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Game Masters of Tyran

GM's are volunteers, but with any volunteer work , there are some basic duties and requirements. GMing is an important position within a role playing game and means much more than a cool GM nick and chat ops.

Listed below are what is required of Tyran's Cove GM's. If these guidelines cannot be followed, then a person should seriously consider whether they truly wish to be a GM or not.

Game Master Duties

All GMs are expected to spend at least 2 Hours Per week in the main chat room monitoring the room. The GM is there to answer player's questions to the best of their ability. When in GM nick during your monitoring time, your first priority is to the the room and to the players.

Use your common sense when coming in to monitor. If there are all ready two other GM's there, then please do not monitor when they are, or ask if you can relieve one of them as they may have been monitoring for awhile or if this is the only time you can monitor.

Power Playing and god moding is not tolerated in GM nick. GM's are NPC and are OOC characters. Players must feel they will be treated fairly by all GM's. If your character gets mad at another player and you use your GM nick to retaliate, count yourself fired. It is best to leave the room before your anger spills onto the main screen. Leave, chill, then come back to deal with the problem. If you find yourself unable to, please have the player contact the head GM.

Clear mental seperation of fantasy and reality....There are those who cannot seem to see the difference between a character in the game and the person typing at the keyboard who is playing a character. If you have this affliction, don't bother applying to be a GM because you won't last long as a participant in the game either.

You must have time. Being a GM is like a part time job. You will have certain responsibilities you must do on a daily or weekly basis. You are a volunteer but you must be willing to put in the time to do the job you've volunteered for.

Next, you must have the ability to act in a dignified manner. This has nothing to do with how you play your characters. If you choose to play the evilest, grossest, silliest, or meanest character in the land, that's your business. But, while in your GM nick, you are a representative of the game. Your actions reflect on us all.

While in your GM nick, you will be expected you act as if you are at work, in church, or meeting your partner's parents for the first time. You must be polite, civil, and well behaved. A GM sets the example for good behavior and must conduct him/herself in a manner which deserves respect. Save your creative statement for your character nicks.

Next, you must be able to act impartially in all situations. You must treat everyone equally. While in your GM nick, you have no friends or enemies. Everyone must be treated civilly. You must keep a cool head and act in a professional manner towards everyone. This is a tall order but it is an absolute must. If all else fails you must be willing to keep your mouth shut and walk away when your temper begins to flare. You will not be faulted if you ask another GM to handle the situation or if you simply leave the room. However letting loose a string of obscenities before you do so will not be tolerated.