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Pastures of Green-Olympics

The Apollo Special

Track Nominees Final Entry
California Gordon Road Gordon Road
Pal Listen
Delaware Stormy The Stormy Stormy The Stormy
Frisco Capote
Iowa Cuvee Beau Cuvee Beau
Grand Kong
Ireland Lever Sparky Lever Sparky
Juan Saint
Minnesota West The Star West The Star
Two Slew
Nebraska Aegon's Deposits Aegon's Deposits
Rare Slew
Nevada Ninety Two Sea Ninety Two Sea
Tudor Beers
New York Crown George Necessary Deed
Necessary Deed
North Carolina Act Bart Grim Dancer
Grim Dancer
Turfstar (Longchamp) Notion Teddy Notion Teddy
Senior Little
Vermont Burnt World Alyoro
Vikings (Sweden) Billy Cayenne Billy Cayenne
Raspberry Phar

Equinic Oath Equinic Rules
Equinic Tracks Join the Equinics
Equinic Races Equinic Prizes
The Lighting of the Flame Equinic Diary
Equinic Results Hall of Medals