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Olympic Motto
Swifter, higher, stronger

But if, my heart, you wish to sing of contests, look no further for any star warmer than the sun, shining by day through the lonely sky, and let us not proclaim any contest greater than Olympia.

-- Pindar, First Olympian Ode

The Poseidon Challenge Preview:
by Wahoo

The Poseidon Challenge-Grade II
2 yr olds-8f on the Turf

I finally got into town late Wednesday night after picking up Down The Jazz in New York.  He was a little dismayed to learn that his dad, Benny The Dip, was recently transacted to stand in England, but at the same time glad that he may have added to Benny’s overall value.  I promised that we would try to go and see him.


     The merriment and festivities that took place here last night were well underway.  As I understand there’s a different Olympic track sponsoring nightly events all the way through the Games.  However, it seems to be a continuous stream of one party flowing into the next that will climax with the lighting of the Equine Olympic Flame.  From there it will be the grandest SIM sporting event ever.

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