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Name...... Lance
Race...... Human
Gender.... Male
Age....... 17
Hair...... Brown
Eyes...... Black
Status.... Red Lion pilot, 2nd in command
The resident lady's man, Lance is the exact opposite of his best friend, Keith. At first glance he seems to be a hotheaded, smart aleck who's always got to say a punchline or anything else at anytime and has the worst puns around (actually first glance nothing, he is like that!). Lance is known for always having a rude comment about the team's enemies. Though he has a temper, he IS extremally hot and has the effect of growing on you after awhile.

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This website was made and maintained by:Princess Ally. Main Pic modification and Title made by Sage Arrowny. Chibi pics made by Princess Ally.Ideas for the main page design was from Lycentia's SM Graphics.