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Character Bios

Here are the character bios for the Sword of Truth

Richard Rahl/Cypher

Richard Rahl, formally known as Richard Cypher, grew up in the Westlands. A land devoid of all magic suposedly. Richard loved the woods, and spent a great part of his life there. His foster father, George Cypher, had Richard memorize a very special book of magic. When Richard memorized the entire book, the two burned the book, it't contents lost to all but Richard. But one day Richard's father is found dead in his house, and the adventure begins.

Kahlan Amnell

Kahlan Amnell first meets Richard early in the first book. She hides her true identity from Richard because of who she really is: The Mother Confessor. She has the power of taking peoples souls in a matter of speaking. Kahlan is from the Midlands, a land full of magic. She grew up learning everything she could about being a Confessor, but when all the other Confessors died she became the Mother Confessor. She went into the Westlands looking for a way to stop Darken Rahl, a very powerful wizard. And she found the Seeker of Truth.

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