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Chapter Sixteen


            July 16, 1999

            7:41 PM


            “Sir, no one’s found them yet.”


            Hayden rubbed the back of his neck which was sore with tension, “What about the hit men?” The man shook his head, “Alright. Watch the airport, hotels and let’s see if we can’t get someone to watch the subways.”


            The man nodded and skittered away to do his job, leaving Hayden to think over the situation, again. He couldn’t think of anybody who wanted Sandra Ames dead but he did know about a billion people who wanted Alex Krycek dead. So maybe this had nothing to do with her…


            “Sir?” A police woman approached him, under the impression that Hayden was an FBI agent. “The table was set for two, in the man’s apartment. We’re running the finger prints now.”


            Hayden waved his hand at her, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll get someone on my team on it.” Hayden waved one of his men over, “This is agent Mallin, he’ll assist you.”


            Hayden took another walk around the apartment, he knew the hit men had used explosives to open the door and then they had shot the hell out of the place. Hayden ran his hand over the door frame of the bedroom, where the wood had splintered when, he guessed, Krycek and Ames had tried to hide in it and the hit men had then busted the door open.


            If this had been Krycek’s escape route, Hayden didn’t see a way out. There was no fire escape, no other door except the way in, so that meant there was a secret door or something, they just hadn’t found it yet.


            “Excuse me,” A police man tapped his shoulder. “But it seems that we have a night stand that’s glued to the wall and we can’t move it.


            Hayden walked quickly over to the furniture in question, “Shit,” he silently cursed, they would be long gone by now. “Get this off and find out where the tunnel leads to, now!”


            They’d been so close and now Hayden had to start all over.




            11:13 PM


“Do you think anyone followed us?” Sandra asked, taking the key ring out of her pocket.


            “If anybody managed to follow us, I’d gladly give myself up out of pure admiration.”


            Sandra took a deep breath before putting one of the keys in the apartment’s lock. Out of the three keys that her parents had left her, it took three tries before she finally found the one that fit into the lock.


            She let Alex enter first, his gun by his side, ready just in case but they were only welcomed to a dark, empty apartment.


            As soon as she entered it, she could almost feel her parent’s presence, the furniture, the style, even the Smooshed walls, with a different color in every room. The entrance, which was only a small hallway, was done in a soft light green, with an antique desk, sitting across from the mirrored closet.


            To the left there was a kitchen, which was done in black, very dramatic but in there it seemed to enhance the rest of the room. The kitchen was modernly done, with counter tops done in a dark and light splashed blue. A small table stood on the opposite side of the room, with a black metal frame and glass top.


            “You’re parents were big fans of “Trading Spaces”, weren’t they?”


            Out the other kitchen door, to the left, was the dining room, done in dark red. Her parent’s had once told her that red increases appetite and stimulates conversation. An oak table, which could sit eight sat in the middle of the room, with a china cabinet on the wall next to the kitchen.


            The dining room then opened up to the living room, done in the same color but was trimmed with an aqua border. Like Alex’s apartment, the couch and two chairs were black leather, with the tables and entertainment center done in black as well.


            “This is not a bad place,” Alex commented, walking back to the entrance.


            Sandra couldn’t even begin to describe how at home she felt, this place was so much like the house she had shared with her parent’s years before. Sandra’s dad had worked at the University of Boston, as a professor of Anthropology and her mom was a nurse at a nearby hospital. Although she’d only lived there for there for only five years, Boston was still a place she called home.


            Now as she walked around, she knew this was now her home.


            “I think I’m going to go get some sleep,” Sandra told Alex, going upstairs.


            He nodded at her, opting to stay down in the main floor bedroom, the farther away from Sandra, the better. Instead of going to bed though, Alex sat on the stairs, his gun sitting in his lap, staring at the front door. He wasn’t really expecting anyone to come through it but he felt safer being there.


            It bothered him a lot that someone had found his apartment, his one safe haven. It had been the only place that he could be himself, the only place he didn’t have to hide from everything. It was a place where he could be totally cut off from his amazingly screwed up life, he only realized now how much it mattered to him.


            He had no idea how long he had been sitting there when he heard a wrangled scream come from upstairs. Alex practically flew up the stairs, gun ready, to the landing. Four doors challenged him but after some debate, he heard soft crying coming from the farthest left door. Not pausing, he threw the door open to find Sandra sitting on the bed, under the blankets, her body leaned into her knees and her hands over her face.


            She turned her tear-stained face when she heard Alex burst in, embarrassment flooded her eyes.


            “Are you okay?”


            “Sorry, I just had a nightmare, I didn’t mean to wake you.” She said weakly, her dream had been so disturbingly real.


            Alex shifted his weight from one foot to the other, “Oh. Do you want to talk about it?”

            “No, I’m okay,” she could tell that this was making him uncomfortable. “I’ll be fine.” She really didn’t want him to leave but she’d never ask him to stay.


            “Okay…I’m just going to be next door, if you need me.” Alex figured he probably should get some sleep, he couldn’t stare at the front door all night.


            Sandra forced a smile, “Okay, ‘night’.”


            Alex stood for several seconds, pondering whether he should ask her if she wanted him to stay, though he knew that could be a dangerous idea. He could tell she was scared, that whatever she’d seen in her dream had really gotten to her. He remembered when his sister Ana started having terrible nightmares right after their father had been killed. He didn’t want his mother to know, since she had been so upset, so Alex would sit up with his younger sister until she fell asleep. Sandra was definitely quite a bit older but he still sensed the same raw fear.


            “You don’t want, um…do you want me to, ah hell. I’m gonna sit here awhile, okay?”


            Sandra stared queerly at him but she wasn’t about to argue since she really wanted him to stay.


            Alex moved to the other side on the bed and sat, leaving a large space between them, as he leaned back against the head board.


            Sandra turned her back to him and laid down, “Good-night.”






[A/N: Smooshing is a painting effect where you paint the wall and then put on a glaze, then put a plastic drop sheet on the wall and wrinkle and rub the sheet. It’s a very cool effect but a lot of work!]



Chapter Seventeen


            July 29, 1999

            5:01 PM


            “So I got the steak but I couldn’t find the red wine I wanted so we’ll have to make do.” Alex put his shopping bag up on the counter. “What are you doing?”


            Sandra was bent over a mixing bowl, spatula in one hand, cookbook in the other, “Making dessert.”


            Alex leaned over her, looking into the bowl, whatever it was, it looked a little strange. “Is it supposed to look like that?”


            Sandra shooed him away, “I turned on the barbeque for you, go cook something on it.” She turned back to her creation.


            It had been almost two weeks since Sandra had, had her strange nightmare and Alex had slept in her room. He had stayed in his room since then, not knowing that her nightmares had persisted. They were getting worse, enough so that she tried to stay awake most nights. She’d finished three novels in the past week, in her pursuit to stay awake. She wasn’t sure if Alex noticed or not, since she did a pretty good job on her under-eye makeup and she always went to bed before him, keeping the light low in her room.


            As she stared into the depths of the bowl, she tried to remember how many eggs she’d put in but her fatigued brain hadn’t even processed that information. She cursed when she realized that she’d put way too much milk in and wondered even if there was a point in trying to salvage it.


            She was tired of not pulling her weight in the cooking department, every night Alex made dinner and all she could do was stand a watch. Although she had learned a lot, she still lacked the talent Alex had, which was blaringly obvious now.


            “How’s it going?”


            It was question Sandra had been dreading since she’d taken her concoction out of the oven minutes ago. Alex had already put the steaks on the grill and made the salad, he was now popping some baked potatoes into the stove.


            “Um, well…Jesus Christ I suck at this.” Sandra threw her hands up in the air.


            Alex laughed and handed her a glass of red wine, “It doesn’t look so bad,” To distract her away from her disaster, it really was scary, Alex tilted his glass to the patio just outside the kitchen. “I think we should eat outside.”


            Sandra gave one last glance at her failed attempt to regain her cooking pride before being led out into the beautiful night.


            They ate dinner, making causal conversation, which had been getting old after the first week but it was the still the effort that counted. They kept to current topics, not mentioning anything about their past or anything personal but since all they did was stay in the apartment all day, they really didn’t have anything to talk about. In fact Sandra was starting to get a major case of cabin fever which was only amplified by her lack of sleep. It was a wonder that she wasn’t raging around the place with a murderous case of PMS.


                        Later that night, sitting on the couch watching the movie, Alex noticed Sandra starting to nod off. It hadn’t missed his attention that she hadn’t been sleeping, though he had no idea how bad it really was. He lifted her up into his arms without waking her, carrying her up the stairs to her room and laying her down on the bed. She gently curled around him when he laid down next to her.


            He knew he should probably leave but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away, she seemed so fragile in his arms. Even without noticing, he moved his face so it was right next to her, breathing in her scent. He’d been careful these last few weeks not to make any physical contact, to ignore the sexual pull to her. It wasn’t even just that though, he didn’t just want to sleep with her, he truly just wanted to hold her, to feel her body against his. Still, he was enjoying all this time he got to spend with her, especially since he knew that it wouldn’t last very long.


            He finally pulled away, slowly and carefully sliding off her socks and jeans, and slipping her under the covers. As he headed to the door, he heard her moan softly to stay. He ran his hand over her cheek and slid into a chair next to the bed, grabbing the blanket off the bottom of her bed.


            He had just slipped into sleep when he heard Sandra moan and when he opened his eyes he saw the blankets knotted around her and she was shifting back and forth frantically. Before Alex could get to her, she shot up and looked around.


            She saw Alex moving towards the bed, “What are you doing here?”


            Alex ignored the question, moving to sit beside, “How long have these nightmares been going on?”


            Sandra suddenly became very interested in her bedspread. “Since we got here.”


            Alex let out a fierce groan, “Why didn’t you tell me?”


            Even though the images from her dream were still floating in her brain, she concentrated on Alex, which gave her a strange amount of comfort.


            An image from her dream flooded her head and she felt tears spring in her eyes. Alex gently pulled her to him, rubbing his hand over her hair and softly told her that everything would be alright when she started to sob.


            At the sound of her crying his heart seemed to break in two, it was the worst sound in the whole world and he wanted so badly to make her stop. But he wouldn’t, she needed to get it out because she was holding something inside her and that was probably what was causing the dreams.


            When she stopped, Alex held her face in his hands, tilting her head to his, “Tell me about them.”


            Sandra shook her head, she was afraid that if she did, they might come true. “I can’t.”


            Alex gently kissed her forehead, “You need to talk about them otherwise they won’t go away.”


            Sandra shut her eyes, trying to bring back the images. “It starts off in this room and it’s really dark but I can see this light coming from this crack in the wall, the light’s red. There’s also this fog, it’s really heavy and it makes it hard to breath. And I can feel someone else in the room but I can’t see them. And then I can’t open my eyes, I can’t see anything and I feel this cold wind, rush over me. Then it’s gone and I open my eyes and I see you.” Sandra turned her head away from him not wanting to continue.


            “Then I kill you.”


Chapter Eighteen


            July 30, 1999

            10:36 AM


            “Who the hell is trying to kill me?”


            Hayden looked up from his desk into the eyes of Alex Krycek, “Why hello Krycek, how are you?” He said sarcastically.


            Krycek glared back, “Cut the shit Hayden, who’s trying to kill me?”


            Hayden mirrored his expression, “Why don’t you tell me where Sandra Ames is.”


            Krycek sat in the chair, crossing his ankle over the opposite knee, a look of disinterested settled on his face, “I have no idea.”


            “Really?” Hayden barely kept his eyes from rolling in their sockets, “Did you enjoy your cozy little dinner for two a couple of weeks ago?” He changed his tone from sarcastic to serious, “Krycek, you have a responsibility to The Resistance-“ 


            “So you thought offing me would be proper punishment?” Alex interrupted.


            Hayden could feel his temper start to rise but he kept his voice calm, “Whoever is trying to kill you, wants Sandra Ames dead as well, and you and I both know that if she dies, the world is over.” Hayden paused for a minute, leaning forwards in his chair, “Don’t be an idiot Alex, bring her in and I promise we’ll protect her.”


            Krycek stood up but simply stared at a spot above Hayden’s head, his mind deep in thought. He turned to leave and Hayden called out, “Every single day that passes, is a step against humanities survival.”


            Hayden watched Krycek leave, not sure if had been successful or not but just in case…He lifted his suit jacket off his chair and followed Krycek out.




            Sandra wasn’t sure how long Alex was going to be gone but she knew an opportunity when she saw it. The closest she’d been to outside for the last two weeks was her patio.


            As she walked along the crowded streets of New York, going from store to store, Sandra breathed in the fresh air, as it was for New York air. It was a beautiful sunny day with just a faint breeze passing through the streets, which would have made for an excellent day to go walking through Central Park.


            She indulged and bought a few useless items including a book and a DVD she’d wanted to see. Then she walked a few blocks to a coffee shop, ordered a flavored coffee, took a seat on the patio and watched the people scurry around.


            There were women carrying mounds of shopping bags, looking mad for no apparent reason, business men, entranced in their cell phone conversation and people just walking with no purpose, just like she had been doing moments before.


            Every once in a while she’d see a couple holding hands, giving quick, passionate kisses and Sandra couldn’t help but feel envious towards them. Although she’d never admit it, Sandra was a romantic. She believed that there is one person out there for everyone who will love you through anything and everything. It was a naïve hope in this day and age where most relationships consisted of a one night stand. She wasn’t stupid, but she still held on to that wild notion, despite her experiences in the past.


            She’d met Brandon in high school and at the time she’d had no interest him, but later, after her parents had died, he’d just been in the right place at the right time, so to speak. He was a bit of a bad boy but he’d been quick to consol her, though it had ended up being a more physical act then she had wanted. Only a week after they’d started ‘dating’ he convinced her to move with him to New York and her, being blindly in love, agreed.


            After a month of draining all the money she got from her minimum wage waitressing job, Sandra had found Brandon ‘consoling’ another woman, on their kitchen table.


            It had taken her a while and more than a few romance novels, to remind her, that she’d just met the wrong guy, a really, really, wrong guy. Still though, trust was hard to earn from her, which was why she questioned whether or not she was in love with Alex.


            Could you be in love with someone you don’t trust?


            She remembered how he had held her until she had fallen asleep after she’d had that nightmare last night. How he’d run his hand gently over her hair, kissing her forehead and whispering that everything was going to be alright.


            Did she trust him, then?


            As if to answer her, Alex Krycek walked out of the building across the street. He looked mad and Sandra was about to go after him when she saw someone else exiting the building, James Hayden.


            Alex had betrayed her.


            Hayden must have realized that letting her go had been a mistake and now he’d re-hired Krycek to kill her. That’s how those men had found her in Calgary, Krycek had told them. The tracking devices, then men bursting into his apartment, the escape, it had all been a ply, this was all a set-up.


            Sandra ran for a cab, hoping to make it back to her apartment before Krycek and grab what she needed. As her mind rambled out incoherent though, doubts started to cast over her as she rode back, if Krycek was planning on killing her, why wait so long? And what about him getting shot in Calgary? Was she supposed to find him there, to bring him to her, no that couldn’t be it because then John…maybe he was, was it possible he was in on this? And what about her parent’s lawyer, John, had he told Krycek about all the money and that’s why he hadn’t killed her yet because he was looking for it?


            All the questions that were lolling around in her brain were starting to make her dizzy and a little nauseous, so she concentrated on the road ahead. As she walked into her apartment building, she tried to hide her panic as she smiled at the doorman. She ran up the stairs, nearing the top when she heard the door at the bottom of the stairs opened. Not bothering to look, she ran to her door, opened it and ran to her bedroom.


            Throwing off the painting above the bed, she turned the combination into the lock and took out her backpack. Before she could make it to her door, she heard the front door open.


            Running to the window, she realized the only way out was through the bedroom across the hall, which had a fire escape.


            She was crossing the hallway when she heard Krycek yell her name, ignoring him, she kept moving. She was just about to reach the door when she felt Krycek’s arm’s grab her around the waist.


            “Don’t run,“ he ordered, pressing her against the wall.


            She tried to kick and punch her way out, but he wouldn’t let go despite the beating, “You bastard! I won’t let you kill me.”


            “Sandra listen to me, please,” he yelled, looking into her eyes but she elbowed him in the stomach.


            Lunging for the door, Sandra got it half-way closed when Krycek threw himself into it. Catching Sandra’s arm, he pulled her to him, locking her arms in front of her and tripping her so she was lying on her back.


            “Sandra, I’m not going to hurt you if you listen to me.”


            She was completely immobile, Krycek was sitting on her legs and he had her arms pinned to the floor. “Go to hell.”


            Alex sighed, he’d seen her back on the street just outside of The Resistance’s headquarters. Judging from her expression he figured she must have seen Hayden, who was indiscreetly following Alex.


            “There are things that are going on that you don’t understand but I’ll explain them if you just calm down.”


            Sandra glared at him, “I understand, I’m a threat to the world right, or is it that you want my money? Tell me Krycek, why did you stab me in the back?”


            The use of his last name, it’s cold delivery, stabbed at his heart but he ignored it, “Sandra, I didn’t mean to hurt you, you have to believe me.” He brought his head down to hers, hoping to convey his emotions to her.


            Instead of understanding him, she butted her head into his, kicking him off her and bolting for the window. She was inches away, when she heard a bang. Turning, she saw James Hayden holding what looked like a tranquillizer gun and then everything went black.


Chapter Nineteen


            2:41 PM




            Of all the sights she expected to see, she got the only one she didn’t want, “Go away Krycek.”


            Alex smiled at her, “You’re mad at me.”


            Sandra sat up but a blinding pain in her head had her lying back down, “Jeez you’re observant,” she said sarcastically. Her face grew serious, “What do you want from me?”


            Alex was sitting in a chair next to the bed, he studied the floor below his feet. “We need your help.”


            Sandra nodded and sat up, careful not to let the tears of betrayal enter her eyes, she would not let him think she was weak. She could see though, that she had no choice but to go along with them. “For what?”


            Alex sighed, “I want to leave that for later. First I want you to understand this had nothing to do with betrayal.” For most of his career he’d done things that looked like he was double-crossing someone, but he never cared if the person knew it was for the best. That what Alex was doing for them, no matter how bad it looked, benefited them in the end. He never explained himself, he didn’t care if people believed him but he wanted Sandra to believe him more than anything.


            “Don’t bother.” She stood up and walked across the room that looked like a hotel room without windows. “I don’t know who you are.”


            Alex stood quickly, moving over to her, he grabbed her arms, gently turning her to him, “Yes you do. You are the only one who knows me, all of me. The good and the bad.”


            Sandra tore her eyes from the floor to look him in the eye, trying to retain her glare, “I don’t know anything about you except that you’ll put money and power above all else.”


            Alex let her arms go, struggling to think of what to say, “Before I met you…that was true but since then, I’ve found something else that I want more than anything else,” he paused for a long time, “You.”


            Sandra was about to protest, but Alex held his hand up, “There’s something I have to tell you. Right after I thought you died, I started working with The Resistance. The Consortium was ending and they offered me a job. They hired me to be your bodyguard, so to speak.”


            Sandra let it all sink in, “Well, then why’d you leave me in Calgary, to get shot?”


            “I turned the job down. When it comes to you, I don’t trust anyone. And I knew if I found you, then The Resistance would bring you in and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. That’s why I’ve been hiding you from them for the last few weeks but now I realize that hiding you, helps no one.”


            “So you’ve decided to take the job?”


            Alex had to smile, he knew she hated the idea of having him watch over her, “Yeah.”


            Sandra brushed past him, moving to the other side of the room, “Well no thank you. I can take care of myself.”


            “Sandra,” his tone warned.


            “I’m not a baby Krycek, I don’t need a baby-sitter.” Her voice was cold.


            Alex groaned, “You are the most difficult women! Fine. You deal with this on your own, see how long that lasts.” he said before storming out.


            Sandra glared after him, now what was she supposed to do, she was stuck in this cell with no apparent exit. She went to the adjoining bathroom and found a sewing kit among the other hotel paraphernalia. Taking two pins like she’d seen on TV, she put then into the door and wiggled them around, trying to pick the lock. 


            Sandra had been at it for more than ten minutes when the door opened and slammed into her head.


            “You know the door’s open,” James Hayden told her as he helped her up.


            “Oh look, it’s the guy who shot me.”


            Hayden rolled his eyes at her, “It was with a horse tranquilizer.”


            Sandra stared at him in disgust, “Don’t those kill people?”


            Hayden laughed, “We needed something that would knock you out for more than five seconds.”


            Sandra sneered at him, “So you could do what, operate on me?”


            “You can leave Miss Ames if you want. But I would hope for the sake of mankind you’ll follow me.”


            Sandra weighed her options as Hayden left the room, she could run and hide or she could find out what she was running from. Curiosity won out.


            “This better be good.”





            “Sandra Ames, I’d like you to meet The Resistance,” James Hayden introduced her as she sat around a large wood table.


            She was about to make a remark about how they were the ones that had ordered her to be killed but she decided to keep her smart ass mouth shut. She instead managed a nod and a weak smile.


            Surrounding her, around the table, were five women and seven men, including Alex Krycek and James Hayden. An older man sitting at the head of the table stood up and began to speak, “My name is Joseph Neller and I co-founded The Resistance ten years ago. My colleague and I used to work with The Consortium. Are you familiar with them?”


            Sandra nodded her head.


            “They started out with good intentions but towards the end they were more interested in preserving themselves than earth. Some would argue it was their own selfishness that did them in,” To explain himself further he threw a picture across the table at her. It was of a warehouse, its floor covered in piles of soot.


            Hayden stood, picking up the conversation, “Those piles of ash are what used to be human bodies, the bodies of the Consortium members and their families. They were burned by The Rebels for working with the aliens.”


            Sandra stared in shock at the pictures, this was all a lot more serious then she originally thought.


            “Our plan,” Hayden continued, “As I explained to you before, is to find an alien weakness and exploit it.”


            “And since I’m half-alien, you want to test on me,” Sandra said bitterly.


            “Frankly, yes,” Neller answered.


            Sandra stared at the table, completely at a loss for words. She desperately wished for this all to be a dream, to go back to before she had learned about aliens, before she met Krycek.


            Neller continued, “Mr. Krycek will be acting as your bodyguard from this point on. You will report here every day under the alias of Sandra Ashby. To everyone else, this building houses a Medical manufacturing company, if anyone asks, you work as a lab assistant.


            Before he could continue further, Sandra interrupted him, “As much as I appreciate you taking complete control of my life,” she said sarcastically. “I can take care of myself. That is, if I decided to do this.” Sandra stood.


            Following her, the rest of the people around the table stood, “Of course you can take a few days to think about it but Miss Ames, I must press upon you the urgency of the situation. Mr. Krycek will stay with you at all times.” Neller reiterated.


            Sandra was starting to lose her temper, “I told you, I can take care of myself,” she said firmly.


            Neller stared back at her with equal determination, “This is not a point I’m willing to negotiate.”


            Sandra stifled a huff, “Fine.” She then left the room without another word. She could leave with Alex Krycek but she wasn’t guaranteeing that she’d come back with him alive.