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WeLcOmE tO mAh PaGe

Hey there peepo!!! Waz sup??? As for MeEh..nothin much hea..just chillin. Mah payge isn't all if you have n/e questions or comments, please let me knoe. Well, enjoy your stay, until then, PeAcE OuT

NaMe ~ sReYmAo

AgE ~ 5-15-19??

LocatIoN ~ NC

Status ~ Married, 4 children, 2 boyz and 2 gaLz....aHaHaHehhe :-D

hEIghT ~ Hmm...let c...*_~

EdUcAtIoN ~ high School dropped out!!!! eheheh.. 2nd yrz in college duhh!!!

Career ~ stripperz part-time...ahhaha

LikeZ ~ talk on the phone, shopping, hang out wit mah frenz, read books (love novels), Pochacco, mountain dew (dew da dew, ahahha)

ICQ # 36422692

RyDe ~ WeLL...mOsT oF Y'aLL KnOw mAh RyDe..RiGhT???

Drop me a line or two at!!!

For those of you who dont like your ficks in mah payge, please let meeh knoe, and for those of you who would like your ficks in mah payge please contact me..Thanx for dropping by...Later for now!!!

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