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Joachim Meyer Fechtbuch of 1600
Translation Project

Ashley Bishop
I'm a member of the Chicago Swordplay Guild. I got my first taste for steel as an actor/combatant. I've studied stage combat for many years, but have only just now begun learning the real deal. I'm getting up to speed with rapier and dagger, and I'm quite fond of the grappling and unarmed vs. dagger work.

Andrew Brew
I am a founder of the Stoccata School of Defence in Sydney, Australia, where I teach the rapier. I have been using medieval and Renaissance weapons (spear, axe, short sword, longsword, etc.) for over 20 years, and have been studying rapier from primary sources (and through good secondary ones - Castle and Wise) for 15 years. I fenced foil and epee for a few years in the mid-'80s. I have a pretty good knowledge of rapier, some knowledge of the short sword (I am fighting my Free Scholar's prize in it in a couple of weeks), and want to know a lot more about longsword, at a theoretical level.

Steve Colarusso
I reside in Arizona. I began fencing in the infamous 1960's through a YMCA program, learning the French style for foil and epee. I fenced sporadically into the 70's and competed in college under Coach Gilmetti who taught me the Italian style. I added sabre to my repertoire in the middle 70's. I became interested in historical fence in the early 1980's, and while I'd like to say I've read extensively on the subject since then, I've met many who make my studies seem pale in comparison. I am most happy to be a part of this company and look forward to the completion of this project!

Maria Grundmann
I'm about to graduate with a Physics degree from the Colorado College in Colorado Springs. My interest in rapier has come about due to my involvement in the Society for Creative Anachronism, where I have fought for the last four years.

I grew up in Germany, so I'm fluent in modern German. Mind you, that doesn't necessarily mean that I understand Joachim Meyer!

Michael Hewer
I am from Cologne, Germany, but am working and living as actor and fencing teacher (stage fighting) at Paris. Please visit my home pagesat which are. I have a little experience on old German texts, because I did some theater work on Grimmelshausen Simplicius Simplicissimus (1668), as well as some researches on Joachim Meyer and Hans Talhoffer.

I grew up in Germany, so I'm fluent in modern German. Mind you, that doesn't necessarily mean that I understand Joachim Meyer!

David Howard
I'm a spatial designer, a pyrotechnician, and the former Tour Supervisor (SFX) for both Janet Jackson and Metallica. In my "other life" I'm the author of two books, with Collected Poems 1980-2000 forthcoming. Having no knowledge whatsoever of swordplay, I expect to be alternately baffled and delighted by this list.

Manfred Klein
I am from Vienna, Austria, and am the founder of the Schwertspieler. I have been involved in martial arts for about 20 years. My favorite weapon is the longsword, but the Schwertspieler also fence with daggers, pole-arms, shields, etc., and also do unarmed combat. My mother language is German, so if I can help you I'll do so. Please email me at if you have any questions about German.

John Lennox
I have been sword fighting for about 17 years or so now. My primary weapon is katana, but I have studied, and am trained in many different types of swords. I have studied for about 10 years, and now specialize in, dual scimitar fighting. I have recently begun studying foil, epee and rapier, and find it fascinating. I have created a stage combat company in Lansing, Michigan, called Art of Combat

Since German is one of my primary foreign languages, I am extremely excited to do this project.

Rob Lovett
I started fighting when I was about 14 years old and have now gotten about 16 years under my belt. I have a little knowledge of modern boxing, judo and street fighting thanks to my father who, amongst other things, was basically an exiled Aberdonian and used to throw me about the room - then expected me to do the same to him. I am one of the founders of The Exiles and also a student of Terry Brown and a Member of the Company of Maisters. My main weapons are sword, shield, longsword, staff, bill and poleaxe.

At the moment I am working on reconstructing poleaxe techniques from Le Jue de Hache and am considering expanding this work into a study of pole arm usage in general to see if there is enough material and information to produce a book sometime in the future.

Andy Moynihan
I spent a long time in Asian martial arts, wishing that there were surviving Western martial arts from the European cultures of my ancestors. Ever since I found out there were, there has been no turning back for me. I tend to take this subject perhaps a bit more seriously than I ought, but the way I see it, my ancestors did this for real, so relegating it to drama/fantasy seems a kind of insult to the warriors who lived and died by these methods. For that reason, I am proud to have been given the chance to work on this Project and aid in any small way I can to promote the growth of Western martial arts.

Harri Ohra-aho
I'm from Tampere, Finland. I'm quite a sword enthusiast and practice Muso Shinden Ryu iaido, but my experience in European swordsmanship is still on the book study level. There's really no organization for these things in Finland, but I'm planning on getting some swords and maybe some people together in the future to get on with some swordplay.

John O'Meara
I'm originally from Montreal, Canada, and currently living in Chicago. I'm a stage actor, director and writer of sorts. I used to fence foil and epee in college and am trained in stage combat (rapier/dagger, longsword). Now, with the Chicago Swordplay Guild, I'm learning to do what I always really wanted to do but had no idea people were actually doing - fence with a rapier. I'm pretty much a novice, technically. My prior knowledge is mostly of the historical context.

Mark Rector
I am the Meyer Translation Project Coordinator, a co-founder of the Chicago Swordplay Guild and an Associate Director of Swordplay Symposium International. My interest in Historical Fencing began with my work as an actor/combatant/fight director in the theatre, and has continued to grow. I fence rapier & dagger, longsword, sword and buckler, smallsword, and do a little knife fighting on the side. I'm eager to study the dusak, as well. This summer (2000), Greenhill Press, London, will publish my English translation of Hans Talhoffer's Fechtbuch of 1467 under the title Medieval Combat. In my spare time I dance the Argentine Tango.

Kenneth Stouffer
Ken is a man who has done many different things. Name just about anything, he has probably done it. Jack of all trades but a master of none would best describe him. Of all the things he has done he enjoys games of competetive nature. Chess and fencing being his favorite passtimes, he believes that true love for something is realised when you enjoy participating in it... at its highs and lows, during wins or losses. He plays sheerly for the opportunity to play, and finds pride in his victories and lessons in his defeats.

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