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There's a lot of pretty, pretty ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low and blow your mind

          -Marilyn Manson “Dope Show”


Chapter Eleven


            “They missed the target,” a deep voice said through the phone.


            “Which one?”


            “Both,” the voice barely hid its fear.


            The recipient of the call scrunched a piece of paper and threw it against the wall. “Have you fixed it?”


            “Not yet sir, I’m on my way but I did get rid of the assassins.”


            “Someone is bound to start digging and that Mr. Errey, would be a bad thing.”


            It’ll be done in the next forty-eight hours, I’ll see to it myself.” He tried to relay confidence through his voice but failed miserably.


            “You do that. And I hope you remember that I’m not a patient man.”


            “I’ll slit both their throats with my own kitchen knife, if that’s what it takes.”



And I don't understand
By the touch of your hand
I would be the one to fall


          Sarah McLachlan “Sweet Surrender”


Chapter Twelve


            “What the hell are you doing here?” Sandra blurted out.


            “I live here,” Alex Krycek grabbed her arm, pulling her inside, then ducking his head back outside to see if anyone had seen her. “Did you follow me?” He asked her, annoyed.


            “Oh course not, I came to…oh my God.” Sandra’s knees buckled under her as she realized what was going on.


            Alex grabbed her before she fell to the ground and helped her to the couch. He recognized the look in her eyes as shock and she looked about to faint.


            “Sandra, look at me,” he sat in front of her, his hands tilting her head towards his. “San, what’s going on. Are you hurt?”


            Sandra tore her eyes away from the floor to look into his eyes, “What was your father’s name?”




            Sandra pulled the letter her mom had written her, out of her purse and pointed to the father’s name.


            Alex looked at the name, studying it, “What the hell is this?” He demanded.


            Sandra regained her composure, standing up in front of him. “I don’t know but we are supposed to read this folder,” she pulled the thick folder out, “Together.”


            Sandra sat back down on the couch, not caring if Alex followed her and opened the file. Inside were ten pages of photographs of ultrasounds of a baby…of her. Below each photograph was a date but instead of being a normal full-term nine months, the pictures were only five months until full development.


            “Wow, you were in a hurry to get out.”


            “Do you think it’s possible that...” Sandra paused for a few seconds, “That there was a surrogate mother?”


            Alex studied her for a second, sometimes she seemed so young and innocent to him, “From what I know about this program, they used unwilling women, who thought they were being abducted by aliens, to birth the babies.”


            Sandra considered for a moment, “Then I have a mother.” She got up and started pacing across the living room.


            Alex picked up the file, after the pictures were medical papers, mostly technical terms that Alex didn’t understand but he found the line he was hoping not to find.


            Surrogate mother died in childbirth.


            Alex stood and walked over to where Sandra had stopped in front of the window. He desperately wanted to wrap his arms around her but instead he opted for laying his hand gently on the back of her arm.


            “She died didn’t she?”


            Ignoring his own good sense, Alex pulled her into his arms, letting her face fall into his shoulder. He quickly scanned the document, looking for some glimmer of hope for her but instead he found something else. A signature at the bottom, of Nicholas Krycek.


            Sandra felt him tense around her and she looked up to see his eyes cloud over and she knew that she was the reason for the death of his father.


            Alex moved quickly away and sat heavily down on a chair, his eyes never leaving the signature on the document. Sandra stood where she was and watched him, like a mouse watching a snake, waiting for an attack.


            She watched as tears slowly ran down his cheeks but no emotion crossed his face. Her instinct ruled over rationality and she crossed to him, kneeling at his feet. She brought her hand up to touch his hand, feeling him flinch at the touch.


            Alex tore his eyes away from the paper in his hand to her look into her eyes. As he put the paper down Sandra moved her hands to frame his face. Without warning Alex’s lips came crashing down on hers, his body moving to her as he laid her down on the hardwood floor.


            It all seemed somewhat familiar but there was a distinct different then the last time. Something...more.


            Sandra’s hands ran over his neck and down his back as the kiss magnified. They rolled so Sandra was on top, his lips moving to her neck, scraping his teeth lightly across her skin, enticing a shiver and a sigh.


            His hands were all over her, pushing her against him, he couldn’t get enough of her, he wanted her. He wanted to be a part of her, for her to be a part of him, for something to ease the pain in his body that had been there since his father’s death. He wanted to get lost in her, in an attempt to find himself. She made him feel real, not some cardboard cutout that moved from point A to B only out of necessity.


            “God Sandra,” he breathed into her neck.


            Sandra was feeling so light-headed she was afraid she might faint. Every sense was heightened but above any physical sensation, the sensations she was feeling in her heart were raging. Even as she berated herself for it, she couldn’t deny that her feelings for Alex weren’t purely sexual.


            That’s why she pulled away.


            “So I see you have full use of your arm again,” she touched his left arm.


            Alex, who was still dazed from the kiss, just stared blankly at her for a few seconds. “Oh...yeah.” His eyes smiled up at her sarcastically, “I wonder how that is?”


            It’s was Sandra’s turn to stare blankly, “But I never...” She thought for a few seconds, “Oh, I guess I probably shouldn’t have been the one to move you around when you were unconscious.” She’d been so intent on not touching his gun shot wound, she hadn’t paid any attention to the spot where his arm had once been attached.


            “I don’t mind.” Realizing they were still lying on the floor and that his ass was about to fall asleep, he said, “You know as comfortable as the floor is, I’m sure we can find a much more comfortable spot.”


            Sandra shifted off him, afraid he’d lead her into the bedroom but he only moved to the couch. She followed but kept a few inches apart from him, an awkwardness settled into the room, sitting right smack in the middle of Alex and Sandra.


            Sandra turned to look at him but her eyes only met his knees, “Are you okay?” She asked, referring to his father.


            Alex was silent for a few moments, “Yeah. It’s just sort of strange, you know? The girl I’m hired to kidnap, happened to be my father’s science project.”


            “I don’t think it was a coincidence.”


            “Me neither.”



It's only natural
The moon is just half full
We give our best away
We give our best away


          -Weezer “December”


 Chapter Thirteen


            Hayden tapped his finger rhythmically on his desk, which was kept meticulously cleaner than his one at the office. As a rule he never kept important or confidential information at his office at home, he couldn’t risk it, for many reasons. But there were some things he couldn’t even trust to be kept at the other office. Alex Krycek’s address was one of them.


            He was the only one in the world that knew where Krycek kept his secret apartment, not even Krycek’s mentor and enemy CSM, knew where he lived. The knowledge of this was a great feeling to Hayden. It wasn’t that it fed his ego or his need for power, it wasn’t even that he hated Alex Krycek and loved having something on him. In fact since their first encounter months ago, Hayden had actually formed a solid respect for him.


            It was the fact that he was that much closer to Sandra Ames.


            He’d been stupid before, letting her go. He’d let the fact that they were both around the same age, get to him and he’d been sympathetic. What wouldn’t he do to have this time to enjoy life and his youth? Unfortunately, like him, she was not in a position to have that luxury. She was the only hope for earth and they couldn’t waste time now.


            Hayden put the address in his pocket, locking the door of his office as he walked into the kitchen. His home, a three bedroom condo, with high ceilings and large bay windows that looked out onto the landscape of New York, was stylishly and modernly furnished. He’d hired one of the cities top decorators, as he didn’t have the time or interest to decorate the condo himself. He was pleasantly surprised with the result, with grey leather couches and chairs adorning the main room and all the tables and Armoire done in ash blonde.


            Many twenty-five year olds couldn’t afford such luxury unless they had large trust funds. But most twenty-five year olds fathers weren’t past members of the Consortium and a co-founder of the Resistance. Hell, most didn’t even know what the Resistance and Consortium were.


            Hayden was brought out of his revere by a crying noise coming from another room. Hayden put down his glass of water he’d been drinking and followed the noise upstairs, there he found a baby swinging his arms about and screaming at the top of his lungs.


            Hayden lifted the baby up into his arms, rocking softly back and forth, “Hey buddy, I thought you were going to sleep for a little while longer,” Hayden stared down at the three month old face. “You’re a sweet boy, you know that?” The baby stopped crying and let out a tiny giggle. Hayden laughed, “Oh you do know that, do you? Well then, let’s go get you some food before your daddy has to go back to work.”


You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen
When your heart's not open

          -Madonna “Frozen”


Chapter Fourteen


            Sandra slowly wondered through Alex’s apartment, running her finger over everything, as if seeking a connection through the inanimate objects to their owner.


            She’d been in it once before but she hadn’t had much time for the details. It was pretty clean for a guy’s apartment, with only a few magazines and DVD cases cluttering the coffee table. A guitar magazine and yesterday’s paper, lay spread open and Sandra wondered if Alex played guitar.


            She leafed through his CD collection, finding mostly jazz and blues but there were albums that ranged from Shania Twain to The Beatles to Marilyn Manson.


            She took out The Matthew Good Band CD and put it into the CD player.


            “You know who this is?” Alex asked from the kitchen, surprised.


            “Yeah,” she went over to the kitchen to join him. “I’d never heard them until I was in Canada. They’re really popular up there.”


            “I just got this CD when I was in Calgary.”


            “Oh so that’s why you were up there,” Sandra joked.


            “Hey, it’s damn good music.”


            They lapsed into silence as Sandra watched Alex cook. He was standing over the stove, spoon in hand, staring into the depths of whatever he was making. But whatever it was, it smelled good.


            “Where’d you learn to cook?”


            Alex wiped his hands on a dishrag and walked around the counter to where she was sitting. “My grandmother, on my mom’s side, was so excited to have a grandchild to pass on the family cooking secrets, that she started teaching me when I was barely able to walk.”


            Sandra had a mental picture of baby Alex, stomping around in an apron, carrying a mixing spoon.


            “So by the time I was five,” he continued. “I could cook an entire meal by myself…in theory though because my mom wouldn’t let near the stove and the knives.”


            Sandra laughed, “That’s better than most girls. My own cooking talents are restricted to vegetable soup and Kraft Dinner.”


            Alex walked back to the stove, motioning for her to follow. “This is a spoon.” Sandra glared at him. “Stir this until it boils and then add a pinch of this, “ he pointed to a bottle.


            “Wait a minute, how much is a ‘pinch’? Because I’m sure your ‘pinch’ and my ‘pinch’ are a lot different.”


            Alex was overcome by how comfortable this all felt and indulging in the domestic aura, he gave her a peck on the cheek. “It’s just a pinch, don’t worry.” Alex took her seat at the counter.


            “Alright. But I have to warn you, I have a tendency to burn dinner.”


            Alex felt his beeper go off, “It’s soup. You can’t burn it.” The number displayed on his beeper was one that he wished he could ignore. “I have to make a call, I’ll be right back.”


            Alex walked into the room, punching the California number and made sure to close the door. “Hey Ana, you called?”


            Back in the kitchen, Sandra heard him. She didn’t mean to be eavesdropping but her heightened senses included better hearing and she just wanted to check that he wasn’t turning her in. Yeah, she had trust issues but this was her life, wasn’t that warrant enough. As she listened in, she realized it was a personal call and tuned it out. Of course he would have a girl-friend, she couldn’t actually expect that he was in love with Sandra or anything.


            She had turned her attention fully back to the soup, when Alex came back into the room. She’d finish up eating supper with him and then leave as quickly as possible. She’d photocopy the file folder for him but she wouldn’t see him again after that. She was stupid to think she could depend on him, she was just intruding on his life. What would his girl-friend say if she walked in right now? She wouldn’t be able to explain that she and Alex were just going over some confidential files, pertaining to her being an alien. Yeah, that’d go smoothly.


            As Alex walked back into the room, he noticed the change in Sandra immediately. He was sure that she thought he’d called to turn her in. How she could possibly believe that was beyond him. It hurt too, strangely, that she didn’t trust him but then again what had he done that inspired trust?


            He watched from his bedroom door, as she stirred dinner, humming softly to the music. Her hair had grown longer and was straight, it lacked the bounce and curl from when he had first met her. She was a lot thinner as well. He figured she must have lost ten or fifteen pounds, not a healthy weight for her height. But then again, she didn’t look all that healthy; dark shadows bruised her eyes and her skin was pale.


            It was obvious that these last few months had been hard on her and he felt a stab of guilt over it. She’d suffered the worst, most unimaginable blow to her world and she’d had to deal with it all by herself. Alex reminded himself that he had left her alone for her own good and safety and that’s what he should be doing right now.


            “How’s it going?” Sandra noticed the distinct change in his tone.


            “Well, there haven’t been any fires, so I think we’re doing well.”


             Alex finished the dinner, making idle chit-chat and then they ate supper in a heavy silence that suffocated the room.


            Sandra finally broke the silence when she had finished eating, “Thanks for dinner,” her voice was quiet and polite.


            Alex forced a smile on his face, “You helped too,” he reminded her.


            “Yeah, I’m the new Martha Stewart.”


            Sandra wasn’t absolutely sure why he had changed so drastically from an hour ago but she suspected that he felt guilty for having her in his apartment. Or maybe he was resentful towards her for not only barging into his life but for also being the reason that his father had been murdered. How could he even be in the same room with her? She knew she hadn’t been the one to actually pull the trigger but if she had never been born, then Alex wouldn’t have been robbed of a father or of his innocence.


            In fact, if she hadn’t been born her parents would be alive, living a normal life, devoid of dangerous secrets.


            She stood up to leave, she couldn’t bare to be reminded anymore of how much blood she had on her hands. Intentionally or not.


            Sandra would stay away from Alex and by doing that, protect him. She would go live in the apartment that her parents had set up for her until she could get out of the country to Europe.


            Alex could sense Sandra’s distress and assumed that she wanted to get away from him, the man who had dumped her alone in a foreign country. He felt a hitch in his stomach, he was doing it again, here she was, with all this new information and he was about to let her walk out of here to deal with it all alone. If she stayed with him though, she was bound to get into more trouble than if on her own. But then again, she really didn’t know how to protect herself from the people that were hunting her, the people that he’d made a living off hiding from.


            He still hadn’t made up his mind what he was going to when he heard her say, “Well…I should get going.”


            Alex stood, “Yeah,” was all he could think to say. Without thought he handed her the file folder she had brought with her. “You know…I think it would be better if-.“ He was interrupted by the front door exploding open.



            Alex barely had time to grab his gun and Sandra before four men came into the room, their guns shooting at everything in sight. He pulled Sandra into the bedroom, closing and locking the door, as much good as that would do. He climbed up on the bed, lifting a painting off the wall to reveal a switch. When he flicked the switch, the nightstand beside the bed swung open, to show a small metal door.


            Alex opened the door with a key and practically threw Sandra into the crawl space before crawling in after her and slammed the door shut, effectively locking it.


            The crawl space, which was only a few feet high and wide, was so dark that Sandra wasn’t sure whether her eyes were open or closed. She could feel Alex behind, gently pushing her gently into the darkness. After a few feet Alex told her to stop and she heard him open and close something before she was blinded by a bright light coming from his hands.


            The flashlight centered in on another door on the wall of the space but the door was too small to crawl through. Alex punched in a code on the pin pad next to door, causing the door to creak open. Alex grabbed a back pack from within the safe and shut the door again. He moved in front of her to lead her to another door.


            “Oh for the love of God. This place has more doors than…well, a place that has a lot of doors.” Sandra said, wondering if a bullet hadn’t hit her in the head and she just hadn’t noticed.


            Alex turned to face her, “What the hell is going on? Did you get those people to come here?”


            Sandra stared at him, “Yes I phoned them to come shoot at me, so I’d have an excuse to crawl into a dark hole,” She said sarcastically. “Maybe Ana knows something about this.”


            “Excuse me, how do you know Ana?”


            Opps, Sandra felt around her head, doubling checking to make sure her brain wasn’t oozing out the back of her head. “Um, well…I have a right to know when I’m being backstabbed!”


            Alex stared at her if she was crazy, “What the hell does she have to do with this?”


            “So she’s just your girlfriend not a super-spy for the government.”


            Alex chuckled, “You think Ana is my girl-friend? She’s my sister, you fucking psycho and for your information, she’s a teacher.”


            Yeah, she definitely needed a brain transplant, “Oh.”


            Alex let out a kind of huff before opening the door. When Sandra looked through the door, she saw that the floor dropped out and was left with a steel staircase instead.


            “I guess this is a bad time to tell you I’m afraid of heights.”


[A/N: I have decided to start adding the date/place etc. to the beginning of the story so it’s less confusing. The chapters before are all in the same timeline, they just aren’t labelled]



Make a promise, cross your heart.
Kings vow that we'll never part.
Sign in blood and hope to die.
Little black flowers grow, in the sky.


          -Chris Issack “Black Flowers”


Chapter Fifteen


New York City

            July 16, 1999

            6:38 PM


            Hayden walked down the hall of the apartment building, taking his time as he took in the surrounding environment. It was an expensive but not flashy apartment building, with only a man sitting at the front desk at the entrance, who Hayden had simply walked past without receiving a second glance.


            He was positive that Ames and Krycek wouldn’t come with him willingly but he hoped he’d have to use as little force as possible, as he didn’t want to alert any suspicion.


            When he reached the top of the stairs, he never liked taking elevators, he saw that something was definitely wrong. Four men, dressed all in black were charging towards the stairs, towards him. There was no hiding the massive guns they held in their gigantic arms and the smell in the air definitely proved that they had been fired recently.


            Hayden barely got out of the way, as they charged down the stairs. He ran quickly to Alex Krycek’s apartment, only to find his fear, true. It had been his apartment those men had pummeled with bullets. Hayden rushed over the scene, not finding the two, he realized why the men where rushed out of there so fast. Krycek had escaped.


            Hayden flipped open his cell phone, as he ran down the stairs, his feet pounding against the cement floor.  “I need a team on 4th…I don’t know which direction…Someone’s trying to kill Alex Krycek…it is our business.” Hayden hung up the phone as he reached the bottom of the stairwell.


            He ran outside but didn’t see anything, without any leads on where anyone had gone, including those four hit men, Hayden stood rather impatiently and waited for his team to arrive.





            Alex stared at Sandra, “How can you possibly be afraid of heights? Even if you did fall, it’s not like you’re going to die.”


            “We don’t know that with absolution, do we. If I fall and break my neck, I’ll be dead instantly…no time to heal. Plus, this isn’t a fear I came up with yesterday, when I was little I fell off a ladder and broke my leg.”


            Alex sighed, “Alright, just slowly grab onto the ladder and don’t look down.” Not that there really was much to see, as it was pitch black.


            Sandra tugged on her lower lip, the one thing they didn’t need right now was her being a baby. She slowly, with utmost caution, climbed onto the ladder.


            “Okay good. Now just don’t move,” Alex told her, holding the flashlight with one hand, while skillfully climbing onto the ladder on top of her.


            His chest was pressed fully into her back, his right hand one rung above hers, holding the flashlight so it pointed to the side, while the other hand wrapped tightly around her stomach.


            “Okay, now we’re going to take a step down with the left foot and drop the right hand down one,” Alex told her, his body locking around her more.


            He was completely aware of the scent of her shampoo and the smell of soap that clung to her body. Her body felt so small and perfect against his, he could feel her softly shaking in fear and he reflexively held her tighter.


            “Alex, this is going to kill us both, just go down without me and I’ll follow as fast as I can.”


            Sandra wasn’t only scared out of her mind, she was also aroused by the way he was pressed up to her and by the tightness of his arm around her stomach. His hot breath was tickling the hair around her ear, reminding her of when they had first met, minus the gun.


            Alex couldn’t help but breathe in the scent of her hair, “Sand, just shut up and move.”


            “Alex this is stupid! Just go!”


            “Sandra! It’s not stupid, don’t worry about it, I used to do this for a living.”


            They were now moving at a steady speed, “What, helping crazed alien girls down ladders?”


            “I used to be a SEAL,” he told her, knowing that conversation was distracting her and had them moving at a record pace.


            “What?” Although it surprised her, at the same time, it sort of made sense.


            “You heard me. I enlisted when I turned eighteen and I ended up climbed the ranks pretty quickly,” Alex grew quite for a minute, “Then my mom died and I decided that it would be best if I became a SEAL.”


            Alex could tell they were nearing the basement, as he could see a faint light bouncing off the lower walls.


            “And I was good, really good at it. When I was about twenty-six this man approached me about joining the FBI…which it actually turned out to be a little more covert.”


            Alex climbed off the ladder as they finally hit the bottom, then led Sandra down a hallway to the left and behind a door. The air was damp from the leaking pipes that aligned the walls of the dark cement passageway. The only light came from Alex’s flashlight, which darted every few seconds, catching every dark corner.


            “I was making pretty decent money in the army but the money this guy was offering me…well, pretty much, one years salary could keep me leaving comfortably for the rest of my life.”


            They once again, came to a door, which Alex unlocked and then guardedly looked out the door. Seeing nothing, he took Sandra’s hand and ran towards his car, his head darting every which way for signs of movement.


            When they reached his car, Sandra’s mouth fell open, it was a brand new Miata. “Yeah, this looks pretty comfortable to me, “ She muttered, climbing in the passenger side of the navy coloured car


“Anyways, I’ll give you two guesses on who made me the offer.”


Sandra thought for a moment, she really didn’t know all that much about Alex but she did know about one person, “That Cigarette-Smoking Man.”


Alex smiled at her, “Yeah, CSM. And I took it…I ‘m still not sure if it was a good idea or not.” He pulled out of the parking spot and out of the basement parking garage.


“You know, if I were chasing after someone, I’d block off all the exits to the building.” Sandra said, as they pulled out onto the street.


Alex threw the car into a higher gear, gracefully moving through the lighter night traffic of New York. “That’s probably what they did. But they weren’t thinking to block the exits of the building two doors down.”


Sandra looked back down the street, seeing his building far in the distance. “Where are we going?”


Alex thought for second, “Airport? We’ll go back to Calgary.”


“Don’t you know?” Alex shook his head. “Calgary’s not safe.


Alex slowed his speed down as a cop car sped past. “What are you talking about?”


Sandra sighed, reliving that night, which she realized, was only last night. “Well, unless you call having a man dressed all in black, crashing through a window and shooting up my bedroom and me safe, then we’ll have to figure out another option. Turn here,” Sandra pointed to the left.


Alex followed her direction, “He shot you?”


“Just in the shoulder. Turn right.”


“Are you okay?” He wasn’t sure how this ‘instantaneous healing’ thing worked, specifically with being shot.  


Sandra heard the worry in his voice, causing her to smile. Maybe he really did care… “As of this morning I still had a bruise but that’s it.”


“Oh. Where are we going?” He suddenly realized she’d been leading him around the city, taking away his usual control. It didn’t bother him as much as he’d thought it would.


“Stop here,” Sandra jumped out of the car before he had time to object.


Alex scanned the street but to his relief he saw nothing out of the ordinary. He organized this thoughts as he waited for Sandra, too many events had happened in the last few days for this all to be a coincidence. First him getting shot in Calgary, then Sandra’s supposedly safe house being broken into, then four men finding her at his apartment. A place no one was supposed to know about.


Alex lined up a list of suspects; Hayden and the Resistance, Alex knew for sure, didn’t know where Sandra was, as they were still looking for her. Plus these guys were trying to kill her and him, and the Resistance was far past wanting that. CSM and the Consortium were over, plus CSM though Sandra was dead and if anything he needed to keep Alex alive, as he was CSM’s only ‘ally’.


  He couldn’t think of anybody else who knew about Sandra…unless this was just about him. It could be entirely possible that they were after him, that they’d hit Sandra’s house looking for him since he’d been there only a few hours earlier.


He strained his memory, trying to remember who had shot him but he hadn’t even seen it coming and he’d blacked out after that.


When they had been in Calgary, at the warehouse six months ago, Hayden and CSM had found them by way of a tracking device Hayden had injected into Sandra without her knowing. Alex knew that, that device would have only lasted a few days before it was broken down and left the body. But was it possible that someone had put one in her and that it may have lasted longer than it’s few days. But then again, he was the one that was shot first, so maybe he had one…


“Okay, go to this address, “ Sandra handed him a piece of paper as she lowered herself into the car.


Alex studied the address before pulling back onto the street. “Why did you just go into a gym? And where are we going?”


Sandra held a backpack in her arms, “My parents left me a bunch of stuff, so I hid it in a gym locker.” She was far from trusting him yet, so the less he knew the better. “The address is to an apartment, I supposed to be safe.”


Alex wasn’t willing to give up all control, “Says who?”


“Says me.”


Alex huffed, about to argue with her more when he spotted something out his window. Without word, he pulled into the hotel parking lot, parking behind a tree. He got out of the car but when Sandra didn’t follow, he went around the side and yanked her out, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the lobby.


Sandra was mad enough with his behavior to kick him in the head but she reined in her temper, her attention glued to the room in front of her. The hotel looked like it’s last heyday had been back in the seventies, with it’s shaggy molded green carpet and walls that had probably once been yellow but were now faded and chipped. The only thing in the room was the front desk, which was encircled with wire fencing and only a small space at the bottom where Alex slid some money through.


The man sitting in the self-induced cage was as greasy as a McDonald’s hamburger, with a balding head and dirty ripped clothes. He seemed to recognize Alex but said nothing as he slid a key through the opening, before going back to his tiny television.


Alex moved to the stairs, taking two at a time and Sandra had to rush to keep up with him. Once they got to the room, Alex locked the door and pulled the lime green drapes, closed.


“Take off your shirt,” he ordered.


Sandra’s stared at him, “Um, if you’re looking for a quickie, buddy your in the wrong place.”


His response was by removing his shirt then moving quickly over to her, not asking her again, he skillfully lifted the shirt off her and turned her so her back was to him.


“Hey! This could be classified as ra-“ she shut her mouth as she felt his hands skating across her flesh.


He was looking for the tracker, which was always put near the shoulder but he couldn’t help but let his hands wonder all over her back, which felt as smooth as silk. Her body was warm and it took all his internal strength not to drop his lips to her neck and taste her skin.


His hands probed her shoulder, finding what he wondered to be there, flipping open his knife, he wrapped his other arm across her breast bone. “This is going to hurt, so stay still.”


Sandra felt the knife dig into her shoulder, causing her to bite her lip to restrain a scream.


Before she knew it, Alex spun her around, looking her straight in the eyes. “Are you okay?” In his hand he held something that resembled a button. “This is a tracking device, I don’t know how long you’ve had it and I don’t know who put it in you.”


Sandra’s breath caught in her throat, if someone had been following her then…they would know all about the safety deposit box and…what if they tried to get John or Paul, what if they tried to kill them to get to her…


As if reading her mind, Alex said, “I think it’s just you that they want. But I’m not sure it’s only you who’s been tracked, I need you to check me.”     


Sandra nodded and Alex turned his back to her, “How do I know what I’m looking for?” She gingerly placed her hands on his back.


“Just feel around and see if anything is out of the ordinary, it should be around the shoulders.”


Sandra did so, applying pressure to his back, feeling for something out of the ordinary. Even as part of her mind concentrated on the task, her stomach swam as she thought about how he had felt against her on the ladder and then a few minutes ago. She silently wondered if he had noticed but she greatly doubted it, he was all business.


She was just about to give up when she felt a small round piece above his shoulder blade, “I found it. “ Alex nodded, handing her his knife. “Maybe you should lie down, it might be easier.”


Alex laid down on his stomach and turned his head to face Sandra as she kneeled on the bed beside him. Maybe it was just the situation, with him shirtless and her in only a bra, but he thought he recognized a look of partial arousal on her face. Even though he really didn’t know her all that well, he knew that look, so he turned his head to the other side.


“Ready?” Sandra asked before slicing open the area above where she felt the device and quickly digging it out. She placed her hands firmly over where she cut him, healing the incision.


Alex sat up as he felt the pain in his shoulder lessen, “We have to go.”


Sandra nodded, grabbing her shirt, she was so relieved that they were leaving that she didn’t notice Alex holding his coat in front him, to hide his arousal.


“I’m in a sweet, sweet hell,” he muttered.