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Helen Gamble is one of Boston's D.A's (District Attorneys) who joined the gang in the second season. She is Lindsay Dole's best friend, and was even her roomate for an entire season (season 3) and the first few episodes of season four. This was before Lindsay moved in with her fiance Bobby Donnell, who in fact became Helen's boyfriend for a few weeks in season two, after Lindsay and Bobby broke up.

Helen Gamble is a great prosecutor who will do almost anything to get that guilty verdict she desires. Even if it involves lying to a suspect to get a statement. Lately, Helen's desperation has gotten the best of her, with most of her cases going to the victorious firm of Donnell, Young, Dole and Frutt. Tired of loosing her cases, and seeing the "guilty" being let free over and over again, her perspective of her profession has gone a little haywire, as too have the perspective of the others. Known to get deeply emotional in her cases, her best friend and the rest of DYD&F, began to worry about Helen, and encouraged her to take a break of the demanding emotional work of law. But Helen, always a fighter got back into the game of law, and is still up there with the best, working hard everyday, in an attempt to bring the people to justice.

This hasn't affected the way she has had to deal with her numerous amount of cases regarding the debatable concepts of Euthanasia. The death of her grandmother who she was particularly close to, when she was only eighteen years old, has made a large impact on her life and the way she makes deals and decisions in court. Her grandmother was given the diagnosed increase in the morphine and Helen is strongly against the idea of Euthanasia based on her experiences with her grandmother and her belief that her grandmother didn't really want to die. But was just convinced by doctors and the people surrounding her that she didn't want to be any trouble any more. For this reason, anytime a euthanasia case is dropped on her desk, she does her very best to get that guilty verdict. Often making the mistake of making the case personal.

Helen hasn't only had to deal with criminals in the court room, but just recently she had to confront a criminal right in her own apartment. With her roomate Ellenor Frutt being held at knife-point, she shooted George Vogelman before he could hurt them anymore.

Helen's life life also seems to be a rollercoaster of events surrounding bad luck. Since the beginning, Helen has been searching for "Mr. Right" but, fate has always had a different idea. In the second season, she thought Mr Right, was Bobby, but Lindsay occupied Bobby's heart, even though it didn't always appear that way. In the third season, she resorted to a blind date. But he just suddenly dissapeared with no word. And in the fourth season, well, it was her co-worker DA. Richard (Midget) Bey who tried to get her attention. Even scoring himself 2 dates with her, and a kiss!. Hopefully, season 5 will provide her with the "right man" she is looking for! Detective Mike perhaps??….We'll just have to wait and see!