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Title: Sweet Surrender

Author: Carla



Rating: R for language, violence and sexuality

Summary: Alex Krycek and Sandra meet up again, learning more about each other and

     especially Sandra’s past.

Notes: This is part of the In a World called Catastrophe series, this is the 2nd one. Read An Ode

to Maybe first.


Chapter 6


            Sandra shifted sides for the billionth time that night but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t fall asleep. Of course her day had been sort of strange and there were only about a million questions and problems running through her head but physically she was exhausted. She figured the physical exertion was from healing the gun shot wound, as she felt like someone had shot her.


            But in a way someone had.


            Once again, she had been ditched, granted it was a stupid misconception that she had anything with Alex. She’d admit it, she had wished that after Alex had woken up, he would have stayed with her...for at least a couple of days.


            Sandra shifted again, she was being such a schoolgirl! The only reason she had such a crush, yes a crush, on Alex Krycek was the attraction to the dark mystery of him, she was sure that if he was a shoe salesmen or something, there’d be no appeal.


            Sure...and monkey’s routinely flew out of her ass.


She was on the third repetition of ‘King Henry the Eighth I am,’ when Sandra felt something hit her face and heard glass shatter beside her. She turned to see her window smash as a black figure swing through it on a rope. In the brief time Sandra had, she assessed the intruder, by his built and height, she assumed it was a man. He was clothed all in back, including a black face mask and was holding a large machine gun.


Sandra got up as quickly as she could but she wasn’t fast enough, she felt a bullet hit her shoulder, throwing her body across the bed. Her shoulder burned and her head was reeling in pain but she dove for cover before another one of the bullets flying through air, caught her. She hid best she could behind the bed, only a few feet backwards and she could get to the bathroom.


She grabbed the closest thing to her, a lamp, and heaved it at the attacking figure. Surprisingly, it knocked his gun away, giving Sandra enough time to run for the bathroom.


Only once she had closed and locked the door, did she realize this wasn’t the best idea. Now she was stuck without even a window to jump from. She desperately scanned the room, her eyes falling on the shower head, it was an extremely ugly but with an extraordinarily long hose attached to the shower head.


She turned the shower head’s pressure to the highest setting and turned on the water almost as soon as the bathroom door blasted open. Bullet’s shattered the mirror and punched holes in the walls as Sandra sprayed the intruder, hoping to at least distract him. She quickly, mostly without her conscious knowledge, kicked the gun from his hand and caught it before it fell to the ground. She knocked him in the head with the shower head and held the gun shakily on him.


The man stopped moving and stared at her, as if daring her to shoot him. Sandra hardly had anytime to think before she felt her arm slamming the gun across the man’s head, rendering him unconscious.


Not wanting to take the chance that he’d wake up, Sandra ran to her closet and grabbed her emergency bag and ran out the front door.


She ran steadily for a good five blocks, weaving her way through alleys and streets before finding a pay phone. She dialed the number of a cab company, promising an extra fifty dollars if they got there in the next five minutes.


While she waited, she hid behind some shrubbery and took an inventory of her bag. Change of clothes, passport under Beth Cramore, a grand in cash, hair dye, a wig, make-up bag...and a gun.


Over the last few months, she had put a lot of work into this bag, hoping to never use it. Then again, this was certainty more fun than working as a waitress.


Almost forgetting about it, Sandra checked her shoulder, where the bullet had hit her. Sure enough, although a hole remained in her shirt and there was a bruise, the wound had closed. Lucky for her, the bullet had exited, otherwise she’d have a big problem explaining to customs why she was setting off the metal detector.


Once in the cab, her heart continued to pound heavily, she checked behind her to see if anyone had followed her. There was a black SUV about a block behind them but its speed wasn’t increasing.


“Turn left,” she ordered the driver.


“But the airport is the other way.”


“Turn left,” she growled.


The driver obeyed as Sandra kept her eyes glued to the SUV, it too turned, its speed suddenly increasing. Sandra couldn’t see who was in the vehicle but she could tell there were two of them.


The SUV had almost caught up to them, “Speed up.”


“Listen lady, if you’re in some kind of trouble, I want no part of it.”


Looking in the rearview mirror, he saw Sandra stuff a wad of cash at him and move towards the door. ”Slow down, then get the hell out of here and DO NOT CALL THE POLICE.”


The driver slowed and watched as she jumped out the car door, rolling towards the sidewalk. He shook his head and sped back up, promising himself that he’d take the job working at his father-in-law’s car shop.


Sandra got up quickly, ignoring the pain in her arms and legs and dove behind a fence as bullets grazed past her head. The SUV sped past her, marking the fence with their bullets and then it pulled a U-turn.


Sandra checked over her gun. Even if Alex Krycek was an asshole, he’d at least taught her how to work a gun. She took aim, hoping to take out a tire on the vehicle speeding towards her. The bullet missed completely, hitting the passenger side window and took out the man sitting there.


She stared in shock, she’d never killed anyone before, she’d never wanted to but they were trying to kill her. The car sped past her again and Sandra closed her eyes as she shot the gun, sending as many bullets at the driver as fast as she could. She didn’t open her eyes until she heard a loud crash, the SUV had collided with a light pole.


Sandra put her back up against the fence, breathing as deeply as she could, to still the panic. She took another deep breath, she couldn’t just sit there, she had to get a hold of herself.


And get back to New York.


Chapter 7


            Just before they died, Sandra’s parents had opened a safety deposit box and instructed that only their lawyer have access. The only reason Sandra knew about it was because she had found the number and the bank name when she had sorted through their things after their death. The bank had turned her away, sending her to talk to her parent’s lawyer but he’d told her that it wasn’t necessary for her to know what was in the box at that time.


            “I need to talk to Mr. Horton please,” Sandra asked the receptionist.


            “And you are?” She asked rudely.


            Sandra wondered if it was in the job description of a receptionist, or office assistant, or whatever they were called, to be a bitch. “Sandra Ames.”


            The women straightened in her chair, “Just a moment please.” Her tone was much sweeter and politely fake.


            Moments later she was in Paul Horton’s office, while the bitch got her a water.


            Paul walked into the office, his hair was much thinner and much whiter than when she had last seen him, but his smile was just as warm and welcoming as always.


            “Sandra, my dear, how have you been?” He hugged her tightly, reminding her of a sort of bear hug.


            Sandra smiled brightly, feeling much better seeing a familiar face, “Good, thank you and yourself?”


            “Oh, the wife’s got me on some low-cholesterol diet and doing Pilates with her on the weekends. Now isn’t that a sight to see?” He joked.


            Sandra laughed, Paul had very much, a bear sized figure but he wasn’t a gross weight, he just looked comfortable in his skin. But the sight of him doing Pilates on a Saturday did have her laughing.


            “But anyways, what can I do for you?” He leaned against the front of his desk.


            “I wanted to talk to you about my parents,” he nodded his head, crossing over to his chair behind the desk. “Specifically, about their safety deposit box.” Paul’s smile was long gone and he was leaning intently on his desk, waiting for her to continue, “I know I was adopted.” She paused for a few seconds, “When I tried to talk to you about this before you said it wasn’t relevant. I’m pretty sure it is now.”


“How much do you know…about yourself.”


Sandra sighed sadly, “Six months ago I would have said everything, and now…I’m not sure of anything.”


Paul took a deep breath, “The man that put you up for adoption was a friend of mine, he wanted the adoption done fast and quickly. Since his wife hadn’t been pregnant, I thought you might be an illicit child and he wanted to get you out of the picture before his wife found out. But it didn’t seem right, I knew he loved his wife and his family more than anything…when he was killed a few days after, I knew there was something else going on.” 


Sandra finally spoke up, “He wasn’t my father…he was a scientist.”


“I never knew for sure but I knew he worked for the government, doing research or something, I figured there was a connection.” He got up and grabbed his coat, “Let’s go for a walk.”


****NOTE**** For some reason I’m having some technical difficulties with transferring exactly want I want this chapter to look like onto the internet. The letter is within the ******, hopefully that will make this less confusing!


Chapter 8


            Paul took her over to the bank and took out the safety deposit box for her, he then turned to leave.


            “Don’t you want to see what’s in here?” Sandra asked.


            “Some things are better left unknown,” Paul hugged her tightly, “Take care of yourself my dear and remember if you ever get into trouble, legally, you know who to call.” He said with a smile and then left.


            Alone in the room, Sandra opened the box. A thick file folder lay at the top, she removed it, not ready to read anything yet. Underneath lay a velvet box, a keychain with three keys on it and around fifty thousand dollars in cash.


            Sandra picked up the money, staring in shock, if that wasn’t enough to send her into convulsions, underneath was a piece of paper with a Swiss Bank account number.


            She knew her parents had done well for themselves but judging from this they were a gigantic leap from being just well off.


            There was another file folder at the bottom, which she put with the rest of the contents and put it all in a bag the bank had given her.


            She caught a cab to the nearest hotel hoping she wouldn’t be mugged on the way, what with the fifty thousand dollars she had but if she got in that situation, she’d just kick whosever ass mugged her.


            Once in the safety of her hotel room, she opened the smaller file folder. In it she found a letter written in her mother’s handwriting. A message from the grave.




Dear Sandra,                                                                       

I secretly hope that you never read this letter

and I’m sorry that you have to. I want you to

 know how much your father and I, love you. We

hoped to protect you from all of this and that is

the reason for all the lies. I hope you find it in

your heart to forgive us.



A steady stream of tears were pouring down her face, sobs threatened to take over but Sandra took a deep breath and forced herself to keep reading.



Enclosed you should find a large file folder, with all the

information we could compile on you. You will also find

a part of your inheritance along with a number for a Swiss

bank account. There should be enough to keep you living

comfortably, as we know your life will be far from simple,

but then is anyone’s? Although money will not compensate

for everything, it may make things easier.


There is also a velvet box, please do not open this, it is a

family heirloom and we want you to give it to the person

you fall in love with, which we know, with a heart like yours

will happen.



            Sandra’s thoughts strayed to Alex, she wondered what her parents would have thought of him.



The keys are to a house in Italy on the coast on Capri Island,

we visited it while you were younger but you were probably

too young to remember it. The other is for an apartment here

in New York.


Lastly, before you read the large file folder, we’d like you

to contact a man. We feel he deserves to know the information

as well. His address is on the back of this paper, ask him if his

father’s name was Nicholas, then tell him you have information

about his father.


We love you very much and we wish more than anything that we

could be there for you and to help you. We wish the greatest

happiness for you.


                                      Love always,


                                                          Mom and Dad



            Sandra re-read the letter over several times but instead of making her sad, it gave her some closure and made her feel not so alone.


            She was tempted to read the other folder, why should she have to show this to someone else? It was about her and who was to say she could trust this guy? Her parents did though and that was enough for her.


            She showered and dressed in a pair of black pants and a red blouse, she stuffed some of the contents of the bag in her purse and the rest she’d deal with downstairs.


            It wouldn’t be so bad, plus, she could use the company.



You keep talking

where’s it going

if there’s an answer

I don’t know it


-Chris Issak “Please”


Chapter Nine


            “We’ve got a location on Sandra Ames.”


            James Hayden looked up from his mound of paperwork. Even secret government officials had to do paperwork...and tons in his case.




            The other man looked uncomfortable, “Well someone tried to kill her in Calgary, so she ran to New York and we-“


            “Someone tried to do what?” Hayden shot out of his chair, practically yelling.


            The other man gulped at air and ran a hand over the back of his neck where sweat had started to form. He was barely a year younger than Hayden but his reputation gave him much more intimidation. “Kill her, sir. I don’t know yet who it was but I don’t think it was us,” he sputtered out.


            “You don’t think?” Hayden walked slowly towards the man, as he scampered backwards. “Well that’s good to know,” he said sarcastically. “Because I’d hate to think that we’d be responsible for killing earth’s only hope at survival!”


            The man stared at Hayden, expecting some kind of bodily harm to come to him.


            “You think she’s here in New York?”


            The other man nodded, “She took out her parent’s safety deposit box. Might I infer that she might visit Alex Krycek?”


            Hayden nodded, “I’ll deal with that. Who else knows?” He grabbed his coat, heading for the door.


            “No one, I came to you first.”


            “Keep it that way.”


Chapter Ten


            Sandra’s hands shook as she walked down the hallway to the apartment of the mystery man. She was afraid for her life, for what she might find out and most importantly, she was afraid of her future.


            Whatever was in the folder was going to change her life even more. The way her parents had put it in the letter made it sound like this was the end of a normal life. No going to school and getting a job, no diner and drinks with friends on a Saturday night, no great romance, that could lead to marriage and maybe to children.


            She suddenly realized just how badly she wanted all of that.


            She turned to go back to the elevator to leave when she remembered the man in the apartment, he, for some reason, deserved to know whatever information she had about his father. She may be able to hide from her future but this man couldn’t hide from his past.


            She also knew that this man’s father may have been the man that saved Sandra and put her up for adoption. What kind of life would she be living now, if he hadn’t helped her?


            And if this man’s father had died for it, for saving her, his son deserved to know what was in this file, normal life or not.


            When she reached his door she stood for several minutes staring at the door. Everything seemed strangely familiar and she wondered if she had ever been here before.


            She finally knocked and the door opened soon after.


            “Oh my God.”