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Linday: Bobby
Bobby: I’d like some privacy Linsday.
Lindsay: Fine, I won’t let anybody else in.
(Bobby comes out of bathroon, Lindsay closes door)
Lindsay: Things makes a little more sense to me now.
(Bobby shakes his head)
Bobby: As a little kid, I’d run around those offices.....
(Music Begins)
Wanting to be like them...(Shakes his head) Wanting to dress like them (shakes his
head) argue cases......(smile) be important....and at the same time I hated them.
Lindsay: Why?
Bobby: For the way they treated him, I should say the way they didn’t treat him...he’s just a janitor, he was never in the room when he was in the room
Lindsay: Like you say Bobby, we will never be them
Bobby: Thanks for saying that you..uh..heard all about him
(Lindasy nods)
Bobby: I feel so ashamed that you have..
(Lindsay and Bobby hug)


Bobby: I’ll say this whoever framed him did a pretty good job
Lindsay: Do you think he could get convicted
Bobby: Well they couldn’t come up with a suspect...Look
(Bobby points to TV Screen)
Lindsay: Why does everybody leave out Dole, what am I a pinapple?
(Lindsay turns off TV)
Bobby: Seems so suddenly were drifting into homicides again
Lindsay: Yea
(Bobby about to leave for door, turns around to see Lindsay again)
Bobby: You okay?
(Lindsay puts hand to head)
Linday: I....(deep breath) the way we strung on witnesses, I mean, I know we had to a little
Bobby: Lindsay, I can put Eugene on this
Lindsay: No, I want to be on this case
Bobby: Why?
Lindsay: Good question
Bobby: Something tells me you know the answer
Lindsay: Remember when I was against Pearson in the tobacco case? You accused me of not bieng tough enough
Bobby: I did?
Lindsay: You thought I might be looking for approval in his eyes, and you were right, I mean, everytime I have looked at this firm through his eyes I felt, I don’t know, ....sleazy isn’t the right word but
Bobby: It’s the word that comes to mind
Lindsay: I was his best student, he was my favourite proffesor, I would see his dissapointment and, and now the chance for me and this firm to fight for him, to rescue him....It feels like this chance to radify what we are, and yet the things I’ve been doing to help us save get that approval........I have been everything he’s accused me of becoming
Bobby: And what is it you’ve become
Lindsay: Some lawyer who gets people aquittles
Bobby: Your a lot more than that Lindsay, in his eyes and everyone elses
Lindsay: I hope
(Bobby touches Lindsay’s face, about to kiss, Lindsay advances to just hug)


(Bobby walks by and see’s Lindsay at her desk, still working)
Bobby: Go home
Lindsay: I would but it’d cramp Helen’s love life
Bobby: Lindsay.....Go home
Lindsay: And do what? Put my feet up, watch a movie, while he sits in jail.
Bobby: You’ve done everything you can.....I was in the back of that appeals court,
I’ve never seen a better performance by any lawyer, anywhere, but it’s have to let go of it now.
Lindsay: Doesn’t it bother you? You know he’s facing life imprisonment, because of our screw up
Bobby: He’s facing prison, cause he shot and killed a man
Lindsay: No Bobby, it’s because we blew it.....especially you, you screwed up the most.
Bobby: Me?
Lindsay: Yes you......that ridiculous involuntary argument, it was stupid, and you know why we got all into it? Because it was a got all high off the idea like you always do over stunts.....if it’s novel, you want to try it, and because we did, a good man has lost his life
Bobby: Is that what you think?
Lindsay: Yes! And we screwed up by not appealing Judge Hiller’s ruling....that’s what cost us that appeal, it was malpractice....You know the only upside is, it gives us new grounds, what you see on this table his research on inadequate council
(Lindsay hits book on desk)
Lindsay: (While crying) All the drug dealers I have put back out there and him
Bobby: C’mon
(Bobby and Lindsay hug)


(Bobby walks into office, see’s Lindsay leaning on office doorway)
Bobby: Hey
Lindsay: Hey......Bobby, I’m sorry.....I, didn’t mean
(Bobby put’s his hand up)
Bobby: Forget about it
Lindsay: I’ve just been (shakes her head) I hate myself for crying
Bobby: I know...........Look this whole office is here for you.....whatever you need
Lindsay: (looks up) Thank you
Bobby: I’m here for know that right
(Lindsay deep breath)
Bobby: What
Lindsay: Nothing..........I was just thinking, sometimes ( music begins) I just.......
(Bobby kisses her)*


Lindsay: Can you believe she’s about to be sworn in
Lucy: Hey, You think I should go into law school?
All: NO!
(Lindsay leans over and smell Lucy)
Lindsay: Charmeraine.....I like that, Helen wears that
Lucy: I’m not wearing Charmeraine
(Lindsay looks at Ellenor)
Ellenor: I wear slovaki in snow
(All turn to Bobby)
Bobby: We hugged alone
(Bobby looking around awkward) (NOTE:...I have no idea what and how to spell those names of perfumes if you know pls tell me)

Bobby: What’re ya doin’
Lindsay: We have to stay on reasonable doubt Bobby, we can’t just say the father did it.
Bobby: Can I ask you something?
(Lindsay looks up)
Bobby: Are we a couple, I mean a couple in waiting.....we’ve kissed, we’ve.......what’re we doing.....or, not doing?
(Lindsay looks up)
Lindsay: What’s goin’ on, are you dying? Why is it suddenly coming up?
Bobby: Well isn’t it strange that we don’t address, obviously we have feelings!
Lindsay: Your asking me why it’s strange that you don’t address your feelings?
Bobby: Was I just insulted?
(Lindsay near the coffee machine)
Lindsay: I was in love with you once, maybe I still am, but I don’t think............
Bobby: What?
Lindsay: Do you really want to get into this?
Bobby: No
(Lindsay put cup down......then waks infront of him)
Lindsay: This isn’t a great life, great job, but life, you know......I need somebody to pull me out of this a little, and whatever you may’ll never be that
(music begins)
Bobby: So, were not a couple in waiting
Lindsay: Truth
(Bobby nods)
Lindsay: I could fall all over in love with you again if I let myself
(Bobby smiles)
Lindsay: But I won’t
(Lindsay gets back to work......Bobby looks hurt)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Bobby, Lindsay and Helen

Lindsay: She’s testifying, She’s testifying......Aunty Em come back.....You sound like
that wicked witch of the west when you object!
Helen: Oooh your Glenda......did she understand tracking?
Lindsay: Oh yea ( Lindsay chucks icing with the spoon on Helen)
(Lindsay laughs)
(Helen picks up spray can, and spray it on Lindsay)
Lindsay: Stop it
Helen: Nah, Nah, Nah...........
Lindsay: Stop it, Stop it, Stop it, Stop it..........ok put the can down, should’ve put the can dooooown...
(Helen and Lindsay both screaming an laughing, this time Lindsay with the can and Helen shucking icing from the bowl)
(Bobby walks in)
Lindsay: (surprised) Bobby!
(Lindsay tastes icing on side of her lip, with her finger)
Lindsay: Mmmm.....that’s good
Bobby: What is going on?
Helen: What? We do this everynight
Lindsay: What are you doing here?
Bobby: Uh.....You weren’t picking up, I need to talk to you about something
Helen: Is it desert? Cause were ready
(Helen opens wide her hands, and Lindsay looks at her laughing, spraying her once more before leaving for her room)
Lindsay: In my room
(Both in Lindsay’s room)
Lindsay: What’s the matter?
Bobby: The kids father, he goes up tomorrow
Lindsay: Yea so?
Bobby: How important do you think it is that we go after him, like maybe he killed his son?
Lindsay: How important? Hello,that’s our whole theory.
Bobby: Lindsay, next week we go on trial for accusing the Robins kid of killing her sister, now if we plan B the father tomorrow in this case, guarantee Tommy Silva will be making a big meal out of it.....Think about how it would look......we scream that a brother killed his sister, now a father killed his son?
Lindsay: They’re two different cases
Bobby: Even so
Lindsay: Look......we can’t get out of Evelyn’s trial now, we’ve already started it.......And we can’t not go after the father, that’s our defence.......the only choice here is to settle the Robins law suit now, which is what I ‘ve been saying all along, and beyond that....Jimmy........he’s a good lawyer, but I think everybody’s having a hard time with you putting our survival in his hands
Bobby: Ellenor and Eugene can’t do it, their involved
Lindsay: Well then get outside council, or go with you or me, but not Jimmy
(Bobby wipes icing from above Lindsay upper lip with his fingers)
Bobby: You know Lindsay, about a month or so ago we exchanged a kiss, and we never ever talked about it, it was in the middle of the Pearson Trial, should we talk about it?
(Lindsay takes a deep breath)
Lindsay: Well.......why are you bringing it up now, when were in the middle of another trial?
Bobby: I don’t know.........It’s’s not something you wanna discuss?
Lindsay: Not right
Bobby: Ok......(smiles) I’ll see you tomorrow
Lindsay: Ok......(smiles)
(Bobby leaves and Lindsay looks at herself in the mirror with the towl against her)


Lindsay: So...he’s doing well?
Bobby: On the son he did great, on the father......he wobbled a little
Lindsay: Who’s next?
Bobby: The detective, right after lunch
Lindsay: Well good luck
Bobby: To all of us
Lindsay: Bobby umm, uh, this Christmas Party, we can invite clients
Bobby: (Stands Up) I guess
Lindsay: Uh, what about dates, are we supposed to bring dates
Bobby: You know you really should check with Lucy, she knows more of what’s goin on
Lindsay: Ok
Bobby: Do you have a date
Lindsay: Uh, well no, I haven’t asked anyone, I was just wondering.......are you bringing anyone (walks closer)
Bobby: No um * I’m up next with the detective so I should really......
Lindsay: Oh yea (nods)
Bobby: (Looks hurt)


Helen: Should’ve settled this
Lindsay: Tell me about it
Helen: Lindsat if they come back over the policy it’s gonna Donnell, Young, Dole and Shut
Lindsay: I know
Helen: Aren’t you scared?
Lindsay: Yes....I’ve been thinking about leaving anyway, a little
Helen: Excuse me?
Lindsay: A little, you know maybe to a bigger firm
Helen: Your in love with him
Lindsay: What? Who?
Helen: What are you afraid of, because you two work together? If it’s right
Lindsay: It isn’t right, and I know where it’ll end, and I don’t want to end up like.....
Helen: Like what
Lindsay: He’s a wokaholic for one thing
Helen: What’s another thing? Are you waiting for him to totally get over me, cause it just doesn’t happen
Lindsay: Let’s just decorate the tree
Helen: Sure..............Your an idiot
Lindsay: Decorate

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Bobby and Lindsay !!!!!!!!
Lindsay: Everything ok?
Bobby: Eugene’s testimony went a little ruff
Lindsay: Were finished aren’t we?
Bobby: (Looks confused) Had we started up again?
Lindsay: Uh.....This firm...ah....if we loose this case
Bobby: Oh....uh...uh well we haven’t lost and even if we do there’s a lot to appeal.....were not finished
Lindsay: (Looks confused)
Bobby: (Looks weird) What!
Lindsay: That’s all.

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Bobby, Rebecca, Ellenor and Lucy

Rebecca: Is it that bad
Bobby: No, it’s just
Rebecca: Tell me
Bobby: I kissed Lucy, I should say she kissed me, and when she did it, it felt wrong,
like I was betraying somebody.....LINDSAY.......somewhere in the back of my brain I feel like I’m in some kind of relationship with her. My head went straight to here when Lucy kissed me.
Rebecca: I was talking about the Robins Case
Bobby: What?......Oh, didn’t go very well, it wasn’t good.
Rebecca: You kissed Lucy?
Bobby: She kissed me....mistletoe, but well.....
Rebecca: You kissed Helen Gamble, you kissed Lindsay, there was that whiny thing in the short skirt, and now you kiss Lucy....What’s wrong with you?
Bobby: Rebecca
Rebecca: You know were about to face bankruptcy, your running around kissing teenagers, what’s wrong with you?
Bobby: Rebecca! I tell you something that’s bothering me and you swat me!
Rebecca: Your damn right she’s 18 years old
Bobby: She kissed me!
(Lucy walks in)
Lucy: why don’t you tell the whole world?
Bobby: Lucy
Lucy: You know it’s bad enough that she already hates me!
Rebecca: I don’t hate you
Ellenor: What is going on here?
Rebecca: Has he kissed you too?
(Everyone starts yelling at eachother)
Bobby: everyone back to work..BACK TO WORK!


(Christmas Part in the firm, Lindsay and Bobby walk into his office and shut the door)
Lindsay: So...were still in buisness?
Bobby: Yea, still partners, unless your thinking of leaving
Lindsay: What?
Bobby: Helen said something
Lindsay: Oh..(Lindsay’s hand to head)..I’m not going anywhere...........I should be honest about.....uh...I, don’t mean to be cold, I mean, it’s not that I’m not intrested...I just now it’s not right, and for once, I’m going with my head. (Smiles at Bobby)
Bobby: Oh yea Lindsay, you and your heart , it’s so out of control.
Lindsay: (smiles) What’s that supposed to mean?
Bobby: Nothing, it means your right, I’m going with your head too
Lindsay: Good..........(Lindsay approaches him to kiss on the cheek) Merry Christmas... (instead of her kissing him on the cheek, their mouths accidentally meet. They KISS)
Bobby: I....uh.....
(Lindsay put her finger on his lips to stop him)
(They kiss again)
(Lucy is peeking through the window and Helen is beside her)
Lucy: Really exchanging fluids with that one
Helen: C’mon Lucy, you and I haven’t really gotten to know eachother yet, so maybe we should just take this time.........


(Bobby and Lindsay in Bobby’s bathroom, bobby brushing his teeth)
Lindsay: I don’t need you to stick up for me.
Bobby: I, I wasn’t sticking up for you, How was I sticking up for you?
Lindsay: You told her to lay off me?, what’s that?, I can fight my own battles
Bobby: (Deep Breath) I was talking to her as senior partner, which I still am, that doesn’t change anything just because I’m..
Lindsay: Your not senior partner here Bobby
Bobby: Well lets put our clothes back on, we’ll drive over to the office, and we’ll have the conversation there.
(Lindsay walks out of bathroom)
Bobby: What?
Lindsay: They’re treating me differently know, like I’m Helen in some trojan horror story
Bobby: That is your imagination.
(Lindsay picks up a red face towel ans starts to twist it, no wanting to meet Bobby’s gaze)
Bobby: Look can you not handle this? because we can go back to being
(Lindsay interupts)
Lindsay: Is that what you want?, to go back?
Bobby: no
Lindsay: Well it causing a lot of...(Deep Breath)....if you really ( music begins) wanna go back I’ll understand........I will.
(Bobby walks up to her and strokes her chin)
Bobby: My new years resolution was to move ahead
Lindsay: And everyone certainly thinks that was mine don’t they?
Bobby: You care what they think?
Lindsay: YES
Bobby: But you care more about what I think right?
(Lindsay smiles)
Bobby: I’m not going anywhere......I’d rather fire you
Lindsay: You can’t just fire me, I’m a partner
Bobby: Yea you are.....MINE
(KISS)...(YAY) HI every1! Well obviously this site is not finished yet!. I'ts still under a lot of under construction. I have a lot more transcripts....hope to have them all here soon! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!