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Chapter Twenty Four


August 6, 1999

1:04 AM


            The explosion took out the ten story building in ten seconds, “One floor per second,” Hayden joked before he set the charge. “This ought to send a message.”


            “Yeah, come and kick our asses,” Alex muttered under his breath as they drove away. “Do you think we should warn The Resistance building?”


            Hayden cocked his hand gun, “I don’t think we’ll make it that far.”


            Just then bullets started flying at Krycek’s Miata, he pulled a one-eighty to face the on-comers and grabbed his gun, “Damn it, this is the third car this year that’s gotten shot up.” They both ran from the car and hid behind it.


            “How do you want to do this? Run and shoot or get creative?”


            Krycek scanned the surroundings, they were in a residential apartment area, Can you make it to that alley?”


            “Alright, creative it is.” Hayden ducked and ran, firing his gun at the car that had stopped and men were piling out of.


            Krycek took off in the opposite direction, heading for a truck, taking cover from it. The men separated two heading after Hayden, 3 after him. “Nice odds,” he said to himself.


Taking a chance, Hayden stepped out from behind the wall, hands raised, “Hey guys, is there something I can help you with?”


One of the broader men answered, “Where is she?”


Hayden took a step forward, dropping his hands, “Who? Your mom? I left her back in the hotel room.” As the man charged forward, Hayden ducked and the man flew over top of him, landing on the ground seconds before Hayden’s bullet entered his leg and stomach. “Now you sit and stay and I’ll give you a nice juicy bone when this is all over.”


The man’s partner kicked towards Hayden but he ducked in time, “You want to play too, kitty?” Hayden’s elbow jabbed into the man’s chin, followed by his knee into the guy’s stomach, two shot’s took out both of the guy’s knees. Grabbing the rope from around his shoulder, he tied both men to a pipe.


The men continued to yell at him, struggling best they could. Two quick smacks with the butt of the gun and they were both out. “And silence ensues,” Hayden said as he ran to catch up with Krycek.


Meanwhile Krycek’s fight had turned into a shoot out and he was quickly running out of bullets. He was now on the trucks side and opened the door, looking for inspiration, only to find a hunting knife. Back in his SEAL days, he’d been able to kill a man instantly with a knife but that had been a long time ago. Still, his only other choice was hand to hand combat and he wasn’t as confident as some in his Resistance training.


Taking aim at the biggest man, he prayed to a God he didn’t believe in and threw as hard as he could. In an almost auto pilot move, he grabbed his gun taking out the man next to the man who had taken victim to Krycek’s lethal knife in the throat. As his two partners’ fell to the ground, the last man charged around the truck, his gun thrown to the side, daring Krycek to fight him.


As Krycek’s mind raced to remember every fighting technique he could remember, he heard the thankful sound of a gun shot and the man falling down in front of him.


Hayden rounded the corner, not acknowledging the fact that he may have just saved Krycek’s life. “I think we’ve definitely sent a message.”


Krycek scanned the area, expecting to see more gunman, but he was pleasantly surprised. “Now what are they going to with it?”




            It took her a minute but her senses finally came back to her. “What are you doing here,” her voice was anything but glad.


            Carter had already taken off his mask and now he lowered his gun, putting it on the floor, “Like I said I’m not here to hurt you.”


            Sandra let her gun hang by her side but she didn’t drop it, “I can’t think of a possible reason for you to be here, for you to know where I am.” Sandra stared into the eyes of a man of a boy she used to love.


            “You’re lucky that I’m the only one who knows where you are, if the people I work for found out where you-“


            Sandra didn’t let him finish, shock held her for only a second before her foot shot out, crashing into his chin, knocking him back. He quickly regained his balance and kicked her legs from underneath her, sending her gun flying into the corner. Sandra kicked both her feet out, knocking him in the chest and jumped to her feet again. As he made a move for his gun, Sandra did the same, both coming up at the same time, guns trained on each other.


            “You work for The Puritan’s?” She hid the hurt in her voice well, disguising it as disgust.


            “If you could only see what happens when the aliens invade…Sandra there is no point in fighting them, it’s a waste. They have all the power.” He took a slighted step forwards, “Come with me, if you join us, they won’t hurt you. I can keep you safe.”


            Sandra scoffed at him, “Is that what they told you, is that how they got you to sell your soul?” She yelled the last part. “How long?”


            Carter’s eyes left hers, “The day before I left.”


            Sandra remembered that day only too well, but she wouldn’t let emotions rise that had been put to sleep many years before.


            He continued but his gun remained steadily trained on her, “They told me all about who you are…what you are. They told me what was going to happen, they showed me all the other planets that the aliens and Puritan’s have colonized. If you saw what’s happened to those other planets, you’d understand why I made this decision.”


            Whatever feelings she’d had towards him, now made her sick, he made her sick. She’d been lonely, he’d been there, they’d been together a year, in love. Then one day he was gone, just another addition to the long list of people who had left her.


            Carter lowered his gun and reached his hand out to her, “Sandra…I still love you.”


            Sandra didn’t bother to hide her rolling eyes, “Get away from me.”


            Carter inwardly sighed, “If you don’t come with me, The Puritan’s will come and kill you.”


            “You’ll send them.”


            “I have to.”


            Sandra laughed, “You are a sniveling rat.” Her bullet hit him in the shoulder, then another in his leg. Slowly walking towards him, she took his gun. Quickly she grabbed the baby and headed outside into the storm.


            As she made for her car she heard the Irish voice ring out, “It’s your funeral.”