To be Called God or Goddess in the Tyran's Cove - Role Play Game, is to be Called Great. Only the Most Superior of Role Players Will Ever Reach Such Heights in the Game.
Only Nine (9) Gods And/Or Goddesses, are Allowed At One Time.
Only Current God Titles (God/Goddess of Death, War, Justice, Magic, Love, Peace, Life, Chaos, and Lust) can be Chosen, when Choosing what Title you Want (Unless you Go Through Steps to Have the Supreme High Council Change an Already Existing God Title).
Gender Doesn't Matter When it Comes to Eligibility for God or Goddess Hood.
All Gods and Goddesses alike have Hit Points based on their number of followers. 1 Hit Point per 2 Followers.
Certain Critera (Or Requirements) Must be Obtained, For one to be Eligible for God or Goddess Hood:
The Said Character Seeking God or Goddess Hood, Should be Built Around the Rules of Tyran's Cove, as Well as Obey them to the Fullest Degree.
The Character That is Seeking God of Goddess Hood, Must be an Established One Within the Game (Usually Meaning, Your Character should of Been Playing Within this Game on an In Character Field, for at Least Three to Five (3-5) Months.
You Must Choose the God or Goddess Title, you Intend on Running For.
A Character Must Have At Least 15 Followers (Believers) in Him/Her. A God or Goddess, can not Exist Without Believers.
You Must Have a Chat Room, to Use as Your Character's Temple, or Realm. Due to Host Server Changes, You are Not required to Offically Register the Chosen Chat Room, but You should Have a Name Already Chosen for Your Room.
A Character Webpage is Required. This Webpage, Should Include the Following, at Least:
1.Character Biography.
2.Name of Your Chosen Room (You Could Also Create a Link Directly from Your Site, to your Chat Room, but this is Not a Requirement).
3.Completed, and Maintained List of Followers (Believers).
1.The Character, Can Not Belong to a Signature Group.
2.Your Character's Alignment (Good, Neutral, Evil) Should Always Match the God Title You Seek.
With the Above Requirements Met, You Should Make an Offical Post, Announcing Your Running for God or Goddess Hood. The Post Should Include an Assortment of all the Above Requirements.
Having Met all the Above Described Requirements, It comes Time to Run your Campaign. Your Campaign for God of Goddess Hood is a Test of Your Role Play, Creative, and People Skills:
Role Play Test: You Should Actively Play Your Character, Equal to the Alignment of the God or Goddess Title you Have Chosen (I.e. If your Run for God or Goddess of Peace, Your Character, Should Play the Role of a Peaceful One. This Could be done by Steering Arguments and Wars, towards a Peaceful End, as an Example).
Creative Test: Bring Something Unique to the Table, When It Comes to Your Character. This Could Mean Role Playing in a Manner Never Before Seen, or Perhaps Bringing Special Elements to Boost the Stature of your Character (I.e. If you Were Seeking the Title of God or Goddess of Death, you Could Create some Form of Church, Dealing With Burials, etc). That test will lie in the starting a "cult" of worship. It'd be of course made up of the ppl who have choosen to follow that character. The purpose and direction of the cult would be up to the Character running it. The whole point of it is to lead up to the point where the character achieves Godhood. (Course not everyone would succeed.)
People Skills Test: This Is Perhaps the Most Difficult Test of All, Because it Deals Directly with the People, the Ones that Will Ultimately Decide Whether you Become a God or Goddess. This is a Test of Your Charisma. Gods and Goddesses Are Awesome Beings, in Which the People Should Feel Blessed to Stand Before - This Means You Must Play Your Character as if to be of a Higher Level, While Maintaining Your Character's Alignment, With your Choosen God or Goddess Title's Alignment (I.e. A Person Seeking God or Goddess of Life, Should Make the People Feel the Role Play, and make them Enjoy the Character, while Maintaining your Character True to it's Good Alignment, as it Would be as a God or Goddess of Life).
You Should Remember all of Those Above Comments When Running your Campaign. It is Important, due to the Fact that your Campaign Takes Place in the Public Eye, By the Same People Who Have to Vote on Whether you Become a God or Goddess, Offically.
Your Campaign Will Continue Until You (1) Get Voted On by the Tyran High Council (I.e. The People), or (2) You Drop out of the Running for God or Goddess Hood.Due to the Vastness of the Game, the Tyran High Council is Constantly Busy, so the Wait, While they Will Move as Quickly as Possible, Could be a Long One.
All Gods Must Continue to Meet All the Requirements Needed to Run for God or Goddess Hood in Order to Maintain it.
No God or Goddess should Ever Directly Step out of his or Her Area of God or Goddess Hood, into Another God or Goddesses Territory (I.e. Never Should the God or Goddess of Life Invoke Death, That is the God or Goddess of Death's Task, and Vice Versa).
Gods and Goddesses Can Not Directly Intervene in the In Character Affairs of the Citizens of Tyran's Cove. A God or Goddess, However, May Send His or Her Followers to Carry out Their Bidding. Or, Through Some Visible Means of Roleplay (ie. Through Posting or in Chat), a Follower May Ask Their God to Intervene in Some Way Appropriate to the God's Mythos.
No God or Goddess can Physically or Magically Attack Anyone Unless They Themselves, are First Physically and/or Magically Attacked. Gods and Goddesses, However, May Accept Challenges Without First Being Attacked.
Gods and Goddesses May Find it Necessary to Bless Someone, Who has Earned the Gods' or Goddess' Praise and/or Gift, or Curse Someone, Who has Done Provoked Him or Her. (Blessings and Curses are Not by Any Means a Physical or Magical Attack but a Power Drawn From the God or Goddess Themself, Hence Why Only Gods and Goddess Have the Power to do it.) If a God or Goddess Curses, They in Turn, Must Reward Another x3. Keep in Mind That When Cursing Someone, The Said God or Goddess Must of Been Provoked in Some Fashion. Either Through Physical or Magical Provocation Against Their Person, the Death of a Family Member/Follower (Especially in the Case of an Important Individual Such as a High Ranking Official in the God's Church or Religion), the Defamation of a God or Goddess and/or his Church or Religion, etc. Could Constitute a Reprisal from a God or Goddess. No Curse or Blessing May Go Against the Tyran's Cove - Role Play Game Rules.
A God or Goddess May See Fit to Appoint Demi-Gods/Goddesses. These Beings Lack the Awesome Power of a God or Goddess Themself in so Being Unable to Curse or Bless, but are yet Stronger than the 'Mortal' Beings that Follow their God or Goddess in so Having Higher Hit Points (12hp). These Semi-Divine Beings Act and Fill a Role Appropriate to the Mythos of the God or Goddess They Serve. Like Gods and Goddess, They too Must Follow Certain Guidelines.
No God May Have More Than 3 Demi-God/Goddesses at any One Time.
Like Gods & Goddesses, Demi-Gods May Not be a Member of a Signature Group.
No Demi-God or Demi-Goddess should Ever Directly Step out of the Mythos of His or Her God or Goddess Hood, into Another God or Goddesses Territory (I.e. Never Should the Demi-God or Demi-Goddess of Life Begin Wars, That is the Demi-God or Demi-Goddess of War's Task.).
Demi-Gods and Demi-Goddesses, Being Intermediaries of a God or Goddess, May Directly Intervene in the In Character Affairs of the Citizens of Tyran's Cove as Dictated by Their God/Goddess' Will.
No Demi-God or Demi-Goddess can Physically or Magically Attack Anyone Unless They Themselves, are First Physically and/or Magically Attacked, Decreed to do so by Their God/Goddess, or Challenged.