We nurture growth in personal faith and Biblical understanding, edifying the body of believers through fellowship and the responsible use of our time, talents and resources. SEEKS TO communicate God’s word through evangelism. Therefore: We reach out beyond our congregation, inviting into communion people of different races and generations, sharing the Good News of the gospel with all our neighbours. SEEKS TO demonstrate God’s love through service. Therefore: We go forth to offer Christ’s compassionate love, comfort, hope, joy and peace; as individuals, as a congregation and as members of the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia to serve the homeless, the hungry, the sick, the abused, the forgotten and the broken in spirit. SEEKS TO obey God’s commission through mission. Therefore: We encourage and support world-wide Christian missions and endeavour to mobilise members of our own congregation for part or full time cross cultural mission.
