gwalior fort by uday patel
Population:- 8 Lakhs, Approx,Cosmopolitan
Languages:- Hindi,English
Climate:- 3°C to 42°C
Rainfall:- 60 inches
Air Services:- To:-Delhi,Bhopal,Indore,Bombay
Train Services:-to Delhi,Bombay,Agra,
Jhansi,Bhopal,Indore etc.
Main Station--Gwalior Station
Bus Services:Towns OF M.P. & Khajuraho

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Places Of Interest:-
Gwalior is famous for its temples,forts and palaces. The magnificant fort is 100m above the town & is 3 km in length & 1km in width.The walls are 10m in height and the hill face is a sheer drop.

Man Singh Palace is at the entrance of the fort, and is also known as Chit Mandir.It was built by Man Singh between 1486 and 1516.

Gujrat Mahal Palace also built by Man Singh for his favourite queen Mrignayani in the 15th Century.

Sas Bahu temple are similiar in stlye but the larger temple has an ornately carved base and figures of Lord Vishnu over the entrance.

Jai Vilas Palace built in the early 19th century still houses the Royal Family.A major part is houses the museum which displays Belgian Cut Glass furniture,stuffed Tigers and a marble statue of Leda with a swan.
A Toy train is on display which carried brandy and cigars around on the dining table.

Places nearby
JHANSI was the kingdom of Rani Laxmibai.It was in the forefront of rebellion at Jhansi during the Indian mutiny of 1857.The Jhansi Fort is worth visiting.It is 100 km from Gwalior.


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