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Name...... Allura "Ally"
Race...... Human
Gender.... Female
Age....... 16
Hair...... Blond
Eyes...... Blue
Status.... Blue Lion pilot, Princess of planet Arus
Allura is the princess of the planet Arus, and her father, King Alphor, died in a battle with Zarkon. She at times seems very naive,but when needed can be one of the bravest on the team. Originally Sven piloted the Blue Lion, but he was severly injured by the witch Haggar, and Allura took his place. Allura has a huge crush on Keith and can be seen eyeing him and blushing when he's around. She seems to be obsessed with the color pink.


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This website was made and maintained by:Princess Ally. Main Pic modification and Title made by Sage Arrowny. Chibi pics made by Princess Ally.Ideas for the main page design was from Lycentia's SM Graphics.