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 Largest Indian Network Online.

Welcome to the largest Indian network online.  This network is created to show other people who surf online to finds more about Indian culture.  So this network is here to join everyone that has a website about Bollywood and above all about India.  You can add your site also if you have your own personal page that shows something about India.


New requirements to join Indian Network.

  1. Your site must have have something about Bollywood or about India
    If your site is about Education, we love to add your site. In future, we will decide to put all kind a sites in our network as long as it is appropriate for a general audience. 

  2. You agree to keep your email address up to date with the network. 
    Your email address will only be used to contact you in regards to matters of the network. You will not be put on any sort of mailing list, but we must have a current email address for you.  If we don't have a correct email address for you we will assume that you have abandoned the network and your site will be removed from our network.

  3. Your site must be appropriate for a general audience. 
    We will not allow any sites displaying offensive material.  If at any time after you have been accepted to the network and it is found that your site now contains offensive material you will be moved back to the network queue until the offensive material is removed.  If material not removed within 7 business days your site will be completely removed from the network.

  4. You agree to display the network code prominantly on your website. 
    We do not insist on the network code on your main page, but the network code must be put on either a 'links' or 'networks' page that is easily accessible from your main page.  It is simply not fair to the other sites in the network if surfers of the network get to your site and cannot continue to surf the network out of your site.

  5. You agree to keep your website url current with the network. 
    If you move your website to another location you must update your status in the network.  If not the network gets full of broken links.  We understand that sometimes websites go down for one reason or another from time to time, but if your site continually does not 'load' it will be removed from the network system.

If you agree to the above continue on to submit your site to the network..



Special:  It's free all the time.


Once your site has been added to the network, your site will be shown to the rest of the sites who also joined the network.


Your site banner will shown to the other popular sites such as Bollywood 2001 and more. 


We are responsible for your site.
It is up to you if you want to remove your site from the network. It is easy to join and also easy to remove.


Your site will be called the Proud member of Indian Community and it will feel great to say that.

Copyright © 1999-2001  and its content providers. All rights reserved.