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Personal Data


João Pedro Fernandes de Araújo




·     Portuguese, B.I. nº 11012138

·     single

·     Born in 1977

·     Adress:

Travessa Carlo Paggi, 9 – 7º Esq

1500-137 Lisboa

·     Phone


Mobile +351 96 586 43 69

·     E-mail


Educational Degrees



·         Primary School (1st- 9th degree)

1987 - 1992

Externato da Luz

·         Secondary School (10th – 12th degree)

1992 - 1995

Externato Marista de Lisboa

§         Including studies on Programming and System Analysis (organizational)

§         Final Mark : 17/20

·         University

1995 - 2000

ISCTE - Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa

§         Undergraduate on Business, Organization and Administration, included the following subjects:

§         Accounting and Financial Management

§         Information Management

§         Marketing

§         Finantial Investments

§         Law and Economics

§         Estimated Final Mark: 14/20

§         Estimated Conclusion: July 2000




·         1 st. Certificate in English, University of Cambridge

1992 – 1995

The British Council Externato da Luz

·         Fluency in written and spoken English

·         Good knowledge in written and spoken French


Main Interests


IT’s, namelly:

§      E-Commerce – with multiple works focusing on e-comm site analysis. Design and implementation of a experimental business site (

§      Company Information Tecnhology, enphasizing a study on “IT’s and Marketing One-to-One”


Aditional Data


·           Knowledge of Windows/Office aplications

·           Driving license

·           Own Car

Community Work



Assistant on EXPO’98 – Lisbon World Exhibition




Tennis, Swimming, Rugby and Skiing

Cinema and Theatre.