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Why does God let people suffer?

Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff, PhD, DH, DT, March 10, 2002.

Jesus Christ loves people. Do you?

How much extra effort do you put forth to ensure that things you do will help those who are suffering?

But of course you don't want to blame yourself. You want to blame the all knowing, all powerful God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and everything within.

So let us take a look at what God has to say about it. We find in the revered Old Testament Book of Ezekiel Chapter 36 verse 32 "It is not for your sake that I will act, says the Lord God; let that be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your ways, O house of Israel."

God works for you. But in your earthly opinion, not this time.

God works for good.

God explains how God's overwhelming good works will make you remember your evil ways and cause you to ..."loathe yourselves for your iniquities and your abominable deeds." verse 31.

God suffered on the cross, yet had said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me..." Mark 10.14 King James Version, and in other words God said, "Let the children come to me...".

If you are willing to suffer it and repent of your sins, you can be reborn by baptism (Ref.: 3 Nephi, 11.23-41). As reborn children of God you are the heir of God.

See how nice and good God is, Israelite?

See how God gave you the keys? See how you are a beacon of light, not darkness? See how you were given a choice to know right from wrong and that dismissing prayer as unimportant is wrong; rather teaching others to pray is of righteousness.

All of your thoughts and actions need to be respectful of honorable Jesus Christ, the vine. You as a baptised person are the fruit of that vine, without which vine comes no good to perfection.

As a baptised person you become one with God The Father, and the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, for then is the kingdom of heaven within you.

Therefore, YOU take upon ourselves suffering whereby together we can overcome the suffering that people endure. Therefore you take upon YOURSELF suffering whereby you overcome the suffering that people endure.

Some people want to be near Christ, similar to Mrs. Zebedee's story (Ref.: Mat. 20.20), yet as good as that is, there is an even more excellent way (Rehabilitation Sermon). God goes and prepares a place for you: oneness with God.

Not that you would suffer a lower position, Jesus Christ has already suffered that in your stead.

By baptism and by suffering ongoing faith, you enter into Christ's works and grow in Christ's accomplishments. Christ suffered the sins of all, for good, for all.

Suffer to strive to enter heaven that is within you, and bring others into your blessings of God.

By God's goodness yielding your repentance yielding your baptism by water yielding remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost, you are enabled to authoritatively proclaim and celebrate with others the entering of themselves into the kingdom of heaven: where there is no want, nor suffering, nor disparity.

You can believe because of the good works, and you can believe because of the Holy Word affirming you "are in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son; and ye have received the Holy Ghost..." (Ref.: 2 Nephi 31.18.

So many people are trying to get into heaven; and you are already there. You have entered in by the gate, according to the above.

If you acquire a precious new appliance or tool that would greatly help you, would you use it, or would you store it: unopened, and left to deteriorate? Although you are able to reduce usefullness and store it, rather sell it and give to the poor: there is a better way. If you anxiously awaited receiving your much needed paycheck, upon receiving it would you just hide it under your mattress without cashing it causing it's value to become expired? You have the power to do either, yet seek that which is good.

Would you instruct people to bring you houses, cars, and money for you to control; or would you ask these things to fulfill that which is most good of Holy Prophecy (Ref.: Mat. 21.2-5)?

Jesus Christ has given you a great gift and how then will you use it? To the extent you believe heaven is good and can do goodness with great power and authority, you are right; and as stated above, 'not for your sake'. The fervent prayer of the righteous availth much. Do you pray fervently, constantly? ...Or just when the occassion feels right and suits you.

Do you pray for the right reason? ...For good. Or, for example, do you just pray on the occassion that your friend is suffering death? Would you pray as feverently for goodness for Christ's glory? Would you pray as fervently for repentance, baptism, and the remission of sins?

People are suffering around the world. Why do you let this continue? Pray and ask God to forgive you. Pray for those with sufferings and for guidance for them and their people holding authority over them.

Pray for your neighbors around the world, pray for your neighbors around time. Love your neighbors. Bring them into your prayers, into your family, into your gate of heaven, and into God's presence.

Do you pray for those who suffer because their suffering reflects badly on you? Rather pray for Christ's glory because of Christ and Christ's righteousness. Christ removes great hardships caused by disease, strife, and affliction and gives a light burden: go and do likewise.

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