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Athena Sprint

Champion Corparate Fridge

3+ yr old fillies - 6f on the Dirt

Sweden's Pride wins Athena Sprint

By Cerryl

In my mind I was sitting atop Mount Olympus with the beautiful goddess Athena in full armor at my side. This race was meant to honor her and the fact made her smile. As the 3 year old and older females lined up for the 6f sprint, I knew this would be a special race.

When the gates opened Deed La broke with amazing speed. Her stride was strong and quick and she was setting a blistering pace. Longshot Hollywood Bull ran a close second but because of the torrid pace the goddess and I started looking at the stalkers hanging out near the back of the pack.

Early Favorite Queen's Cat ran a comfortable 3 1/4 back at the first call with Dixie's Hero's and Sister Rum in close company.Corparate Fridge stalked from the 11th spot just 4 1/2 off the lead. " I felt I was in good position to win. The pace was fast and that set it up for the stalkers. I just had to wait for the right moment" said W. Massey jockey for Queen's Cats.

Not much changed up to the halfway mark, but then the race really got going. Sister Rum, Queens Cats and Corparate Fridge all took off eating up ground on the leader Deed La. Corparate Fridge seemed to stay back a little longer but Queens Cats and Sister Rum seemed set on a dual of their own as they crept closer to the leader.

"She was urging me to take off, but I didn't feel we were ready yet. so when we hit the halfway mark I let her have her run. I was worried I started too early but she seemed so strong I had to give her the opportunity" said F. Gosset jockey for Sister Rum.

Sister Rum soon blew by Queens Cats and set her sights on Deed La. As the horses turned for home Deed La's lead was next to nothing and the fading horse was swallowed up by Sister Rum. Queens Cats was next to whip past Deed La and set her sights on Sister Rum, but sister rum proved to strong and pulled away. In my imagination Sister Rum became a white horse with wings and flew towards the finish line and into the stars.

Corparate Fridge made a huge run late but couldn't catch the two top horses and had to settle for the bronze just a length and a half ahead of 4th place Deed La.

"Nothing was going to stop this horse today. She was in top form and just had too much speed for the group. My hats off to Queen's Cats, they ran a great race and pushed us all the way." said F. Gossett

Sister Rum the new pride of Sweden was led into the winners circle. I looked at Athena's bright smile and laughed to myself. As befitting a goddess she had known the winner all along.

As I sat and watched the rest of the races on this most spectacular day. Some things became clear to me. It didn't take my imagination to see perfection and beauty in motion. Sister Rum showed that all by herself. It was even apparent from the nosebleed seats sitting next to a total stranger who for a few short minutes became a goddess. Well at least my Athena had picked the winner :)

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