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Title: Murderous Eyes

Author: Carla (moviebuff)

Date: January 1, 2002

Website: OR

Rating: PG

Summary: Post-Spirit. Would Jack have shot Sydney?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Alias, despite the fact that I named my fish Vaughn. JJ Abrams and ABC own it, and they better keep it on the air _______________________

"What the HELL did you think you were doing?" Jack screamed to his daughter.

With a much more contained voice, his daughter, Sydney answered, "The same thing you did for me."

Jack paused in contemplation, staring past her shoulder. Then, the face that had show emotion went back to its normal mask of stone. He walked off, away from Sydney, as if nothing had happened.

Sydney sighed inwardly, it was what she had expected of her father, except she had expected more. She was in a CIA safe house in Florida, they'd been brought here from Cuba and were awaiting word about what they were to do next.

Syd turned around to face Vaughn, a person she wasn't expecting to see tonight and probably the reason her dad had left the conversation so soon.

"Hey," he said, as if they had just run into each other on the street.

"What are you doing here?" It wasn't that she didn't want him to there, far from it in fact.

"Well, Devlin was a little more than mad that I helped you go to Cuba after your father, so he sent me here to 'baby-sit'." He joked, walking closer to her.

"Yeah, well, thanks for keeping our secret." She said sarcastically, but in fact, it had ended up saving her life.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Seriously though, thanks. If you guys hadn't shown up when you did..." she didn't know how to finish her sentence.

"I don't think Jack would have shot you." Vaughn told her, with humour in his voice.

"I don't know about that."

Although they were in a closed room, Vaughn was still a little paranoid about touching her, so he just stepped closer. "He's your father."

His closeness distracted her, but she concentrated on what he was saying, instead of how good he smelled. He was speaking rationally and she let that win over her emotions. Jack wouldn't shoot his own daughter, would he? She'd seen the look in his eye, just before the team from the CIA rushed in, she couldn't ignore what she'd seen and it was murder.