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Pastures of Green-Olympics

Athena Sprint

Track Nominees Final Entry
California Dixie Hero Dixie Hero
Bold Deputy
Delaware Boom Tickling Boom Tickling
Ant Jess
Iowa Queen's Cat Queen's Cat
Queen Robin
Ireland Barely Learn Barely Learn
Holy La (IRE)
Minnesota Hollywood Bull Hollywood Bull
Honduras Bull
Nebraska Deed La Deed La
Heather's Tongues
Nevada Gordie's Prints Gordie's Prints
A.N. Silver
New York Rubbernecker Socially Affirmed

North Carolina Corporate Fridge Corporate Fridge
Tootsie the Act
Turfstar (Longchamp) Prospect Dealing Prospect Dealing
Lady Frankenstein
Vermont Project Chatting Project Chatting
Their Bow
Vikings (Sweden) Sister Rum Sister Rum
Boulder Lass

Equinic Oath Equinic Rules
Equinic Tracks Join the Equinics
Equinic Races Equinic Prizes
The Lighting of the Flame Equinic Diary
Equinic Results Hall of Medals