Europe: The Dark Continent
By Thomas E.
Apr 30, 2008
The light of God's truth has been snuffed out in Europe, now the least
Christian and the most secularized and socialized part of the world.
This week, Black Rock Congregational Church is focusing on worldwide
missionary programs and the 20-plus missionaries that the church supports. In
that connection, rather than a traditional sermon, we at Black Rock-Long Ridge
Congregational Church (North Stamford, Connecticut) heard a report by Dr. Ted
Noble, one of those missionaries. His subject was the appalling decline of
Christianity throughout Europe.
Fewer than one percent of Europeans are Christian believers. Elsewhere,
especially in Africa and Asia, the percentage is much higher and growing. Europe
has become a spiritual wasteland in which people look to the political state
for their salvation.
In the 19th century, Africa, the Dark Continent, was looked upon as the
great field of activity for Christian missionaries. Conditions are the reverse
today. American Episcopalians, for example, who seek a return to the Bible and
a turning away from the secularized social gospel that has overtaken their
church, now look to African bishoprics for support.
Dr. Nobel talked mostly about the opportunities and the needs for
missionary work in Europe. But it's important also to ask why Europe is in
spiritual decline.
This is an impelling question, since Christianity's greatest, lasting
impact was in western Europe. After the final fall of the Western Roman Empire
in the 5th century, Christianity was left as the only civilizing force in
western Europe. Without the Catholic Church in Rome, libraries and education
itself would not have survived. Concepts of civilized law and order, based upon
the Roman Empire's codex, were preserved in Christian canonical law.
The Eastern Roman Empire, based in Constantinople (later Byzantium,
today Istanbul), survived the onslaught of Islam for another thousand years
until 1453. But Constantinople was not able to exercise much direct influence
upon western Europe after the fall of Rome. Christian city states all around
the eastern Mediterranean and into Russia, parts of the Eastern Orthodox
Church, were continually subjected to Islamic jihad after the 7th century.
Europeans, before the evolution of strong nation states in the 16th
century, thought of themselves as inhabitants of Christendom. It is thus
accurate to assert that everything that we know as western civilization is an
exclusive product of Christianity emanating from the church at Rome.
What went wrong?
The short answer is the French Revolution of 1789.
That cataclysmic event destroyed Christian civilization and instituted
the religion of socialism, first in France, then throughout Europe.
In the simplest terms, French philosophers of the ill-named Continental
European Enlightenment (the 18th century) decapitated Western civilization. The
human soul and conscience, moral codes, and the relationship of each individual
human to the universe and his fellow humans were tossed into the trash heap. The
Western world was figuratively reduced to a headless body that reacted blindly
to external, physical stimulae.
The secular, atheistic religion of socialism (in the United States,
liberal-progressivism) ignores peoples' spiritual needs. It asserts, instead,
that only material needs for water, food, clothing shelter, and sex count in
political society. In socialist religious theory, all of these things can be
administered by the secular political state in ways that permit state planners
to manipulate and control every aspect of human social behavior.
No one can logically accept that liberal-socialist doctrine and
simultaneously support the metaphysical, natural-law principles that were the
basis of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, Jefferson's
inalienable human rights flowing from our Creator God.
Philosophical materialism implies that the human soul is a myth; there
is only the physical tangle of nerves, muscle, and bones constituting the
physical human body. Non-material qualities like personal responsibility,
piety, patriotism, and morality are dismissed as value judgments, lost in the
morass of moral relativism. Karl Marx, for example, sneered at religion as the
opium of the masses, calling it a fiction created by the ruling class to
stupefy and subjugate the workers.
Dismissing the Mind of God and the natural law that flowed from it,
intellectuals of the French Revolution believed themselves capable of
manipulating humans, in the mass, as if they were puppets. They expected their
secular religion of socialism to bring harmony and perfection to human life.
Instead, they took the Western world back to the lawless days of the
hordes of Genghis Khan, when the sword was the only source of order and right. The
millions of dead and maimed in two World Wars and the murders of tens of
millions by the French Revolutionary councils, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin,
Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, and Castro are the legacy of French socialistic
materialism and secularity.
Europe, once the driving force in world culture, has become a hollow
shell that the inflow of Muslim immigrants will crack and overwhelm in coming
decades, unless Christian missionaries succeed in bringing Europeans back to
Jesus Christ.
Copyright by Thomas E. Brewton
Thomas E. Brewton is a staff writer for the New Media Alliance, Inc. The
New Media Alliance is a non-profit (501c3) national coalition of writers,
journalists and grass-roots media outlets.