New Study Shows 32% of Homosexuals Have Suffered Abuse by their "Partner"

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

NEW YORK, November 9, 2007 ( study published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Urban Health, which is published by the New York Academy of Medicine, has found that over 32% of active homosexuals report that they have suffered "abuse" by one or more "partners" during the course of their lives (see report abstract at

According to the study, which surveyed sexually active homosexuals and bisexuals in the Chicago area, 19.2% reported physical violence, which the survey characterizes as "hit, kicked, shoved, burned, cut, or otherwise physically hurt".  Another 18.5% reported "unwanted sexual activity" -- that is, that they have been in some sense raped by one of their "partners".  Finally, 20.6% percent reported being verbally abused.

The study also states that "depression and substance abuse were among the strongest correlates of intimate partner abuse", reflecting previous studies that have shown a high level of substance abuse, depression, and other psychological and behavioral disorders among homosexuals.

The study's results confirm what numerous other studies have already shown: that homosexuals are disproportionately prone to acts of aggression against their "partners" and others. 

Pathological behavior is very highly correlated with the active "gay" lifestyle, including high rates of depression, alcoholism and drug abuse, promiscuity, and suicide, even in countries and societies that are generally accepting of their "lifestyle" choice.  Homosexuals are also far more likely to contract venereal diseases, cancer, and other diseases.