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1.You've made your own lion
2.You just know you're a member of the Voltron Force, if you could just find a way to Arus...
3.The Voice of King Alphor comes to you in your thoughts
4.You put him on hold while you try to find a way to Arus
5.You seem to stay in the same outfit all the time
6.If you figured out how to play the theme song
7.You wonder why Pidge wears a headband if he's a boy
8.You have the biggest Voltron site around
9.You write Voltron fanfics
10.You have the biggest Voltron fanfic site around


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Voltron and all related names and projects are © Toei Animation and World Events Production
This website was made and maintained by:Princess Ally. Main Pic modification and Title made by Sage Arrowny. Ideas for the main page design was from Lycentia's SM Graphics.