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You can run from me

            You can hide from me

            But I am right beside you

            In this life


                        -Chantal Kreviazuk “In This Life”

[A/N: Don’t read this version if you are into smut and sex, etc. Run to the other version, you’re not missing anything important]


Chapter Twenty- NC-17 Version


            4:01 PM


            Sandra didn’t say a word as they drove back to her apartment, a murderous expression crossing her face whenever Alex made eye-contact. He managed to keep his temper until she slammed the apartment door in his face.


            “Listen to me you brat,” he yelled, opening and slamming the door behind him, grabbing her arm. “You listen good and well,” his eyes stared menacingly into hers. “You were created for one reason and one reason only, to combat the aliens, to save this planet. You don’t get to live a normal life.” he finished harshly.


            Sandra knew that to be true, which was part of the reason she was so upset but still, part of her could not accept it. “I know that but do you realize how hard it is to, in one decision, give up your whole life? To be told, the only purpose I have in life is to be someone’s guinea pig?”


            Alex relaxed his grip on her arm as he listened to her patiently, waiting for her to finish.


            Sandra stared into his green eyes, searching for what she wasn’t sure, when she felt her arm shoot out under his jacket and pull his gun on him.


            “And if it hadn’t been for you, I would have had a chance for a life.” She pressed the gun harder into his temple. “I’ll never get a chance at love, have a career or have kids,” She forced the words out through clenched teeth, her breath rushing in and out.


            Alex slowly raised his hand to the gun, bringing it down gently, when Sandra didn’t resist he took it from her and placed it on a table. Tears that had pooled in her eyes, were now pouring down her face, Alex brought his hands to frame her face, gently wiping away the tears.


            “Sandra, none of those things are being completely taken away from you, it just makes it much harder. You have to make sacrifices but so does everyone, so do I.”


            “What did you sacrifice?” She asked staring in to Alex’s eyes, remembering the first time she’d connected with them, the internal pull towards them.


            “My soul.”


            Sandra brought her hand up to his face, shaking her head, “You still have a soul, a beautiful one.” She said simply. She remembered the trust she had felt for him, when they’d first met, despite everything that was going on, she had trusted him then. She realized now, she still did, always had, no matter how hard she had tried to fight it.


            As she stared into those entrancing eyes, she couldn’t help but become mesmerized by him. His dark hair, his muscular body, his face, which could change from menacing to kind in seconds. But the one thing that had all of her attention at the time, was his mouth. She licked her lips, as the thought of what it felt like to kiss him, swarmed her head, causing her heart to quicken and her cheeks to warm.


            “Sandra,” Alex breathed as he felt her moving closer. Slowly he brought his lips to meet hers, holding them captive for the longest of seconds. She opened her mouth to him but he only ran his lips over hers softly, enticing a sigh from her throat. As he deepened the kiss, she ran her tongue over his bottom lip, memorizing the feel.


            His tongue flooded her mouth, igniting a hot spark in her body, the kiss becoming faster and urgent. As Alex pulled her body tighter to him, her head felt lighter, her body too heavy for her knees.


            “God, Sand, you’re so beautiful, “He gently walked her back into the wall, pressing his body against hers, trying to get as close as possible.


            Sandra snaked her hands up his chest pushing off his suit jacket, then loosening his tie and pulling it off, letting it float to the ground. She ran her hand over his neck, lightly fingering the silver chain.


            Alex lifted her up into his arms, as Sandra wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her arms around his neck. Sandra’s lips moved to his neck, lightly dragging her teeth across his skin, pushing down the collar of his shirt, she nipped at the muscles in his shoulders. He slowly walked them into the main floor bedroom, laying her softly on the bed.


            “I missed you, “ Sandra said as he leaned over her, running a hand over his cheek.


            Alex turned his lips to her hand, giving it a tiny kiss, then he took it in his own hand and pulled her up to sitting. “I need to tell you something,” Sandra nodded for him to continue. Feeling an intense urge to pace, Alex sat on the bed, holding tightly onto Sandra’s hand. “Ever since I met you,” he paused looking into her eyes, “You…you changed my life. I didn’t really have much of a life anyways, but you made me want one. To stop leading this dead-end continuous search for power and money.” Alex ran a hand over the back of his neck, he’d never been comfortable talking about feelings, the idea usually made his skin crawl but this was something he needed to do.


            Reluctantly, he got up and started pacing the floor, “I mean if you hadn’t come into my life, I don’t know what I would be like.”


            Sandra stood up, turning him to face her, “Alex look at me.”


            “I’m in love with you,” he said as if it were a bad thing.


            “What’s wrong with that?” Sandra already knew why and it had nothing to do with her.


            Alex scoffed, “How many people have warned you about me? I have more enemies than our government. I kill, I abandon and I betray everyone. You don’t want me to be in love with you and I don’t want you to be in love with me.”


            He tried to move away, but Sandra held his head in her hands, “Too bad then. Because I am in love with you. There’s no one else that I’d rather be with. Even when you do something that make me want to kill you, I still love you and strangely, when I think you betray me, I still trust you. I don’t know if that amounts to insanity but it definitely amounts to love. I love you.” She kissed him fully, pulling him onto the bed.


            “There’s a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone,” he said through kisses, lifting her shirt over her head.


            “I’m fully aware of the difference and I’m in love with you.” She undid his dress shirt, pushing it off his broad shoulders.


            “Love doesn’t last forever.”


            Sandra stopped what she was doing and stared deeply into his eyes, “This will.”


            Alex hungrily took her mouth, his tongue pulsing in and out, his arms pulling her close to him. He lifted her off the bed, snapping her bra skillfully off with one hand, then pulling it off her arms. His fingers lightly danced down her body, reaching her jeans, he popped the button and slid the zipper down. Placing a soft kiss below her belly-button, he pulled off her jeans, panties and socks in one smooth motion.


            He wasn’t afraid, he wasn’t worried, for the first time in a long time, he felt really good. He couldn’t believe this woman that was in front of him, this perfect being, so incredibly beautiful, strong and smart and she was in love with him. Even if he died tomorrow, he could finally die happy just to have spent this moment with her. He thought he had sold his soul to the devil, she made him feel like it had been rightfully given back to him.


             Sandra sat up to where Alex was standing and undid his belt and pants, running her lips across the dark tuft of hair above the waistband. Alex let his pants fall to the ground and stepped out of his socks, as Sandra dug her fingers into the elastic of his boxers. Feeling his hard hips, she slipped her hands down further, pushing off the boxers.


As Sandra stared up into his deep green eyes, she knew this was different from the first time, that this was different from any other time. He had somehow lost the darkness that continuously crowded his eyes and was replaced with utter rawness. She felt like she was seeing him, truly, for the first time.


Alex laid down beside her as they both memorized the other’s body. Alex lifted his finger to her lips, tracing their outline, then he slid his finger down an imaginary line on the centre of her body, resting between her breasts. He cupped one, running his finger over the tip, he moved his body on top of hers, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he ravished her mouth.


            As he moved his lips down to her neck and then to her breasts, Sandra reached her hands to his hips, running her fingers lightly over them, to his base and back, gently toying with his senses. He moaned as she dropped her hands and encircling him, stroking it lightly.


            Moving his tongue over her hard tip of her breast, Alex drifted a hand down her body, stroking her inner thigh. Slowly he moved a single finger to her centre and quickly plunged it inside.


            “God Alex,” she cried as he pumped his finger in and out of her, sending her senses into chaos.


            He coaxed her to the brink slowly before pulling out, teasing her. She grabbed his hips in desperation and moved them towards her, slowly he thrust into her, inducing a cry from them both. He plunged rythmetically faster and faster into her until he felt her contract around him and screamed his name. He trust one last time before he came inside her, not able to keep from calling out her name over and over.


            He heavily collapsed on top of her before rolling her on top, not taking himself out of her. Sandra laid her head on his chest, hearing his heart beating heavily, as she too, tried to catch her breath.


            “I love you,” Alex said softly.


            She smiled up at him, “I love you too.”