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I'm still going to keep the old Christina Cox news here. I may move it to my other site but not for awhile. Gotta get some other stuff done first.
August 14, 2002

Chapter 17 is up!

August 12, 2002

Chapter 16 of An Ode To Maybe is up.

July 24, 2002
Chapters 11-15 of An Ode To Maybe are up

July 17, 2002
Chapters 6-10 are up for An Ode To Maybe

July 15, 2002
I have started a new fanfic, it's centered around Alex Krycek of the X-files. Chapters 1-5 You really don't have to have any previous X-Files knowledge to read, so please do.

June 18, 2002
I updated some new pictures Touched By An Angel from the CBS website here

May 14, 2002
Well, this is kinda good, kinda bad news. Chris Potter's new pilot for ABC did not get picked up for the fall lineup but it does have a chance of being picked for a mid-season replacement.

April 14, 2002
Looking for a CP fix? For those that live in Canada, Showcase is re-airing Chris' "Lonesome Dove" episode "Providence" Saturday May 4th at 11:00 am eastern time.For some more info on Chris Potter's new tv pilot check out HERE.Also if you're are looking for Arachnid, Chris' movie that is being released today, you have to special order it through HMV in Canada. And they are down to 3 DVD's left on Amazon.
Also, calling all fanfic writer's, my friend and I are starting up a new website for creative writing, specifically fanfiction. We need more Chris Potter related stories but any you'd like to submit will be appreciated. Email us at: Thanks!<
March 16, 2002
Chris Potter is doing a new pilot for ABC called "Astronauts." Here's the link

March 6, 2002
There is a problem with bravenet and it was messing up the bottom of the site. Problem fixed, but my counter isn't. Anyways, mark your calenders: Arachnid is being released on DVD in North America on March 26, 2002! I'm not sure if this means it will come out in stores or what, I'll be checking that out.

Febuary 25, 2002
Chris Potter is said to be playing hockey at the 1st annual Heroes in Uniforms on March 22 and 23. Check here for more info.

Febuary 23, 2002
It was posted on the Disscussion board at that Chris Potter does the voice for a GM commercial. Honeybat, my favorite person, has links to both audioand video

Febuary 22, 2002
Just to review: "A Wrinkle In Time" will be airing on ABC in November of 2002. Arachnid will be released on in March 2002. The first season of Queer as Folk has been released on DVD for sure, I'm not too sure about video though. I don't know if I mentioned these things before but here ya go! Added more links by the way.
January 30, 2002
I finally fixed up the links page, added some new ones, got rid of ones that didn't work, etc. Go check it out!

January 16, 2002
I've got some not so good news, we'll have to wait until November to see Chris' new movie "A Wrinkle in Time" according to this article. In other news my brother was at this stay in school thing yesterday and this women was talking about how some people know what they're going to do for the rest of their lives at a very young age. She said she used to know this guy that in grade three he knew he wanted to be an actor. Since then, she's seen him on Will and Grace and he also used to be on Kung Fu, he played a cop. Guess Who? Yep, it's our guy Chris Potter! I'm very excited, my brother knows someone who used to know Chris Potter!!! Can you hear the how pathetic I am? In other unrelated news, "Alias" just got picked up for a second season

January 9, 2002
I just *love* honeybat! She has pictures form "The Shrink is In"! VISIT HERE I also added some of them to the "Other Pictures" page.

January 5, 2002
The USA network is re-airing "Final Jeopardy" Jan. 13 and 14. And, a little off topic here, but for those who are fans of the new show "Alias", Sydney's father, Jack (played by Victor Garber) also happened to guest star on "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues" (with our guy!) in the episode, "The Innocent". Have a great weekend!

January 1, 2002
Happy New Year everybody! So, I added another fanfic called Murderous Eyes, it's an Alias fanfic, very short. My e-mail is down right now, sorry for the inconvience to anyone thats trying to contact me.

December 25, 2001
Things may go missing before your very eyes. Sorry, I'm just moving stuff, if you're looking for something it should be up in a bit. I'll try and keep everything needed, up. What do you think of the new title?

December 23, 2001
Oh my god, after visiting this website, I feel so small. Now I'm not sure if this is a official website for Christina Cox or what. Go visit it here but please, don't forget about my little site:)


December 13, 2001
Okay I know I said I'd have the print ad up by Monday and its Thursday, but I did try. Anyways the print ad for Christina Cox's new movie is here at the Pictures 2 page

Also take a look at the bottom of this page, as I have added a link to my new favorite show, Alias. I adopted an episode!

December 7, 2001
I know I said I'd have the print ad up today but try as I might, computers hate me. I don't have a scanner, I was borrowing one and it wouldn't work for me. So I'll try again on Monday. Sorry

December 6, 2001
"Jane Doe" Christina Cox's new movie will debut on Tuesday Dec. 11 at 9PM/8C on the USA network. Tommorrow I'm going to try and get the print ad up here, it's in the Dec. 7 issue of Entertainment weekly(the cover is war movies)Also you can visit the website and here is a picture:

November 18, 2001
I am so happy about this! IMDB has the trailer for "A Wrinkle in Time" here! 20 days until Chris Potter's episode of "Touched by an Angel"!

November 9, 2001
Christina Cox is rumoured to be on an episode of "Stargate SG1", date and time is not known yet.

Chris Potter will be on Touched By An Angel in an episode called "Angels Anonymous" tentatively scheduled for December 15!

November 4, 2001
Finally, some news, Chris Potter will be doing an episode of "Touched By An Angel", time and date aren't known yet. Also I added some new "Arachnid" pictures on the pictures page here

October 14, 2001
According to IMDB "The Shrink Is In" is due for world release in November. Upcoming Movies website says it's going straight to video. I'll try to find out exact dates and update later.

October 12, 2001
Nothing new to report, though I did want to say that "A Wrinkle in Time" information can be found nowhere(or at least I can't find it) So if anyone knows anything PLEASE!!!! HELP!!! Have a good weekend.

September 26, 2001
Apparently, the trailer for Chris Potter's new mini-series, "A Wrinkle In Time" is on the "Spy Kids" tape. I haven't seen it yet, but i'm planning on watching it this weekend.

September 11, 2001
Today is a day of deep sadness and fear. I still am finding it hard to believe about this devastating terrorist attack. My condolences go out to those in New York and Washington and those whose families may be involved. My prayers go out to you and all Americans.
August 31, 2001
I have some brand new pictures of Christina Cox at the pictures page here

There's also some new Queer As Folk pictures on that page. Chris Potter's old series is in reruns on Showcase on Fridays at 6:00 PM.

August 24, 2001
A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chris Potter, who had his birthday yesterday! It was also my friend Kristen's B'day yesterday, so happy birthday to her too!
There's also a rumour of a Kung Fu movie being made, now I'm not sure if that would be the original or the newer one, let's cross our fingers for it.

August 1, 2001
The Rysher office is no longer working with a full staff, so if you write to them, expecting it to be fowarded to Christina, it will probably be thrown out or not fowarded. The Fusion address works, which is at the Other page.
Christina Cox is filming in Toronto with Teri Hatcher (Lois and Clark)in a movie called "Jane Doe" produced by USA films and Joel Silver's production company.
There's a new site for Christina at The Christina Cox Shrine

I added some new pics from "Arachnid" on the Pictures 2 pageHERE

July 24, 2001
Success at last! Chris Potter's movie "The Shrink is in" will be airing on Monday, August 6, on the OXYGN channel at 2:00 and 9:00 pm.

July 3, 2001
Arachnid, will be released sometime this year, but it will be released straight to video.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Christina Cox information, as I haven't had any for awhile. I just wanted to tell all those Christina Cox fans out there, I'm still working hard on her part of the website.

June 27, 2001
Yippee! School's over, now back to important stuff, like updating the website! I made another pictures page, go check it out HERE
For all those Americans out there, TNT will be airing Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, starting July 9, at 4:00 PM eastern and pacific time, check your local listings. They will be starting with the pilot and going in order. And for Canadians, what a better way to spend our nation's birthday then watching "The Waiting Game" with Chris Potter. It will be playing on The Women's Television Network (WTN) on July 1, at 8 PM, check the time on that though. Also, rumours are abounding that there is going to be a Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, CD volume 2. Does anyone know if this is true and tell me how to get order it?

Does anyone else think that Nicholas Lea (Krycek from the X-files) reminds you of Chris Potter? Maybe it's just me.

June 9, 2001
I know, I know, It's been awhile and I still don't have any news. Just some stuff that might interest you, the car Chris Potter drove in Kung Fu: TLC (besides the gorgous black corvette convertible) was a Dodge Stealth RT V6 automatic. There is no official Christina Cox fanclub (at least that I could find) that's why I made one. Also the address posted in the Other section does work. Alright, well that's all I have to say, just letting you know I'm here.

May 18, 2001
WOW! Two days in a row!
Sad news, Chris Potter's pilot(tv show) "The Big House" didn't make the cut. Don't give up hope though, they may bring it in as a replacment, or a mid-season show. To cheer you up the trailer for Arachnid is here. I suggest that only people with cable and DSL try this, I tried it and it wouldn't work for me(26K modem). So I haven't seen it, write me and tell me how it looks.
May 17, 2001
I know I haven't been updating very much but it's been kind of hectic. Summer's coming soon and I'll have all the time in the world for this.Thanks to Eugene who informed me that there are lot's of fanfiction of Michael and David (Off of Queer as folk) at yahoogroups:, Doctor, I'll put the links up at the links section later.

Lastly, if anyone wondered over to the fanfiction site and read Exact?, please send me some input, I'm working on part two, it's just taking awhile.

May 2, 2001
For anyone who was having trouble with the fanfic site, everything has been fixed.

Lot's of Chris Potter news, he is in the new ABC four hour miniseries called "A Wrinkle in Time" which is based on the book by Madeleine L'Engle. It will be on next season but I hae no idea when exactly. Also, The Outer Limits ep.-"Stranded" with Chris Potter is being reaired on Scifi May 23. May 25 WE is reairing "The Waiting Game".

Don't you love May (my birthday's in May so maybe it's just me!)

April 29, 2001
Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile but there's really no new news and I've been busy with school but this week I promise to add some more stuff here. I added a new link, The NEW Chris Potter Picture Pages which has some awesome pics of Chris Potter(hence the name) I heard that Queer as Folk is going into reruns for the month of May, so if you didn't see all the shows originally, here's your chance. I would also like to remind everyone that FX: The Series does play in Canada on Showcase, as well as Kung u: The Legend Continues, every week day. I don't know when it plays in the States or other areas, if you know e-mail me. Slowly, I working on Part 2 of Exact? (I need a new name) which I've added Peter Caine to the story. Inspirational e-mails, might help my motivation (hint, hint) Have a good day everyone!
April 16, 2001
Part 1 of a new fanfiction called Exact? is here (by the way if you can think of a better name, i'll mention you on the website)YES! I know we're all excited! Don't forget to watch Queer As Folk tonight.

April 15, 2001
AHHHHHHHHHHH! My VCR didn't tape Final Jeopardy! I am in desperate need of help, does anyone know if it will be on again? This is what I get for putting homework first, shesh! Well I don't have any new news for you but have a Happy Easter everyone! P.S. if I get around to it, I'll fix up the website.

April 9, 2001
IMPORTANT! Chris Potter's new TV movie, Final Jeopardy, is on tomorrow(Monday, April 9) on ABC. I think it was originally set to be shown on the 16th but they either changed it or I can't tell the difference between 9 and 16. Anyways, enjoy!

Better Than Chocolate is on Monday, April 9 on Movie Central at around 10:45 mountain time. Well I'm off to watch X-Files (Yipee Mulder's back!)

March 28, 2001
I'm still moving things around so if stuff seems to be a little weird and out of place, don't worry I'll be fixing it.

Although Queer as Folk has been renewed for a second season, I'm hearing that Chris Potter will not be apart of the cast. Instead, like I mentioned yesterday, he's in a new ABC drama called The Big House(Being Brewster).

March 27, 2001
I've started to reconfigure my website(hopefully for the better) so all the new NEWS will be on this page and the older news will be in the NEWS section. I've also put up some new pictures around the website and I've updated the Other and Links sections.

Come join a Christina Cox fanclub atThe FXAngies

I heard a rumour that Chris Potter will be on a new ABC drama.

Mar. 17, 2001-Sorry about such late timing but "eNow" (on CTV)is reported to have a segment on Queer As Folk. CTV is a canadian channel and enow is on sometime tonight(mar. 17)check your local listings.
Mar. 15, 2001-You can chat live with Chris Potter! This Sunday (March 18) at 11PM ET/8PM PT, log onto
    Mar. 1, 2001-Chris Potter has signed a one year contract on Queer As Folk.
    Feb. 19, 2001- The Kung Fu/X-files/FX/Forever Knight fanfiction is finished, so please go read and tell me what you think.
    Feb. 11, 2001-Chris Potter will be in a new tv movie on ABC, Final Jeopardy, on April 16.

    December 24,2000-Visit the
  • SHOWCASEwebpage to take a look at Queer As Folk. It has some great pictures of Chris Potter.
    November 26, 2000-Chris Potter will be on Queer as Folk starting on December 3 on showtime. Canadians will have to wait till January 22 to see it on showcase.
    November 5, 2000- Chris Potter is set to star in the new movie Arachnid, more info. as it becomes available.
    October 15, 2000-Chris Potter is set to star in two new movies "The Shrink Is In" and "Red Rockets Glare"
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