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Ch. Legends Wind In The Willow


Willow was co-bred by Linda Profenno and Carol Sipe.

When Linda retired from shelties she sent Willow to ConBrio so that I could show her and
try to finish her championship. Linda also agreed to let me co-own her and keep her. I am SO grateful that she did!
With a pedigree like hers, what a producer Willow turned out to be. We couldn't be happier with her son Ch. ConBrio Legends All Shook Up CC both as a show dog and as a sire. Watch for her kids in the show rings!

Young Willow and 6 month old son Airen go WB and WD.

Willow kids

BISS Ch.ConBrio Legends All Shook Up CC
ConBrio Up In The Air
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