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Title: Sweet Surrender

Author: Carla



Rating: R for language, violence and sexuality

Summary: Alex Krycek and Sandra meet up again, learning more about each other and

     especially Sandra’s past.

Notes: This is part of the In a World called Catastrophe series, this is the 2nd one. Read An Ode

to Maybe first.



Chapter 1

            Goodbye to you

            Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

            You were the one I loved

            The one thing that I tried to hold on to

                        -Michelle Branch- ‘Goodbye to You’


            “Hey lady, can I get some more coffee here?”


            Sandra Ames groaned, she reminded herself that she had chosen to waitress, no one had forced her into it, though her motives were allusive to her now.


            She plastered a smile on her face, chanting ‘tips, tips,’ in her head, as she poured the man’s coffee. “Is that all for you sir?”


            “Hey sweetheart, why don’t you come have a drink with us, come sit over here,” the man’s friend asked, patting his lap.


            Sandra took a deep breath and tried to quiet the urge to send something flying into his lap.


            She smiled again and gave them the bill, although the clientele might not be all that good, they usually tipped pretty well. Plus the more they drank, the higher the tip got and this table had drank a lot.


            “Hard night?” One of the regulars asked her, as she passed by his booth.


            Sandra looked at her watch, it was almost two a.m. “John, you have no idea, but it’s almost over. And what am I talking about,” She shook her head as she slid into the booth, “You work in the ER, my job pales in comparison.”


            He smiled at her, “Yes but I still have angry customers but unlike you, I don’t get tips, unless you call vomit and blood tips.”


            John was in his early forties but he hardly looked it with dirty blonde hair that was pushed back from his forehead, its length falling just above his ears. His blue eyes were surrounded by soft lines, not hardened wrinkles as most men.


When he wasn’t doctoring the sick, he skied, played basketball, you name it, he did it. He was every mother’s dream son-in-law but four years ago his wife had died of cancer and thus, he preferred the single life’s solitude.


            “Well, I better get going. I’m going home and sleeping for a week.” Sandra smiled as she got up, he was the only thing she looked forward to at work.


            “Night’ Sandy.”


            After finishing up at work, she quickly walked home. Even though it was the middle of June, Sandra learned that in Calgary, that could mean sun, rain or snow.


            She felt a sharp pain at the reason she had moved here, Alex Krycek. She thought of her life in two parts; life before Alex and life after.


            In her life before she had no knowledge of any alien invasion, The Consortium or Resistance, or that she herself was part alien.


            Sandra had always been shy as a child, she never felt that she truly belonged. A feeling that had really never left her and now was validated.


            Even though her parents had encouraged her to make friends with the other kids in her class, she was always too caught up in her own daydreaming. She dreamed of one day becoming a famous athlete, a writer, a movie star, of everything, And that one day her prince would come a take her away from all this boring everyday life.


            When she was in her teen’s she had become even more isolated, choosing her studies, over parties and boyfriends. Not that she could even get involved with that kind of stuff. Her clothes were never in style, she never said the right thing and she never knew all the information on all the ‘right’ things.


Sandra felt a slight tug when the thought of her bed came to her. For her 16th birthday, her parents had given her a huge queen sized, four-poster bed. It was all in oak, with intricate carvings in the headboard. They had told her that they wanted to give her something that she could keep for life and eventually pass on to her children.


Her parents died in a car accident a week after.


Sandra wondered if they had known they were going to die. After all, it had turned out to be not so ‘accidental’.


It was murder.


Sandra kicked a nearby stone, in an effort to release her anger. She had, had to leave the bed when she and Ale...when she had to run and go into hiding.


Sandra could see her house just in front and quickened her pace, for it was getting colder by the minute.


She stared intently at the house in front of her, she didn’t know why she continued to pay rent there. It was unsafe for her to stay there, when Alex Krycek knew exactly where it was and could tell others. But then again, maybe that was the exact reason she stayed.


Sandra unlocked the door and turned off the alarm, only to set it again for the doors and windows. She quickly grabbed some crackers from the kitchen, deciding she needed sleep more than food but decided compromising was probably better. She went upstairs, into her room, ready to crash for the night.


When she turned on the light switch, the box of crackers came crashing to the floor.


In the middle of the room, stood her four-poster bed.



Chapter 2



            You’re killing me


            You’re killing me

with all these questions

                        -Chris Issak “Please”


Four weeks had passed after the appearance of the bed and still no sign of anyone, especially Alex Krycek.


The night of the appearance Sandra had searched all over the bed and then all over the house for any clues but there hadn’t been anything. She hadn’t even attempted to sleep that night, instead she had sat at the top of the stairs holding a gun Alex had given her.


Sandra had stayed a few nights in a hotel but since she was going to continue eating, she had to go back home.


Anger welled up inside her as she started to walk, she had been so stupid with Alex Krycek. She had given him her whole heart but all he gave her was good-bye.


He had played her for the fool she was, he had told her he loved her but in the end, Alex Krycek loved no one but himself. Actually, that wasn’t even true, he had no heart, just an animalistic need for survival. He didn’t care who he stepped on, who he hurt, as long as he was the final survivor. The winner.


He had taken her away from her life, taken away any plans she had. He made her start over, without even asking her opinion. He had promised her a life and left her to live it by herself.


Sandra had been so naive to believe that she could change him, that she could save him from himself. What she should have been doing was saving herself from him. He was like a virus that seeped into her system, first deluding her into thinking he was good inside, that his intentions were just. Then he had aroused her curiosity and her body. That night they had sex was nothing but built up anger and fear. For him it was for power, he could have killed her at the climax, that would have been perfectly Krycek.


The last and final blow, was love, a manipulated, deceitful lie. He had ripped her heart out of her throat, while sipping on a beer.


As if she was nothing.


As if she didn’t matter.


She took a deep breath and slowly quelled her bitterness, instead she concentrated on the concrete moving beneath her feet.


Her speed fastened, she could feel someone behind her, though she couldn’t see anyone. That was another ‘perk’ she had attained recently, an increase in sensitivity to everything. It had been slow developing, she’d only started noticing it another time like this.


She’d been walking home from work when she felt a somewhat familiar presence, though she couldn’t see anyone. She had run home as fast as she could but since nothing happened, she summed it up to lack of sleep. But when she was asleep, she had such strange dreams, one of which was a man in her room.


In her dream, she had been sleeping when she felt someone touch her face, her eyes slowly opened to see a man, his face shadowed in the dark, bending over on her right side. He slowly lowered himself to the bed, his hand stroking her neck, while her hand graced over his face. His lips slowly descended on hers, kissing her so softly, she could barely feel it.


Her other hand cupped the left side of his face, pulling him into a deeper kiss. He slowly moved on top of her, the kiss becoming more passionate and faster. His tongue dived into her mouth, as hers curled around it.


She unbuttoned his shirt, as he suckled her neck and then pushed her shirt up to her neck and moved his mouth to her chest. Her hands ran across the muscles of his chest, wanting so badly to press her mouth against it. 


Sandra pushed the blankets that were between them, down and popped the button on his jeans. He leaned back to sit on her legs as he pulled down her pants, bringing her leg up to his lips, to pull the pants all the way down. He rubbed her knee against his cheek and licked the back of her knee.


Sandra closed her eyes, her senses truly heightened and she felt him hard between her legs. She moaned as he entered her, not wanting to open her eyes, afraid the dream would be over if she did.


The next morning, she awoke feeling better than she had since before her mysterious bed had arrived. Thinking it was only a dream, she had gotten up but, to her surprise, she had found her pants sitting down at the bottom of the bed. And if she really strained, she could smell cologne.


Alex’s cologne.


Chapter 3


Monday was the day we met

Tuesday I was flying

..Wednesday she was far away

Friday caught me crying

-Chris Isaak “Flying”



“Sandy, “ Rick, the owner of the bar, called as she walked into the kitchen. “Do you think you can drop John Traven’s order off at the hospital?”


Sandra nodded, they usually didn’t do deliveries but John was one of the exceptions. “Sure,” she truly didn’t want to do it but it was a really slow night and she wasn’t making very good tips.


When she got into the hospital, she kept her eyes down, she couldn’t look around, seeing all the ill and dying people. Children, father’s, young people, grandparents, it was too big a temptation. She had the power to help them, to heal them but at the same time...she couldn’t.


She had gone down that road once before, it wasn’t a path she’d take again.


It had been right after The Resistance and Consortium had caught up to her and Krycek and then let her go. She had been terrified to stay in the city, so she ran off to a tiny town in British Columbia, called Montgomery Lake.


Thinking Alex was dead and fearing for her own mortality, she had hid in her hotel room for a week. She had been getting ready to get back into her bed when she had heard screaming from the next hotel room.


A boy had been jumping up and down on his bed, unnoticed by his parents when he had tripped, hitting his head on the bedside table. When Sandra had went over to see what had happened, the boy was bleeding, unconscious on the floor.


Without thought Sandra had rushed over to him, placing her healing hands over his wound, quickly healing it.


Afterwards, she had been hounded by not only the boy’s parents but the rest of the hotel, the town’s doctor and soon most of the town.


Sandra couldn’t have gotten out fast enough, people were throwing money at her, begging her to heal the sick and wounded. One man even had gone so far as to threaten her with a gun, in exchange for healing his wife’s cancer.


She sympathized, she knew what it was like to lose someone close to you but it would never be possible for her to heal them all. And she wouldn’t try to start, she had some kind of gift but she knew nothing about it or the repercussions of that gift.


After talking herself out of the gun situation, she had tried to sneak out of the town but on the way to the bus station, she had been confronted with a literal town mob.


Before she what was happening, people were clawing at her, trying to touch her. She had tried to fight them off but it was useless. Just when she thought she was going to be overtaken, she felt strong arms encircle her and carry her off.


She had kept her eyes shut, afraid of what was going to be done with her but at the same time, she felt strangely safe in this presumable stranger’s arms. But before she could look up to see who it was she felt a stabbing in her neck and then darkness.


When she woke, she was lying in her bed in the house in Calgary, alone.


And she knew exactly who had saved her.


Sandra pulled herself out of her reverie, to find she had stopped walking and was standing outside the door of someone’s room.


She was tempted to look, tempted to see who they were and why they were in the hospital.


“Oh thank God, you brought food.” John came up behind her, “Let me get my money.”


Sandra was completely unaware of his presence and subsequent departure. As if she was thrust forwards, Sandra entered the room, her eyes trained on the floor. She silently prayed for the strength to walk away before it was too late.


Her eyes slowly went up the edge of the bed and before her eyes rose to the person’s face, she knew who it was.


Sandra turned around to face the wall, shutting her eyes to the face the haunted her every thought and dominated her dreams.


Tears welled in her eyes as she turned to face Alex Krycek.


“Hey-“ John stopped, finding Sandra in the room.


Her head snapped up, she quickly moved to close the door behind John.


“You need to get him out of here,” Sandra whispered sharply.


“What?” John snatched up the chart. “This is a John you know him?”


Sandra went to stand right in front of him, her face stern, “If you don’t get him out of here, you are not only putting his life in danger...but mine as well.” She knew she was asking a lot but her instinct for survival was overriding her morals.


John sighed, “No, I can’t take him out of here. Let’s just call the police and-“


“No.” Her words her so strong that John stopped all protests.


Sandra walked over to Alex’s bedside. If she used her touch on him, he could pretty much walk out of there but that was bound to raise questions and that was the last thing she needed. And she definitely wasn’t about to explain to John that she was half alien and how her touch could heal.


“Listen to me,” she said very slowly. “If you don’t help me out then he’s going to die because I am taking him out of here, with your help or not.”


John thought for a few minutes, trying to think of a way to reason with her. “I can’t just discharge a case like this, it’ll bring up a red flag.”


Sandra sighed, she knew what she was asking was something he couldn’t provide but she didn’t have a choice either.


“Alright,” he finally said, “I’ll go see what I can do but if I come back and you, him and that wheelchair,” he pointed to the corner, “are missing, then that isn’t my problem.” He flicked a switch, turning off Alex’s monitors.


Sandra worked fast, grabbing the wheelchair after John had disappeared around the corner. She struggled to put him into it, relying on all her extra-terrestrial strength, while also trying not to touch his wound. John was coming over to her house later, despite her protests, to examine Alex and if the gunshot wound was suddenly missing, there would be questions.


Once out of the hospital and into the car, Sandra carefully laid him into the back seat. She climbed into the back, closing the door behind her.


If she healed him now, he’d be fine in a couple of hours, maybe less. They could run to wherever they could, she could leave everything behind.


 But then he would leave her behind and she’d be in the same position. No, she wouldn’t set herself up for that again, ever. Sandra would take him to her house and go from there, once John had examined him, she’d heal Alex and he could leave.


She tried to convince herself that she didn’t care, he could leave and she’d be relieved but as she stared at his face, peacefully asleep she knew she was full of B.S.


Alex started moving, the medication wearing off, Sandra put her hands over his arms, stilling him.


“Sandra,” Alex moaned, his eyes flickering beneath closed eyelids.


Sandra laid her forehead on his, “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She asked rhetorically.


“Sandra,” he moaned again, still unconscious.


“Alex, stop moving or you’ll hurt yourself.”


“Love you,” Alex all but whispered, his body stilling back to sleep.


A sob came from Sandra, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. She knew if he was awake, those words would have never left his mouth and that even if it was true, he was probably just delirious.


Sandra only managed to get Alex to the couch when they got to her house, she’d wait till John got to the house before moving him up the stairs. As she put the wheelchair away in the closet, she absently wondered, what the hospital would be more concerned about losing: a patient or the wheelchair.


The wheelchair most likely.


Sandra sat in a chair across from Alex, watching his sleeping form. She wasn’t surprised that he was alive. At first, though, she had believed CSM had shot him, it was one of the reason’s she had run to Montgomery Lake. But after being saved and returned to her house in Calgary, she knew he was still alive. She had even thought she could smell him on the pillow next to her, when she woke up.


As stupid as it sounded, she had felt his presence quite a lot over the past few months but she hadn’t been sure whether it was actually him or just her imagination.


She slowly moved over to the couch, brushing her hand across his forehead. Even though they hadn’t been together very long, she still felt extremely protective of him. Part of her thought he was an asshole, a manipulative, lying asshole but another part of her, the one that seemed to be winning at the moment, thought he was a lost soul. She knew his childhood had been bad, he’d had to grow up so quickly after his father’s death and he’d cut himself off from the real world of emotions and feelings not long after that.


Her hand slowly moved down his face touching his cheek, his lips. She let her mind wander back to when she had spent that night with him. It hadn’t been magical or romantic, it had been crazy and animalistic but it made her feel so alive and those feelings were flooding back now.


She lived her life in such a day to day way, nothing exciting crossing her path, nothing but the same old, same old. But when Alex was around, everything was dangerous and exciting and mysterious. She convinced herself that was the only reason her heart was beating just a bit faster now.





Chapter 4


My mind’s wandering

I savor the passion that your torture brings

My breath’s quickening

Inhaling the perfume of my sweet sin

-Bif Naked “Over You”


            When the doorbell ran, it was only then that Sandra had realized that the house was completely dark. Without her notice, the sun had set and checking her watch, several hours had passed.


            “So I reported him missing but it’s not going to the police, “John told her when she opened the door. “You’re very lucky we are way too busy to care if a patient leaves,” he was half-joking.


            “Well that’s comforting,” she said sarcastically, leading him into the living room where Alex was still lying.


            “He needs to be in a bed but let me check his stitches before we move him,” Sandra could tell John was upset with her and she couldn’t blame him.


            After John was finished examining Alex and had moved him upstairs, Sandra followed him to the door, “I think it would be best if you stayed away for awhile,” She told him.


            “Sandra,” he didn’t even know where to start, he knew that something bad was going on with his friend but he didn’t know how to fix it.


            “John, I know you want to help but the things I’m involved with…you just, you don’t want to be apart of it.” Sandra was suddenly aware that this person she had grown so close to over the last few months, she would probably never see again.


            John somehow sensed it too, “If there’s anything I can do…” he left it open.


            Tears welled up in her eyes, it wasn’t fair that everyone she got close she’d eventually end up leaving or they’d leave her and that was the way it would be for the rest of her life. “You’ve been a really good friend to me and I won’t forget that.”


She remembered back to the first time she had met him, it had been just after she had gotten the job waitressing


“Excuse me, Miss?” Sandra had been sitting on the back steps of the restaurant, just after close, crying.


She wiped her eyes, not wanting anyone to know what she had been doing, “Yes?”


“Are you alright?” The man sat down next to her.


“Yeah, I’m fine,” she chocked back a sob.


“Work trouble?”


Well, work had been pretty shitty that night but that wasn’t all of it. “How about overall life trouble.”


John sighed, “Oh, that kind of trouble is not so easy to get over. At least with work trouble you can just quit or throw a plate of food at a customer but with life trouble it’s not so easy.”


“Plate of food?”


John laughed, “I think that’s how your predecessor got rid of her job here.”


That got a smile out of her, so he continued, “You just got to take it one day at a time, you start thinking about next year or next month or even tomorrow and you won’t make it.”


“You sound like someone who knows what its like.” She looked at him, he was more insightful than she had thought when she’d seen him sitting at the bar earlier.


“I know, all too well, unfortunately.” He stood up, “I wish I could stay later but I’m off to work.”


Sandra stood too, “That’s okay, thanks for…you know…”


“No problem, I’ll see you later.”


And he did, almost every single night he came to the bar to eat before or after his shift.


Sandra stared at John now, his past advice calming her again, “Take care of yourself,” She hugged him and then watched him wave as he got into his car and left.


She slowly walked up the stairs, her mind set in a decision but setting her mind to doing something and the actual practice was two different things, making the stairs seem shorter than usual.


Alex would do a much better of hiding on his own, then she would trying to hide him. Plus, he obviously had come to the city for a reason and it was probably urgent.


Her hand cupped his cheek when she got to the bed, the drugs starting to wear off again. She moved slowly down his neck, opening his shirt. John had brought some clothes with him and Alex was now dressed in a fleece shirt and sweat pants.


Her hands skidded down the bare skin of his chest, slowly pulling back the shirt to reveal his wound. She carefully pulled off the bandaging and poised her hands above the gunshot wound in his right shoulder.


“What is that thing about setting something you love, free?” Her hands covered his wound, holding her hands there for probably longer than needed.


She was sure it wouldn’t work instantly, so she laid down next to him on her bed. She made sure to lay on his right side, as it had not escaped her attention that his left arm had been cut off…again.


Without noticing, her heavy eyelids shut and she drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 5 


            Alex Krycek woke to a dull ache in his shoulder, reminding him of what had happened. He quickly opened his eyes, scanning the room, expecting a hospital, instead it looked like a bedroom. In his experience this could be a good thing or a bad thing: it was never good for him to be in a hospital, but nether was being in someone’s house.


            He put his hand over where he remembered being shot but there was no bandaging, no hole, just plain, smooth skin. He sat up to take a better look when he saw her lying beside him.


            Alex stared at her sleeping form for a long time, hoping he wasn’t seeing things. He touched her cheek with his hand, checking to see if she was really there. Her skin felt smooth and warm, as he was sure, the rest of her body did. Familiar shots ran through his body, coursing through his veins. His vision went hazy, his heart sped up and his stomach turned vivaciously. He had to tear his eyes away from her before he completely lost it.


            Alex manually slowed his breathing and turned his attention to the room around him. He recognized it as her bedroom in the house in Calgary. Slowly, he got off the bed and went down the stairs, the house was dark but he knew his way around. He’d been here more than he should have been and now was no exception.


            He downed a glass of water, then another, wishing for something with a little more bite. For the past six months, Alex had snuck in and out of the city, virtually undetected. He always came just to check on her, make sure that sure that she hadn’t been exposed, thought that may have not been the only reason for his visits.


            He missed her, he’d never admit that but the reason he came here to see her was just to see her, even if he couldn’t be with her. That hadn’t been the reason the first time he came back here though, he had come back to see if she was alive.


            When he heard the gun shot in the other room, those six months ago, he could have cared less what CSM did to him. Let him take his arm, in fact, let him take all his limbs and then shoot him in the head. He’d finally found deliverance and someone he could trust and then it was all gone, all in the matter of half a second.


            When he’d heard a rumor of a girl healing a wounded boy in Canada, he had gotten up there as fast as he could. Had he gotten there any later he wasn’t sure if he would have still found her alive.


            The memory of the crowd closing in on her was still fresh in his mind, people clawing at her, their faces carrying no human emotion. It was all about survival...something he knew only too well.


            Alex went back up to the room, standing at the foot of the bed, he stared at Sandra. What the hell was he doing?


            He needed to get as far away as he could, as fast as he could. Yeah, it would be nice to lie back down with her, wait for her to wake up and maybe even for a few hours just completely forget about the rest of world. But he couldn’t do that to Sandra or to himself because he’d only have to leave later.


Just as Alex turned to leave, he saw Sandra move, causing him to freeze, something that rarely ever happened to him. Alex held his breath as her dark brown eyes slid open.


Sandra shot to sitting as soon as she saw him, fear mixed with expectancy covered her face.


“Hi,” she managed to stutter.


“Hey,” he said back.


His voice sent shutters down her spine but she wasn’t sure that it was a bad thing.


“So,” She stood up, holding her shaking hands behind her back. “How are you feeling?”


They were standing on opposite sides of the room but Alex made no movement forwards, “Isn’t that the billion dollar question.”


A long silence laid itself between them, both kept there eyes busy with studying every minuet detail of the room.


Sandra was the first to break the silence, “So do you need anything, like water or something?”


“Oh, no, thank you. Actually I should get going.” He told her but made no attempt to move from his spot.


“Oh...okay,” she tried her best to not look crushed.


“Okay...well, thanks for your help.” Why wouldn’t his legs move?


Sandra shifted her weight, “No problem.”


Alex twitched his lips, it was hardly a smile but at least it was an attempt at one. “So you’ll be okay and everything?”


If you call being ditched and left alone to hide in a place where you hardly know anyone and pretty much weren’t allowed to know anyone, then yes I’ll be just peachy! Out loud she said, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”


Alex’s legs moved forward without his instruction, “Sandra...” before he knew what he was doing his lips were on hers, his body melding with hers.


Sandra stood in shock for a few seconds, before her body reacted, flames licked her senses, all the air rushed out of her body. But before she knew it, Alex was gone. It happened so quickly that she wasn’t even sure if it had been real.


The only thing real she knew at that moment was that she was alone again.