One Mate Goes Another One Comes
Written by:StargazerCat


It was a beautiful morning and Victoria was walking towards the junkyard. Just then she saw a cat on the sidewalk. Victoria walked up to teh cat and sniffed it. She knew it was a boy but she didnt know why he was out here. She walked around him and then shook him. The cat opened his eyes and saw Victoria and srung up. "Wh...who are you?"he asked. "My name is Victoria. What's your name?"she asked sweetly. "My name is Plato. Are you a Jellicle cat?"he asked. "Yes."she reponded. "Can you take me to your leader so I can becoem a Jellicle?"he asked. "Sure follow me."said Victoria and she began to walk to the junkyard. Plato was close behind her. She walked into the junkyard and she saw the kittens fooling around. Pouncival getting yelled at by Jellylorum. Coricopat and Tantomile were just sitting there watching the others. Cassandra was sitting next to Alonzo. She heard Etcetera screaming over Tugger. "Munkustrap!"shouted Victoria. Munkustrap came running. "What is it Victoria?"asked Munkustrap. "This is Plato. He wants to become a Jellicle."said Victoria. "Coricopat! Tantomile! Come here!"hollered Munkustrap. The twins came over. "Can you send Old Deutoronomy a message then go and get him."said Munkustrap. Coricopat and Tantomile send the mental message and ran off to get him. Victoria sat down and began to lick her paw. Just then a puff of smoke apeared inton of her. Victoria jumped up 5 feet into the air. When she landed her fur was on end. She saw that it was Mistofelees and her fur went down and she licked her paw. "Scared you huh?"asked Mistofelees. "No I just jumped up into the air for nothing."said Victoria patting Mistofelees on the head. Just then she felt a paw on her shoulder she almost jumped out of her fur. "Scared you huh?"asked Plato. "Yes you did!"exclaimed Victoria. "Old Deutoronomy."said Mistofelees turning to the entrance of the junkyard. Victoria looked where Mistofelees was looking and sat down by him. Plato saw this and sat down by Victoria. Just the Old D. walked in with Coricopat and Tantomile followed. All the kittens and cats ran up to him and rubed up against him. "May I ask why I was summonded?"asked Old D. "This cat wants to become a Jellicle."said Munkustrap. "May you stand up."said Old D. "My name is Plato."said Plato standing up. "Well you are now a Jellicle. I must go."said Old D. and he left. All the cats rejoised that they had a new cat in the group. For the past couple of days Plato got to know everyone especily Victoria. Plato walked into his home and his dad was sitting in the shadows. "So you are a Jellicle huh?"asked his dad. "Yep and your plan is working purfectly. I am just using the white cat. Until you find me a girl cat to my likeing I will dump that tramp. She will be so heart broken but hey she is a tramp. She dont even know that Im using her."explained Plato. "You have learned well my son. Like father like son."his dad said smiling. "Well gotta go."said Plato and he left. Plato entered the junkyard and noticed Victoria talking with Jemima. "Morning ladies."said Plato nodding. "What a gentleman."said Victoria wit ha smile. Just then Plato jumped up to Victoria's side. "Victoria will you have the honor of being my mate?"asked Plato handing Victoria a pink flower. Victoria took the flower and put it by her left ear. "Yes I will!"exclaimed Victoria giving Plato a hug. "Oh how sweet! I am going to go tell everyone right now!"exclaimed a happy Jemima and she ran off. Victoria giggled at her hyper friend. Just then Mistofelees entered the junkyard.
"Hey Mistofelees!"called Victoria. Mistofelee's ears purked up. He heard an angel when he hears Victoria's voice. To him Victoria was an angel sent from above. Her pure white coat made her heart just that pure. He looked at Victoria. He thought she looked just so beautiful with that flower near her ear. When he saw Plato that went away. He got bad vibes from that cat and he knows that he is just no good. How can Mistofelees tell Victoria about Plato in time? Mistofelees hoped up onto the tire. "Hey Vicki."he said. "Guess what!" "What?" "Plato asked me to be his mate and I said yes!"exclaimed Victoria. Mistofelees face droped. He knew he should have asked her to be his mate when he could. "Wow thats great. I have to go."said Mistofelees and he ran off trying not to cry. "Man he didnt sound thrilled."said Victoria with a sad look on her face. "Hey dont worry bout him. You're my mate now."said Plato. The word spreaded around fast. Everyone was so happy for Victoria and Plato becoming mates. All but Mistofelees. He knows that Plato was evil. Everyday Victoria wore a pink flower by her left ear. Plato walked into his house to see his dad smiling. "Well son I have a cat for you. Her name is Shadow. Come out Shadow." Just then a black cat with a grey patch over her left eye, a grey tiped tail, and grey paws. Plato's mouth droped. "She is Beautiful! I can tell she has a dark heart. She is so better that Victoria. She has a pure white coat that meens her heart is just to pure for me."explained Plato. Shadow came and sat down by Plato rubbing up against him. "Well I have a plan. Lets make me a Jellicle. If we do that you can dump that tramp Victoria and go out with me. She will get so sad she will leave the tribe and if we are lucky some of her friends would. Then we can take over the tribe."explained Shadow figiting with her black satin collar. "Lets go sweety and make you a Jellicle!"exclaimed Plato as they left. His dad just smiled. They walked into the junkyard right before Old D. was about to leave. "Oh Old Deutoronomy this cat wants to become a Jellicle. Her family left her and now she is a stray."explained Plato. Old D. looked at the black and grey cat. "She may be a Jellicle and now I must go."said Old D. and left. "Hey welcome Shadow. Hey Plato guess what. Munkustrap is on vacation! Most of the seniors are on vacation. Alonzo is in charge but I say that the other cats and kittens are gonna be hyper."explained Victoria. "Wow cool!"said Shadow. *This is gonna work out better than I thought.*thought Shadow. Victoria looked over at Mistofelees who looked very sad. "I wounder why Mistofelees is so down."said Victoira. "Who cares?"asked Plato. Victoria gave him a look. The next day Victoria was walking to the junkyard. Just then Plato ran up behind her. "Hey Vicki we gotta talk."said Plato. "Ok."said Victoria sitting down. Just then Mistofelees came around the corner and saw the two. He just sat their. "I am sorry say this but Im breaking up with you."said Plato. "W....why?"asked Victoria. "Because I dont love you anymore and you are a tramp!"exclaimed Plato and he ran off. Victoria couldnt belive what she heard..Plato called her a tramp. Hot tears streamed down her face. Mistofelees couldnt belive what he had heard. How dare Plato call her a tramp! He is the worse cat ever! Mistofelees walked up behind Victoria. "Hey whats amater?"he asked. "Plato just broke up with me. He called me atramp!"exclaimed Victoria crying really hard now. "He called you a tramp! That jerk!"exclaimed Mistofelees. "We were so happy together. I wounder what I did wrong."she said. "You didnt do anything wrong he just dont see the love you have."explained Mistofelees. The two cats walked to the junkyard. When they walked in Victoria saw Plato kissing Shadow. She was shocked. The flower by her ear droped down to the ground.
"Hey Victoria like my new mate?"called out Plato. Victoria began to cry hard and she ran off. "Im never comign back!"yellec Victoria as she ran away. "Victoria come back!"hollored Mistofelees running after her. He ran and ran but couldnt find her. "N she cant be gone."he said to himself. He sighed as he gave up trying to find Victoria. He turned around and walked back to the junkyard. He walked in and sat down by himself. Just then rats began to pile in. Just then they heard a laugh. "Macavity!"yelled Demeter. All the cats looked around as they saw the rats pile in. "Good job son you did well."said Macavity. "Thanks dad."said Plato. "Your Macavity's son!"exclaimed Bombalurina. "Yep and the plan worked purfectly. You little tramp Victoria is gone."said Shadow. "What did you call Victoria?"shouted Mistofelees. "I called her a tramp and she ain ever coming back!"exclaimed Shadow. Mistofelees got very angery. Just then something hit Mistofelees in the neck. It was some sort of collar. "Now you cant use your magic."said Macavity with a laugh. Mistofelees knew he was beaten. He sunk down and tears escaped his eyes. "Now We are in charge so listen up. You cats will not leave here at all! You all will stay here!"comanded Macavity. The cats couldn't belive it. Plato betrayed them. He also called Victoria a tramp. Jemima snuck out without no one knowing because of her size. "I have to go find Victoria."said Jemima as she went to serch for her. "Mistofelees what are we gonna do?"asked Etcetera. "I..I dont know."he said depressly. "But you know what to do for everything!"exclaimed Etcetera. "I...I have no idea."said Mistofelees very down. Etcetera looked at Mistofelees with sorrow on her face. Jemima ran down the sidewalk. She ran into an alley and she saw Victoria crying. "Victoria we need your help! Macavity has taken oevr the junkyard! Plato is his son!"exclaimed Jemima. Victoria looked up. "That gerk! Hey isnt Munkustrap coming back soon? Lets go get him"said Victoria running to Munkustraps house Jemima right behind her. They found Munkustrap coming out the cat door. "Munkustrap!"yelled Vicotria running up to him. "What?"he asked. "Macavity took over the junkyard! Plato is his son! We have to get there! He has rats everywhere! We are gonna need more cats!"exclaimed Victoria. "I know where to get more cats."said Munkustrap. "Well once we get in there Victoria will get Mistofelees collar off and we will get Mistofelees to go after Plato, you after Macavity, and Victoria you will go after Shadow."explained Jemima. Munkustrap and Victoria nodded and they went to get the other cats. "Mistofelees dont you wanna try to fight?"asked Electra. "No I dont think so."said Mistofelees. 'Whats with you its like you dont care about anything."said Electra. "Because I dont."said Mistofelees. Just then Someone snuck up behind him. He turned around to see Jemima and Victoria. "Victoria what are you doing here?"he asked. "To save the junkyard what else?"she asked trying to get the collar off of him. It wouldnt come off. "Ok when otehr cats run in you go after Plato. I am going after Shadow. Munkustrap is going after Macavity so dont worry about him."explained Victoria. Mistofelees nodded. Just then mroe cats came in and started to fight up on rats. "Lets go!"shouted Victoria. They ran out into the open. Mistofelees hoped up infront of Plato and kicked him making him fall down. Munkustrap clawed Macavity across the face. Victoria hoped up infront of Shadow. "Well if it aint the tramp. Give me your best shot."she said. Victoria clawed Shadow across the face. Shadow stumbled back. "You tramp!"she cried and she pounced onto Victoria. Munkustrap had Macavity in a cat cage with Plato. They looked at the fight between Shadow and Victoria. They had scratches on them. Shadow clawed Victorai and she fell down.
"Come on tramp get up. You are just so ugly why would any cat go out with you."said Shadow. Victoria got very mad and lunged at Shadow biting her neck. Shadow fell limp. She hit the ground in a bloodt mess. "You killed her!"exclaimed Plato. Victoria backed up. "Now Macavity I banish you. If you ever try to do stuff like this again we will leave you for the pollicles. Now Plato you are no longer a Jellicle and you are banished. Never come here again. If we get a word that you have came close to any Jellicle we will hunt you down and hurt you."said Munkustrap letting the two cats go. They ran away. They took Shadow's body and baried it deep under the junk. "Im so glad you came back."said Mistofelees. "Yeah."said Victoria. Mistofelees looked at Victoria. Just then a blue flower and a blue collar with dimoands on it. "Victoria will you be my mate?"he asked. Victoria looked at him. She took her collar off and put the one Mistofelees had and took the blue flower and looked at it. She put it by her right ear. "This time I will make the right choice. Yes I will."said Victoria. Mistofelees smiled and gave Victoria a lick. Victoria retured the lick. "Aint that cute!"exclaimed Jemima. The stars were sparkling and the moon shined bright. Mistofelees and Victoria was sitting close to each other looked at the moon.

The End