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Aaron's Party Come Hit It...

Aaron Carter 10/20/02: Ok, there is a lot to this story but I am gonna cut to the chase. We freakin met Aaron Carter! We met him backstage and at his hotel, which also happened to be Nelly's hotel. Nelly couldn't sign anything or take pics but he threw us a peace sign! Aaron was so cool but I have one word to describe our day: *CORRUPT*. The concert was totally awesome! Aaron sang his little heart out and gave us a sort of strip tease! NO shirt! The funniest thing happened to me during the concert too, AC threw a towel out in the crowd and we were fighting of it, I was tuggin the crap out of that thing and all of a sudden, SOME BITCH BIT ME! LMAO! I pushed her ass off and down so fast! Security hopped over real quick like to stop the brawl that was about to occur and we went back to the show as usual. There is a line in a song, and it goes: "Shell toed shoes the girls would wear, pink bikinis everywhere" So we went out and got some pink bikinis. We told him that we had gotten them for him and he was all "Oh...OH!!" I even got a pic with him and and me showing my bikini. Sick I know. Ne ways, Aaron was hella cool!And that is all I have to say about that!

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