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I want you to be my friend...

I want to be yours...

I want you to fall in love with my mind, and then move on to my heart and soul...

I want to hear you talk about your family, your passions, life, the universe and everything...

I want you to feel deeply about something... whether it is faith in God or in the New Jersey Devils...

I want you to respect your opinion and know your own mind...  as I do...

I want you to feel natural around me...  like you were meant to be there...

I want you to challenge me but to remember that it isn’t personal...  at the end of the day we are still friends...

I want you to just listen to me when I am frustrated...  I only want help when I ask...

I want you to be proud of me...

I want you to use me as your support...  there is very little I won’t give for you...

I want you to see me in the little things...

I want you just to look at me and laugh when I come up with those crazy/silly/geeky ideas...

I want you to know that I am not happy unless I have eight million things going on at once...

I want you to introduce me to your friends with no embarrassment...

I want you to walk by a flower seller on the street and think of me fleetingly...

I want you to call me out of the blue for no reason (just to say hi!)  Not often, but sometimes...

I want you to demand the best of me, as I do of you...

I want you to know that I am neither of my parents...  but a little of both...

I want you to laugh...  just on principle...

I want you to not hide the dark side from me...

I want you to leave me alone when the sun is shining and I just want to stretch out like a cat in a golden pool of it...

I want you to feel safe with me...  and I want to feel safe with you...

I want you to know that I have very strange friends... only a few are family... the rest are there to remind me that there is a little something to love in everyone...

I want you to take chances...

I want you to believe...

I want you to sing along with the car radio or just pretend not to notice it when I do...

I want you to know that hockey is not a hobby, it is a need...  you don’t have to come with me but I have to go...

I want you to understand that I don’t go to bed early...  despite what time I have to wake up...

I want you to teach me to dance...  

I want you to hear me say "Ayn Rand" and not snicker...

I want you to understand that sometimes I feel an irresistible urge to peck you on the cheek...

I want you to have a drink with me and let’s talk about old times...

I want you to know that I don’t want to go back but I don’t want to be forgotten either...

I want you to keep your word...

I want you to know up front that I am crazy, but it helps me stay sane...

I want to fall asleep touching you...

I want to massage your back till you can’t move...

I want you to believe that any distance between us geographically can be overcome...

I want you to drive fast... and enjoy the trip...

I want you to get up on that stage every chance you can...

I want you to know that Russell Crowe is little more than an idle mind’s obsession...

I want you to read with me...  fall asleep in bed together  reading… so we can talk for hours about books...

I want you love movies so much that we can do MST3K ourselves if we wanted to...

I want you to know that I love Shakespeare... when in doubt I quote him...

I want you let me talk about quantum mechanics and hyperverses even if you never care to hear another word of it again...

I want you to tell me when you are angry...

I want you to be kind to animals...

I want you to like a good cigar once in a while...

I want you to be intense...  

I want you to think that it just maybe possible to know exactly what you want in life...  and to wake up in the morning knowing you are one day closer to it...



                       I want you to love me as I love you...

        In short...

I want you.  

--Jenn Carlson  May 8, 2001
