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Olympic Motto
Swifter, higher, stronger

But if, my heart, you wish to sing of contests, look no further for any star warmer than the sun, shining by day through the lonely sky, and let us not proclaim any contest greater than Olympia.

-- Pindar, First Olympian Ode

The Athena Sprint Preview:
by Cerryl

New Hero will be crowned in the Athena Sprint

In Ancient Greece war was a common occurrence. Men went to battle and died, those who lived had proved themselves heroes. Then the Olympics began and instead of proving oneself on the field in battle, one could test himself on a new field, one of skills and athleticism. Every 4 years new champions were made. The names of these heroes was spread throughout the lands. The names have now been lost to time, but the spirit of the Olympics lives on.

Today as I stand in Vermont, I get a feel of the old spirit. The great horses from around the globe have come here to prove themselves upon this new field. Strength, stamina and determination will be tested and in the end new champions will be made, new heroes anointed. Saturday begins the Equinics.

As you walk the green pastures and meet the people who have come here for this great event you get a feeling of excitement and companionship. everyone has the horses on their minds and of all the races I have the honor of covering the Athena Sprint.

Mythology says the goddess Athena was born from the mind of Zeus as a full adult, dressed in armor. She was the goddess of wisdom, The protector of heroes but perhaps more importantly she is credited for inventing the horse-bit, which, for the first time, tamed horses, allowing men to use them.

This 6f sprint for 3 year old+ fillies and mares is wide open. The horses are all strong and none have shown themselves to be absolute winners.

Representing the state of Iowa, Queens Cat's is the early favorite at 2/1 odds. This 5 year old veteran has brought in $1,511,880 in her 48 races (19 win 8 place 4 show). "I'm very happy for the chance to represent Iowa" said jockey W. Massey "I have a real good horse and I expect she will run her best come race time. She feels ready and I'm sure we will be a factor in who wins this race."

Longchamp's Prospect Dealing is a 5 year old looking to prove herself. At only 19 races (7 win 6 place 2 show) this mare has already brought in $274,190 in winnings. A few close losses has this horse needing a win this Saturday. "I think this horse has more potential then she has shown. We plan to race a tactical race and be close enough to pull out the win" said N. Egger jockey.

Sister Rum of Sweden is here for pride of her country. The Viking racing sprinter is here to prove the strength of Swedish horse racing. In 43 starts (17 wins 4 place 12 show) this 6 year old has pulled in $627,773 in winnings and has no plans to stop there. A win and a place in her last 3 starts shows that this horse may be getting hot just in time for the equinics.

Dixie's Heros of California is a veteran 4 year old looking for a big win. In 41 races (14 win 8 place 3 show) this filly has brought in $617,915. The last few races have raised questions as her ability to come from off the pace seems to be lacking. "We've got her sharp and ready to go. I feel she will perform and am excited about being here" said jockey B. Kneen.

North Carolina's Corporate Fridge seems just happy just to be here but dont let that fool you. The Olympics are about the long shot and this horse would like to ride in on some luck. In 24 races (4 win 7 place 1 show) this 4 year old has brought in $109,604. With no stakes starts in her last 5 races, people are wondering if she'll be able to handle the competition "Im very excited to be here. It is a honaor to represent North Carolina and I hope we can make the people proud. We arent expected to win but we will try hard and hope for the best." said jockey C. Jamison with a smile.

Saturday will be a very special day and I am sure it wil also be a great Athena sprint. I pick Prospect Dealing to come home as Athena's Champion. Let the games begin.

Also Running: Boom Tickling of Delaware, Barely Learn of Ireland, Hollywood Bull of Minnesota, Deed La of Nebraska, Gordie's Prints of Nevada, Socially Affirmed of New York, and Project Chatting of Vermont

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